The Originals - Azuregos not showing up/phasing issue

I’m trying to complete the quest for the 20th Anniversary. I was able to join a group and fight Kazzak without any issues. But when I tried to do the same for Azuregos, not only could I not see Azuregos, but, I couldn’t see the groups I was in. I joined a couple of different groups to see if it was a one off issue or not. I only saw one other member of one of the groups as they got phased to me, but not the fight with the rest of the group. My character was standing right where Azuregos is supposed to spawn. The groups I had joined were fighting him. So I’m not sure what the issue is.

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Phasing is probably the issue.

I’m hoping it’s just a phasing issue. I’ll try again tomorrow and see if it’s any different. If it is I’ll be sure to marked this as solved.

Check war mode. If you are in war mode and everyone else isn’t (or vice versa) then you will not see each other.


Bro, same boat. I can’t phase to Az on my ally too and cant phase to Lord Kazz on my Horde toon. Blizzard is seriously a joke…

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Please put in a bug report, and avoid the unnecessary rhetoric, especially on the most moderated forum. Add information as well, what character, especially what race, and what quests do you have in the area that might actually cause phasing.


Do you see Azuregos when you go their on your own not part of a group finder group? I checked your character and seem to be able to see them normally, but I’m not able to test further.

Horde characters might experience some phasing in that area due to some quests in that zone, but Alliance characters usually do not.


Nope, not at all. Same this happens with Lord Kazz on my blood elf warlock but at least I can see him for a second then he disappears still haven’t got that done yet either. I cant see Azueregos at all, even if I join a party.

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It might be best to post in the Bug Report providing what details you can. So character name/realm, which boss, what happens when you visit the area solo and if you join a party or through LFG, etc…

That way our QA team can check it out.


Just to follow up for the Warlock specifically. As noted in the listed support article, if you started but haven’t completed the Some Wicked Things quest line, you will need to complete it for Lord Kazzak.

I’m not entirely familiar with the quest line but it does look like you started it and are currently on When Revenge Burns Green. You might try starting there. :slight_smile:


What toon does it say that about because my BE Warlock is brand new boosted for this expac. never even knew about that quest

I had the same issue. Cannot get Azuregos to appear for me on my Warlock, haven’t tried the other bosses yet. Submitted a bug report.

Frustrating as hell that we might miss out on these tokens because they cant code this properly lol… Like I can literally see Lord Kazz on my lock if I stand far away and as soon as I get close they phase out. AAA company.

On the level 80 Blood Elf Warlock. I don’t have a date one when those quests might have been completed, but they do appear completed. If you can, pick up When Revenge Burns Green and complete the quest line to see if that puts you in the right phase.


to be able to phase into Az?

No, for Kazzak. I outlined that in my early reply.


I give up on Az, but I cant phase to Az with my Pally.