Hey guys! Being the altoholic I am, I’ve decided to make a character recently that is, without question, an evil character.
An evil character that will never be discovered while IC, and that led me to wanting to make a discussion about it.
What it means to roleplay as an evil person.
We are all (I think) IRL humans. Evil is a subjective subject. What is evil to one person is not evil to another. To really dig in and make an evil character, I sat back and thought about what it would mean to be someone that, almost universally, would be seen as an evildoer.
An evil character, in the context of a universe like World of Warcraft, can range from anything to insidious mastermind working behind the curtain, to an all-powerful warlord hellbent on destruction.
Obviously, there are RP situations for both types of characters, and there are obviously other varieties. The important thing to keep in mind is that each of these ‘evil’ archetypes have a motive which lead them to doing the things they do.
Most of these characters, from a motivational standpoint, are self-serving. Is that really evil? Again, it mostly depends on the culture. A self-serving ruler might have the ambition to get things done and takes the larger cut of the spoils, as they did the foot work. Where does personal ambition cross the line?
If an evil character does good things for personal gain, are they still evil? If, say a warlock, which drains the souls and corrupts the land in the pursuit of power, uses their knowledge of darker magics to cleanse curses and save farmland from a plague they can counter, does that act as a sort of balance to their dark deeds? They still harvest souls. They still corrupt minds, hearts, and lands. They deal with demons.
Ren’dorei, as a race, can almost universally be seen as an ‘ends justify the means’ people. Willing to embrace a cultural taboo for personal power… but use that universal power to help people and keep the real darkness at bay. One turning their nose up to their methods is understandable, but was the Sin’dorei exiling them and calling them traitors justified? The exiling can be argued for, as it was to keep the Sunwell safe, but labeling them as traitors when the Ren’dorei were forsaken by their people? Their faction?
I’m kind of getting off track here, but a quality backstory for an evil character can be crafted simply from bitterness and strife in the lore of a race and class. The main point I’m striving for here is:
Why is evil done so poorly?
Now hear me out. Most of the RP I’ve seen here in the RP scene, both Alliance and Horde, has been done almost exclusively in the open. Blatant and without due caution or care. A second generation DK going rogue in the streets of Stormwind, a Garrosh-sympathizer blantantly attacking and demeaning those they deem lesser.
This isn’t to discourage those types, oh no, I think the RP scene could do with some Final Fantasy-esque villains to deal with In-Character! But, like, that’s all you really see with openly evil characters. You never see the type of evil character that is keeping to the law of the land. The type of evil where a guard scowls and froths with rage seeing them, but can’t arrest them as they have done nothing wrong.
The evil that makes friends frequently. The evil that gets drinks bought for them. The evil that’s a joy to be around. The evil that never apologizes for what they are, what their goals are, or what they’re willing to do to those that cross them, and yet, will NEVER be found with a criminal record. The evil often hired to tend to the tax books and the guard registry. Lawyers, bounty hunters, military generals.
The evil that drips charisma in public, and with blood in private. Hell, not even dripping blood! The political type of evil. Everyone knows they are self-serving and will stop at nothing to get what THEY want, damn the cost… but will do so with a charming smile and a wink.
Is it the nature of RP that all evil must be broadcasted? I’m honestly curious as to how the RP scene views evil characters. Success stories, tales of warning. Let me see your thoughts!