The Pace of content release should not be set by the 1%

Where does this idea even come from? Been watching MSNBC or something?
I am not 60 on either of my 2 box toons and I plan on playing all the way through… I have a 3 box at 18 and will level them all to 60. I just started a 3 box on the ally side to play since I never played it in Classic.

This game is for entertainment and doing different things and having fun… what could possibly make you think that the people that are taking their time are just going to stop all of the sudden?


Love all these made up percentages. Don’t feel it is that big of an issue. All of my guild is happy about it, and we only have 3-4 60’s. I see multiple pugs of Ony and MC each day I log in. More so than I ever saw back in the day when we had more content in vanilla. Seems there are quite a lot of 60’s on my server. In the LFG channels most of the grps forming are for lvl 60 dungeons as well.

Without knowing the percentages, people are getting upset over so little that doesn’t really affect them. It’s all old content in my eyes, I wouldn’t even had cared if all the phases dropped at once. Heck PvP BGs should have been in at the start imo.

I am the 1% …speed it up.

Yes, they should at least wait until people have finished lunch.

Lets be honest, most of you aren’t going to be raiding regardless of when DM comes out. Most of you probably wont even reach level 60.

Fewer than you might think. Graphs that show subscriber count over time indicate that fewer than 25% of all subscribers who ever subscribed during vanilla were around prior to Dire Maul’s release. And I’d be surprised if anywhere close to that number is currently subscribed to WoW today.

The number of players that still play today who could possibly remember a time where DM didn’t exist in Vanilla is extremely small. The number of players who were eligible to go into the dungeon the moment it was released is even smaller yet. And the people who felt its release was disruptive? A fraction of that.

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Um, yes, it is.

You do not know what you are talking about.

Nice try, you must be trolling.

Nope, I just know the game better than you.

Nice try again.

I’m really really confused why ppl are upset by this. I don’t think it was to appease the 1%ers. I think it was because they looked at the numbers and found that they need a little early content to keep the rush to 60 crowd’s subscriptions active.

And that’s exactly the problem. It’s a dangerous precedent to set for Classic; to try and appeal to a small group of people by altering the vanilla experience. The vanilla experience shouldn’t be altered for anyone for any reason.

I know it’s a small thing in this case. But I don’t like where this might be headed.

Someone said it was set by the 5%.

Now it’s 1%!

Gettin’ fancy here.

People making unwarranted assumptions by thinking that their personal experience is universal?

I’m making no assumptions. The fact is Dire Maul was released 104 days after vanilla’s release. The way they’re doing it with Classic is 50 some odd days.

Stay mad, dadgamers

But…but…the streamers and their slavish minions must be catered to and appeased!

You assumed:

  1. The group of people is small;
  2. Blizzard is trying to appeal to them rather than just claiming it because Dire Maul happens to be ready;
  3. That Classic is meant to provide a Vanilla “experience” rather than just Vanilla content and mechanics; and
  4. No reasons exist that might provide justification for alterations.

None of these are notably proven.

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You must be a joy and parties and the apple of your mothers eye…


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