The only way for Night Elves to win something

You bring up a lot of really good points, they seems to over use shock value, like way to much. They have a long history of building up characters then just killing them off for shock, kindy sparkshire for example in tides of war. Great gnome character (my gosh have the gnomes been neglected) and just bam gone to really maxamize the impact of threamore. I dont think it was necessary, like a city getting mana bombed is shocking enough…Like I really hope the gnome king dosent die because it may take yearrrrssss for them to do something about that. Like the trolls, vol’jin died and the trolls really havent had any defacto leader since nor many other characters developed. I could go on with even more examples but ill stop there.

Ill wait until the end of bfa and first part of next next expansion, but the forsaken after sylvanas dont have many characters built up, and the night elves dont have like any lands currently. Like those are big races you cant just leave hanging.

…Annnnnnddddd they have a terriable habit of just leaving things hanging after they destroy things.

I also agree with your point, a lot of things are very wrong, like you help the horde recover derrick proudmores body only to have him raised then rescue him. But you’re being framed as the ‘good guy’ in this situation. Its like lol wut?

Or the narrative is just just at akward places, like when you rescue lady ashvane, but sylvanas just leaves you, rexxar, and thyrlassa there for no narrative reason what so ever.

I ramble alot, but yea they really over use shock value which causes them to treat characters as (to much so) disposable.


i think that she could have become a great character it sucks that she was only created to change the motivation of the main character.
the recipe for greatness (haha) was there, a gnome, apprendice of proudmoore (one of the best mages in azeroth) and survivor of such event and how she deals with it.
it would have created an eventual replacement when we start needing “new blood” for our roster in case we needed it and it would help the gnomes to get another notable character, a waste.

But overall your point is spot on.
many things here seems like half finished or just random things.

Like… you guys save ashvane… and give a spooky dagger to sylvanas that apparently will guide you to victory… and the next thing you know you are surrounded by nagas trying to murder you :fish:
and working with your enemy or be killed by the recurrent villian of the week

And ashvane (for the surprise of no one) is already on that side.
like… how did that even happened?
what went wrong? what is even going on?


Welcome to World of WARcraft sugar. Every race had it s ups and downs but ONLY nelf fanboys play the persecuted victim card and think they are ENTITLED to be imune of war and it a tragedies.

Get. Over. It

Still waiting for those ups. Don’t tell us we need to get over it you wanker.


I so am. Every race had losses. Nelves are just the most recent one. Difference is that i don t see any other race s fanboys acting like the writters owe them to put nelves in an untouchable pedestal where they can t lose anything.

Like i said. Get over it

Again, other races aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously. When it’s all losses I think we have perfectly legitimate grievances and shouldn’t just “get over it.” Getting over it would be giving Blizzard the thumbs up to just do this again next time.


Let me see:

Humans lost Stormgarde, Gilneas AND Lordaeron but…they aren’t " used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously"

Orcs lost both the first and second war AND their planet and had to literaly start anew but…“they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Dranei lost their entire homeplanet and where kicked out of Draenor and had to start anew entirely but “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Worgens lost Gilneas for nearly 10 years now but “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Goblins lost Kezan for as long as the worgen lost gilneas but “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Blood elves lost Quel’talas in Warcraft 3 where you have to play as Arthas attacking them, their king gets nuts and you have to kill him during BC buuuuuut “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Forsaken literally lost everything, that’s their entire point and just now they lost Undercity buuuuut “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Darkspear trolls didn’t even have a city of their own before Cataclysm, their entire story was about being a punchbag for the Night elf empire, Vol’jin got killed in the most contriving way possible but “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

The Mag’har orcs lost their entire planet to an alternative ‘‘spanish inquisition esque’’ draenei buuut “they aren’t used as perpetual punching bags for the next big threat to come along that needs to be taken seriously”

Yeah sure…nelves are the poor victims, the poor punching bags who lose everything oh my god! No one can understand their loss!


Everyone lost something. You are not special. The nelves are not special even if you insist on trying to paint them as divine, untouchable beings who can’t lose anything.

Why does this make you so mad for? I think you’re the one who needs to get over it, you’re taking it too personally.

On topic: I don’t want them to be untouchable, I want them to actually have a win that isn’t just losing less and unambiguously feels like we actually achieved something. It’s not that unreasonable to ask for is it?


Showing why you are wrong is being mad now?

You…clearly never played Ashenvale quests or Mount Hyjal or I dunno maybe Val’sharah wich is nearly entirely focused on Tyrande and Malfurion, or never played Warcraft 3 where the last campaign is nothing but nelf victories, inclusing the fact THEY where the ones who killed Arquimonde? Yeah nelves never win anything right?

Sorry I meant against the Horde.

Your highly aggressive insistence that we “GET. OVER. IT.” sounds far more angry and personal than it should be so yeah, you sound mad.

Anyway I’m not going to spend all day on a back and forth with you, we’ll never see eye to eye. Toodles.


Oh sorry do I have to use my baby voice to speak to an adult? I forgot.

Now it is against the Horde? Figures. I’m having the impression that whenever I list all the nelf victories trought the lore you’re just gonna narrow the thing until you have a ‘‘ha! gotcha!’’ moment.

Like I said. Nelves are not special, everybody lost stuff. It’s war.

Only the only ones whinning about losing like they are entitled to have victories are nelf fanboys.

I don’t see any draenei fanboys complaining about they loosing TWO PLANETS.

Or orcs whinning about losing two great wars, a planet and being the punching bag of Warlords of Draenor.

Again…you’re not special. Get over it.

The only way for Night Elves to win is for the fandom to get over their victim complex.


Sounds like you’re saying Night Elves are special.

You should get over that Night Elves are special.

Don’t worry. I’m sure Tyrande and Malfurion will forgive you and you’ll get to play the Night Elf content along with us, as you practically always have.

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A mature, rational reaction? It’s a game. No one was genocided in real life. Seriously this kind of complaining over a year after the fake burning is ridiculous. Night Elves are the only race to take an L. Get over it.

You act like I spend my days raging about the deaths of fictional people. I don’t. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be critical of a terrible plot development.


When you are completely uninformed but still try to argue based off that.

We get it you are happy that they screwed over night elves but saying that other races are even remotely close to that is just absolute nonsense and ridiculous.

Coming to a story forum to tell people that things aren’t real so it doesn’t matter… hmm


I’ll give you credit that you haven’t posted anything about the Purge of Dalaran and Jaina’s relations with the Blood Elves on this character, so that’s good. Keep it up.

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Cenarius was key to defeating Ragnaros. Goldrinn helped us against a powerful demon back in Legion. Aviana and co were present in fighting off an Azerite Leviathan in Hyjal. They have done their thing. While I dislike they doing absolutely nothing for the night elves in Ashenvale, part of that is due to the fact the Horde did help them in Hyjal and the Circle is composed of Horde members as well.

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That can’t be right because according to the OP Night Elves never win anything.

Well he’s still not wrong. An endless stalemate in a battleground isn’t exactly a win.