The only way for Night Elves to win something

Did 90% of their race get wiped out, canonically? Was their population reduced to a few survivors fleeing in a spaceship while most of the rest were turned into a road? Was their entire homeland destroyed by an eruption, leaving just a few survivors in a ship? Is their homeland an irradiated wasteland that is still largely unclaimed fifteen years into the franchise? Etc?

Yeah, Teldrassil was terrible. But carrying on like Night Elves have had it singularly bad in the narrative betrays a complete lack of perspective. There are other people than you in the World of Warcraft.


The thing is, Blizzard has perhaps been vague (I am still searching for a quote one of them made) on the topic of how many died. It seems like they lost the large majority of their race, minus the army, but they aren’t giving us hard numbers. If I didn’t know better, I would think that they were feeling out the waters to see how far they should go with this story.

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Key difference here, all that happened before wow even started.

Now let me ask you, if arthas killed 90% of the belfs DURING wow would he still seen has a greatest character in the franchise?
or he would accumulatted and insane amount of hate equally,if not more to what jaina got for killing far more less and even today is considered among some as the greatest atrocities in history?

point being, is that all those “gigantic” loses that all races got happened either in the RTS era or simply in a novel.

people didn’t really had the same amount of emotional connection like they have in wow.

So when a race gets constantly punched by another playable faction is not a really good feeling to had, almost all of other races have that benefit.
Nelfs? nope.


If only they stopped feeling like victims, Blizzard would stop beating them.


The High Elves, Humans, Darkspear, and Orcs were all decimated during WC3, with the aftermath being portrayed during this game. The goblins and Gilneans during the Cataclysm expansion. The Mag’har during this expansion. The Forsaken during this expansion.

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And yet none of those events happened during wow when we started to have a more personal connection with the world and characters.
is not the same the entire destruction of the alliance of lordaeron than seeing that destruction first hand while being one of the playable factions like we are now.

like for real wc3 has been devastating for the alliance
but sure as hell that it didn’t had the same emotional impact that it would had if that happens now.

Like say that one of our most beloved characters goes full traitor and literally dismantle the entire alliance and spit in our tomb.

or if the defeat that the horde got in the second war happened now.
where the alliance put them in prisons and abuse them for years.
and thats my point, the nelfs got that while being one of the playable factions.


Mentioning the Forsaken like they got the same is also wrong, they made it specifically a point to show that all the civilians got portaled out in the Horde version of the Siege, and that Undercity was turned into a death-trap for the Alliance. That’s not nearly the same as getting a quest that shows hundreds of civilians getting burned alive and cowering in fear from the flames that trap them in their homes, and no matter what you can’t even save 10% of them because your character will pass out before you can save them all.

Like Etheldald says here, WC3 examples don’t have the same connection and don’t nearly matter as much, otherwise you’d see Alliance far more upset as well due to the devastation that happened to them in WC3. Having it happen in WoW and getting to see that yourself with no satisfying consequences for the Horde? That sucks. It sucks more than the Cata revamp did for the Alliance.


Sounds like you are butthurt and is now trying to shift the blame for not having an argument.

Also. Read the entire post. Don t cherrypick stuff to take out of context for your convenience it shows a huge intelectual dishonesty.

More victim complex? Like I said before. Every single wow race had losses. But only nelf fanboys are whining about it and saying their purple man matter more than everyone else.

Deal with it

you are so wrong and yet so convinced. It’s actually fascinating.

Ok let’s turn it around: Which playable race has lost as much as the night elves from Vanilla until now?

And a bonus: When did the Night elves ever achieve a clear victory against the horde from vanilla until now ?


well now that you mention it…
the forsakens lost undercity.

also humans lost theramore and gilneas (now worgo zone)

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Honey. Facts are facts no matter what you feel about them.

The nelves had an entire campaign on Warcraft 3 of nothing but victories as an independent faction outsidee Alliance and Horde. They had entire regions devoted to their lore.

In lore they had an empire who according to lore dwarfed the troll empire and nearly conquered the world. They are despicted as the chosen ones of a goddess, people who have an inate relationship with nature, have the favor of a demigod, have the most powerful druid in the world leading them who’s married to a person who talks to said goddess who’s now even more powerful.

They used to be imortal, meaning that some of them are more ancient than entire races.

They where pivotal in repeling the Legion invasion on Warcraft 3, you have them having an important role in lots of WoW regions like Ashenvale, Mount Hyjal, etc.

They where the ones who saved the Gilneans from Walking Forsaken during Cataclysm.

Also their page on WoW wikia is full of things like:

“The ancient and reclusive night elves have played a pivotal role in shaping Azeroth’s fate throughout its history. More than ten thousand years ago, their heroics during the War of the Ancients helped stave off the demonic Burning Legion’s first invasion. When the scattered remnants of the Legion on Azeroth rallied together with the vile satyrs centuries later, the night elves again rose to meet the threat. The ensuing War of the Satyr exacted a heavy toll from the night elves, but ultimately they vanquished the forces that had set out to wreak havoc on their world.”

Also there’s the part where in Legion you have Suramar wich is a remnant of the old Night elf empire, after all, the Nightborne are literaly mutated night elves.

Also Val’sharah wich is nothing but you following the night elf leaders around EVEN IF you’re playing as a Horde character.

But of course you don’t recognize this. Cause you want to whine about the freaking tree. God forbid they where untouchable and perfect beings who shaped the world as we know it before that. ONE big defeat and boom. Everything sucks, they never had anything.

Like dude. They had literaly EVERYTHING before that.

Including a legion of crybabies like you who love to turn a blind eye to all their lore, their victories, their achievements just to farm pity on forums.

those aren’t remotely comparable to what the night elves lost, though.

So you are talking about Warcraft 3 when I clearly stated from the vanilla until now? Got it.

The point still stands. Since vanilla, all night elves have to show for is failure. You couldn’t even come up with a single race that lost as much as night elves since then, and not a single victory during the life span of WoW.

Who cares about the tree? I care about the fact that the majority of the race died.

Because barely any civilians died in undercity while in Teldrassil the majority of the race died, did you read the shortstories? Mostly civilians were targeted in the burning, and that was completely without a reason. Undercity was the result of Teldrassil and we didn’t get to kill any civilians there.
Worgen lost their homeland, but that was the reason why they became playable in the first place, and it’s not even close to what the night elves lost.


i mean… why?
some civilians of theramore got captured and tortured.
same with gilneas civilians.
the city became “under forsaken control”.
hell until this day we haven’t reclaimed gilneas.
including the prince.

and that was 9 years ago.


humm i kinda disagree losing the homeland gave them a purpose, a story.
maybe is the same with the nelfs. but i guess we would have to wait and see if that is true.

i guess that you are right.

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Horde fans: “Just get over genocide 4Head”
Also Horde fans: “Please god don’t kill Sylvanas please please no”


Hahaha, and you’re a hypocrite, too. How cute.


so basically you have proven me right in every point :slight_smile:

Thanks for the confirmation

No need to be petty.

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I don’t see the problem as them losing anything.

The problem is HOW they lost it and the incredibly stupid blue post saying “Nelf story done”. And 2nd They have been long lost in terms of race identity, the only elf that half resembles what a Nelf should be is Maiev.

Teld burning could’ve been an amazing truly impactful story (in a good way). Could’ve been the moment when blizz retakes the, much asked by players, Nelf identity , give them glaives to lore abiding classes and a true interesting villain that raises player’s animosity (towards evil NPC , not towards player faction).

But as all things lately, it ended up being a fiasco.


Wait, what?