The Pace of content release should not be set by the 1%

Seriously, the majority of guilds haven’t even started running MC yet. What a terrible decision to introduce Dire Maul at this point, if true.


I don’t see how it makes any difference.

Just more things to do at 60?

What the problem is


Look harder. One of the pitfalls of the original Vanilla design is that it created classes of players. Guilds constantly poaching other guilds leaving a class of elite guilds and a series of perpetually floundering “feeder” guilds.

Releasing content sooner than scheduled only exacerbates this problem and will encourage the segmentation of the population.


uh… ok.

I’m just gonna have an edible and pretend to look harder.


Some of the gear in DM makes some raid gear obsolete. From what I can gather, people are upset because they feel that Blizzard is pushing the new content out faster to appease the 1% of tryhard nolifers that are spamming the forums for new content because of their own choice to take a month off, not work, just simply have no life - whatever - and rushed to 60/did all the content already, while the massive majority of people haven’t even begun to raid or hit 60 for that matter.

I could be wrong though.


why not? the only people playing in a year will be the 1%

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Well you’ll be glad to know that the fabled 1% did not actually set the schedule for release.

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So false. Just because some of us don’t have the time to have 6/8 tier 1 and 2/8 tier 2 yet, doesn’t mean we’re going to stop playing. I can’t play like I used to when vanilla was out, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to play at all. So many people are trying waaay too hard.


Dire Maul was introduced as a way to help guilds more easily get into Molten Core.


‘‘Why not ? the only people playing in a year will be the diehard nolifers’’


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Part of me agrees this is an issue. But the real problem then becomes pride. If people would set aside their “we wanna be a group of friends in charge” mentality, they could merge a couple smaller guilds into one and start raiding very quickly. It happened for us in Vanilla and we excelled. Cleared MC in no time!

The numbers will always be there. The fact of the matter is people just get settled into a routine and get used to stagnant surroundings…but all that will change is the amount of guild chat you see and the name between < and >.

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Most people who are going to actually play the game past the next 1-2 months are 60 already

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they should give us bgs too


Ion does not understand Vanilla because he was only ever a hardcore raider.

That he makes decisions which cater only to hardcore raiders is no surprise, and is part of why Retail is the way that it is.


November 23rd 2004 to March 7th 2005 vs August 26th 2019 to October 15th 2019.

104 days in vanilla. 50 days in Classic.

I agree it’s too early. Content should not be released early to appease the most hardcore. If they can’t wait a little longer then how hardcore are they anyways?


As opposed to the other option: Wait for the people who aren’t even going to be playing in 2 months to hit 60, and watch current 60s stop playing because they’ve cleared the content and there’s nothing left to do.

This is also a 15 year old game being re-released, not a new launch. Who cares if one dungeon is getting added early?


I don’t actually think the DM release is a bad thing, I just don’t think anyone should be surprised by it.

Ion is going to cater to raiders. It’s who he is. It’s all he’s ever done.


The bottom 95% of players who haven’t had a chance to catch up yet?


This is true of Mara, ST, BRD, Scholo, Strat, LBRS, and UBRS right now.