The only way for Night Elves to win something

One of blizz’s writers mentioned that the night elves already got their revenge in 8.1 and the story will shift to other characters/races now.

Mentioned it here Night elves did NOT get their revenge, this is unacceptable!

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Well that I’m aware of. Although it wasn’t a writer who said it either. It was the Senior Game Producer, whose job duties don’t actually include any writing or actually directing of the story.

I was just curious as to whether or not such a thing had actually happened.

Unfortunately, this is what I meant when I said this whole thing has become a meme at this point. Through telephone and people taking the worst possible interpretations, producer say being quoted in an interview (with no transcript) saying Tyrandae’s story is not being explored in the Nazjatar patch becomes a blue post by one of WoW’s writers stating “Nelf story done”.


Well, Yes. Anyone blue post or not that speaks towards the media representing the co. , specially a media that will be seen by millions (or w/e number we are left) playing WoW, needs to be really careful. Saying nothing would’ve been better.

I am not saying its truth or that that’s how its gonna play. Im sure if devs see a good venue in “another revenge” they will retcon and what not.

The point is they are showing a very…hmmm dissatisfying lore towards players.


I think the biggest issue with the Burning is that it was caused by another playable faction.

The Scourge wiped out Lordaeron and Quel’thalas - and in WotLK, we got to steamroll through the Scourge and kill Arthas.
The Burning Legion corrupted the eredar and pursued the Draenei through countless worlds - and since then, we got to kill Archimonde, trample a bunch of Legion forces, kill Archimonde again, kill Kil’jaeden, and imprison Sargeras.
Deathwing destroyed Kezan, and we got to kill him. (Though Gallywix inexplicably survived and is still faction leader, so there’s that unresolved.)
The gnomes lost Gnomergan, and we’ve gotten to kill a bunch of troggs and Thermoplugg. (Though Gnomergan is still unreclaimed.)
The trolls lost their original home, their first island home, and their second island home - but the Gurubashi get ground into paste on a regular basis, they get to slay Zar’jira, they got to slay Zalazane and retake Echo Isles at least.

So, in my opinion, most of the yelling that’s going on over the Burning is in response to the feeling/worry/anger that the night elves won’t get to deal with the people who killed them in the same way that the other groups got to get their revenge.

The closest similar example would be Gilneas, where Sylvanas swooped in, killed a bunch of people, had underlings that enslaved and worked Gilneans to death, personally killed their beloved prince, forced the playable faction to flee, and faced no consequences until Genn’s revenge could be used as a spark to start an entirely new conflict. I suppose that the writers placed the blame fully on Garrosh, who after all was the person to order the invasion, but I think most worgen players would place a lot more of the blame blame on Sylvanas than him.

In absence of any clear way forward, a lot of people are continuing to shout about this topic to Blizzard because they want to get the “ok, time to dismantle and behead this villain faction” ending rather than the “yes, this enemy faction pwned you, now shut up and sit down” Gilneas ending.

It’d be like if Arthas decided partway through WotLK that he’d rather ally with the Alliance, and the story told the blood elves that they’re not allowed to fight him anymore. I mean, when are you going to get over the Fall of Quel’thalas, anyway? Thee’s still enough blood elves around to make a playable race, after all!

Or if Daelin Proudmoore was spared at the last minute - no, wait, if Daelin Proodmoore had set up a bunch of tactically brilliant™ traps that forced Thrall and Rexxar to retreat (“who’dve thought that an Admiral would have cannons! We’re not prepared to fight cannons!”) - and was still an Alliance character to this day, gloating about how his actions in Thunder Ridge had forced the orcs to live in that horrible resource-less desert.

I imagine that a lot of Horde players would be annoyed to see those characters who wronged them get away scot-free (I know I would), and that’s the feeling that’s driving a lot of the continued outrage over Teldrassil.

The comments that “Sylvanas has the support of the people” just make it worse, because it’s getting more and more difficult to just pin the event on one character like I’m sure the story is going to do.


That hell awaits all of us, living or dammed do don’t rate a special Naruu escort. Better one unstable soul be sacrificed than a whole outpost condemmed. And to be fair, Nathanos is more than willing to let Voss try to salvage her.

That would be whoever is the current toll target for the Alliance PVP acheivement. For that matter, who’s the Orc target?

Lmao speaks volumes you cant even name them off the top of your head.

tbh these threads and posts of woe is me and constantly telling people to feel sorry for the night-elves and telling people they should feel bad if they dont is just getting old.

Hell, in Warcraft III, we were playing as Arthas.

Troll and Gnome leaders aren’t needed for the achievement:

No one currently:

There’s no implication that there’s a hell for the rest of those who go to the Shadowlands, at worst a sort of limbo. But Sylvanas and Nathanos both think there’s a hell waiting for anyone raised into physical undeath and then killed.

They attack Kul Tiras, kill one, and then raise her into undeath fully prepared to discard her if she isn’t useful to them, damning her soul to hell for all time, by their own logic. The “good” one is Lillian, who actively helped to put her in this state, which is twisted in and of itself. That goes beyond even the ‘mOrALlY GrEy’ of Cataclysm, where those they raised were at the very least not intended to be discarded at a moment’s notice.

It doesn’t make any characters involved look cool or badass, it makes them look petty and cruel. But the writers don’t seem to see it that way, which is pretty concerning.


I think we can all agree there is a disconnect between the writers and players.

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Blizzard, if I remember correctly, has already tipped its hand by saying the Alliance was going to have to choose between revenge or building a better world. Yeah, this xpac is going to end with a “thud.”

Edit: The difference between the Horde story and the Alliance story is that Blizzard ruined the Horde’s story at the beginning, while essentially promising the Alliance they would ruin our story at the end of the xpac. It’s like our story has been on death row for over a year now and we just want to get it over with.

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We all know what Blizzard are going to go with because God King Anduin cannot be denied when he makes a decree in his glorious empire.

Keep in mind that the RTS ended with the Night Elves havng their big victory over Archimonde which was triggered by Malfurion himself.

Not exactly “their own” victory. Minus either Thrall or Jaina or their respective forces delaying Archimonde’s advance and Malfurion wouldn’t have had time to set up that spell to destroy him with wisps.

It was an Azeroth victory. Not a Night Elf victory.

Where do they go from here? Who knows? They should have been part of this recent battle with Azshara but Blizzard screwed that up along with a lot of other things.

The faction war will likely end with Sylvanas being removed as Warchief and new peace agreements signed but I wouldn’t be surprised if the night elves reject it out of bitterness losing Teldrassil.

Nor would I be surprised if they just said, “Ok, whatever”.

You’re going to carp because it was it wasn’t a solo Night Elf triumph?

You’re not going to get that. The Night Elves aren’t going to win this war solo even with the Worgen to help.

I’m just pointing out facts. :slight_smile:

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