The Opposite of Paladin Is... Rogue

Personally I go with this:

  • Cloth - Not really armor
  • Leather - Light armor
  • Mail - Medium armor
  • Plate - Heavy armor


Mathias Shaw was a childhood friend of Edwin, and personally trained him as a rogue, hoping that one day he might consider a career alongside him.

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Yet itā€™s ironic, isnā€™t it? While Shaw became one of the most devoted agents of the Crown, VanCleef became the most wanted terrorist in the realm.

The moral of the story is: Donā€™t mess with Stormwind.

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To be fair cloth armour is an actual thing that existed in the real world, and itā€™s more effective than youā€™d think. Not as good as metal obviously, but still a lot better than nothing.

Though the stuff casters in this game wear isnā€™t that.

Crime is great for the economyā€¦

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Plunder and local crime are two different things. Both similar, both ugly, both wrong, but one works a different way.

Soā€¦cloth for you is like someoneā€™s seen wearing a sheet or dress?

I mean, thatā€™s basically what WoW cloth is.

If you look at WoW cloth armor, itā€™s all either cloth ā€œarmorā€ (not really armor) or ā€œclothā€ armor (usually made of metal).

Not only that, if you were to make real cloth armor, with layers and layers of padding to absorb the energy of an attack, I doubt it would be significantly lighter than leather armor.

WoW generally uses the fact that all Cloth classes are full magic users to just delegate the fantasy of protection to the magic itself while wearing impractical dresses lol

True, the former being a defensive hybrid and the latter an offensive hybrid: the proverbial immovable object and irresistible force.

Although you could argue thatā€™s more of an ā€œopposite numberā€ thing than a true diametrical opposite.

If you were going for a true diametrical opposite, though, it seems to me that each Paladin spec would have a different one.

I thought that the opposite was a DKā€¦because of holy <> death


Iā€™m not reading a single previous post because none of it matters. Itā€™s DKā€¦ā€¦ā€¦life and death, end of post.


Paladins donā€™t use Life Magic. They use Light Magic.

The opposite of Light is Shadow, and the opposite of Death is Life. Those are 4 distinct types of Magic and 4 distinct cosmic forces.

Plus DKs and Paladins are similar in almost every way except power source and general attitude.

Whatā€™s the deal with calling Rogues bandits and murderers?!

I happen to be a half Vampire Catholic Rogueā€¦I only destroy whatā€™s evil in Azeroth.

Also, the leader of SI7, Master Mathias Shaw, Is not evil either.

Yeah, thatā€™s a bum rap. There are brigands and thieves to be sure, but you also have scouts and spies, and you need those.

That said, Paladins and Rogues are a pretty good thematic contrast. Light versus Shadow, Sir Clanks-A-Lot versus stealthy, and so on. The OPā€™s general point is at least defensible, except for that unfair jab.

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You do need those, but is it legal to spy another nation?

Generally, the answer is no.

So even the most noble and lawful Rogue loyal to his King and country will still commit crimes and bring about disorder to other nations for the sake of his own nation.

Thereā€™s no unfair jab (at least not from me). Iā€™m not making any judgment of morality. Iā€™m just saying what those two classes bring to the table.

Inter arma silent leges.

(In war, the law is silent.)

In war, the winners write the rules. Or to put it less harshly, one manā€™s Pirate is another manā€™s Privateer. If I work for Stormwind, it is of no consequence to me what the laws of Orgrimmar have to say about my work.

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Ohhh oh we arent going there now mister.
Dont forget the zandalari are in the horde.

We built the first civilization on azeroth and conquered the world while ur people where living in the mud. We lasted 10000 and still exist today. We where here before the alliance existed and we will be here long after u fall into dust.

U are nothing but savages

To be fair, Stormwind started it by not paying for the entire rebuild of the kingdom. If you worked night and day for YEARS and got stiffed on the bill, youā€™d go full riot mode too.

butā€¦thatā€™s theā€¦ENTIRE thing, so they are the opposite.


No, they are not.

1 - the opposite of Light isnā€™t Death. Itā€™s Shadow. And the opposite of Death isnā€™t Light. Itā€™s Life. See the Warcraft Cosmology chart for more details.

2 - Paladins and Death Knights have far more in common than they have in differences. Both are knights. Both use heavy armor and heavy melee weapons. Both ride into battle on special mounts that they call ā€œChargersā€, infused with their magic. Both are slow as heck lol

They canā€™t be opposites if they are similar in almost every way.

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Itā€™s life and death. Holy and undeath itā€™s not hard to understand. Nothing you say will change my mind. Sure sure wow universe is light and shadow etc etc. It doesnā€™t matter.