The "Outrage" Over Placing Trading Tendies on the Cash Shop

Yeah, I can’t really picture that happening to any significant degree at the moment. Most people will likely remain unaware until the day these things are added.

Needed or not needed isnt the point.
The point is that if they alter the prices to incentivise buying tender, then players as a whole get less out of the trading post than we do now.
So the experience for the average person would be made worse.


Because they bought it when Blizzard said it was going away.

If the reneg on that, refunds should be given.

You’d still be out the tender to get the refund so there’s a choice.

Simple and fair.

My issue is whenever there is less to do in the game with a cool reward, and instead said reward can be purchased with cash (or gold/tokens). Example: the cool refer a friend explorer regalia. It could have been a really cool thing to acquire via archeology, a piece of content that seems to be on the way out instead.

Yeah, one could simply create a 2nd account, and pay for that 2nd account’s sub for however many months with gold to receive the reward. By extension, you could get that mog set by playing the game, but I feel the potential for some archeology quest, content, achievement or something would have been much cooler.

So, if the tenders do become purchasable with cash, I can swe where more and more unique items and designs could be added there, I dunno. Hopefully I’m way wrong about that.

They should not. That is ridiculous.

WoW is a Pay to Play Sub game…

  • Box price game + box price for every expansion.
  • Subscription fee to play/access game.

Free to play game models…

  • Free initially
  • Lots of shop items and “cosmetics”
  • Usually ends up pay 2 win

“But Gallough, why does it matter, they are just cosmetics… heee hawww hurrrr”
Well little timmy, what is the primary reward for any form of content? Mounts and cosmetics. The ilvl of your epic raid loot fades with time, but the ultra rare mounts, FOMO stuff, etc remains. The trading post is much like this. It’s a means to get neat little things by doing basic tasks in the game. Usually you get the trading tendies by default. Incentivizing a company to charge you to buy more of it is stupid, when they could just uncap the amount of monthly earnable currency so that you can buy all of the times you want. Also, why would people be happy putting in effort for something cool just to watch someone run around w/ the same stuff from a credit card swipe. It’s no longer gaming, it’s a dress up credit card swiper trash Free 2 play model. It needs to be kept out of WoW and the employees or other people who push this in WoW should be jobless.

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It’s sadly the gaming industry in general.

How many new good games exist without a shop or microtransactions? Zelda?

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tbh, the strength of trader’s tendies is that they’re not on the cash shop.

I don’t mind if they add the items to the cash shop like… a year later like ffxiv does with holidays, but being able to buy tenders for money is a bad idea imo.

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Facts, but hey we listened to the people that said we were jumping the gun getting upset, saying the sky is falling. “You guys b***h about stuff before it even happens. We don’t even know if this will happen or not.” whelp, look where that got us.

Yes, and the apologists are the WORST.

“It’s just cosmetic, if you don’t like it don’t buy it it doesn’t effect anything DURRRRR”

As these games get worse and worse while they buy into all this junk and the primary focus is on microtransaction systems instead of actual gameplay, queue times, balance etc.

Honestly cannot blame the video game companies at all. No matter how much people complain everyone knows they’ll fork over the cash for the cosmetic while complaining all the way through the process. All the wailing and gnashing of teeth in the world doesn’t mean jack when the money still keeps flowing.


I haven’t seen any game that has more than 6 options for currency bundles. There are 16 icons.

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After having access to it exclusively for two expansions and years of time, it’s a little late to demand a refund.

IIRC Blizzard never gave any indication it was going away permanently anyways.

People will constantly complain about everything and anything on the shop.

They will say it ruins the game and development, but these players tend to just regurgitate what they hear from someone dollar store content creator

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Why the heck would anyone NEEd to buy $350 worth of tokens just to use them? They were stating that as the cap not how much you need to buy in order to spend them. I swear some people just want to pick out anything they can argue about. Lol

Because people do, it may seem incredibly crazy to you, me, and others, but people legitimately do.

Take FIFA, NBA, Madden, or especially GTA. When I spent time working at Gamestop the amount of cash people would lay down on currency for those games was insane. I still remember a dude who came in weekly to drop $100 on Shark Cards for GTA.

You have to read the comment i was replying to and the one they were replying to. I understand people do spend that much but you dont HAVE to reach the cap in order to spend what you’ve got. That was the only point of my post.

They’re surprised because WoW is probably the only game they play so they don’t know that Blizzard’s shop is extremely mild compared to all other MMOs or really any game these days.

Or their favorite streamer told them to be pissed as he’s playing from a game that has a shop 10x bigger than WoW’s.


Thank you for understanding that portion :slight_smile: