The Pace of content release should not be set by the 1%

I think it will normalize the economy. Dire Maul farming is kinda the pinnacle of gold/hr grinding for most classes. There will always be niche farms like BRD Arena, pickpocket runs, eye of shadow, etc… but Dire Maul farming will cause a large infusion of gold into the economy but a steady amount with a somewhat more predictable inflation curve

Those people too few to matter. Most fans want this to be a long enjoyful journey.

The video they released earlier today. So hard to check the frontpage of MMO Champ for ten seconds

Because who doesn’t expect to find breaking news on third party sites rather than the official game website.

Only Blizzard does this crap and only blizzard white knights like yourself defend it.

This is not true.

Most people disdnt raid, ever. Before, or after DM. It was low to middle single digits for the entirety of Vanilla

… im a Blizzard White Knight? News to me. Im just anti-idiot.

Its like… the video…

was on the launcher you toadstool

I see no classic news video on the launcher. Am I supposed to watch the BFA stuff? Is it in those?

100%, yes. The number of kills you have to get to even rank up once is not something you’re going to achieve solo-killing other players. Youll be out-gained by everyone who spent even two hours in the TM vs SS scrum.

Uh, no. You are not the aribter of what a term means. Your opinion on what a term means i hereby noted and discarded and ignored as nonsensical, illogical, and stupid.

Anyone who doens’t give you an HK is a lowbie. Anyone who you cant dungeon with because they wont be able to hit or hurt the mobs is a lowbie

Its not a tough concept.

Except for you, apparently.

You didn’t see a BFA video on the launcher, either.

You saw a developers update video.

Its almost like Developers Updates might have updates for BOTH versions of WoW.


Or, if you wanted concise summaries of that video, you could check news sites that … like… specialize in that sort of thing. Like MMO CHamp has been for the better part of 10 years.

You could always try making up your mind: are most people going to do the content, or not?

I haven’t hit 60 and am not QQing over this nonsense.

I’m sorry Blizz, but I totally agree with this sentiment. Only about 5% of my guild are even Level 60. 0% have even attempted MC or Ony.

And now my GL has rescheduled our gear runs, and apparently we’re gonna be doing Dire Maul instead of other pre-raid runs. Which I kind of understand, because DM gear is better than the current pre-raid gear. But it’s massively disappointing. I had not expected the pace of releases for Classic to be this fast. It feels like a mistake.

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I agree with the original poster of this message thread.

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It certainly is a mistake . . . on the part of a GL who would rather rush through. Find out if anybody else in the guild feels the same way, and talk about it.

The 1% was level 60 after a week so they are not catering to them. I’d say by the time they release DM we are looking at 20%-25% being 50+ which is a perfectly acceptable number for releasing it.

stop pulling numbers out of thin air and show actual blizzard data

No, it was to help them get into BWL. Just look at the gear stats.

Why on earth as a classic player, would I click on a “NEW CONTENT REVEAL” video on the launcher? There is NO reason whatsoever to believe that there is classic news in it.

I asked for math and don’t see any. What’s to stop “lowbie” people from taking a break from exp’ing (see: ganking) to also going to participate in tm vs ss again? All a “lowbie” has to do is hit a lev 60 one time to get credit for the kill