The only thing I wish they would change is the Re-speccing mechanic

Yes which is why mitigating the negative, IE just respecing in the middle of whatever by requiring a trip to the trainer keeps the positive and keeps the RP aspect.

The cost was an important factor in that as well.

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Not really it was more just a way to punish people for blizzard’s bad class design.

Which I would be happier if they actually fixed but respecs were the bandage to that.

So, the classes would be perfect if respecs were free? LOL.

The costs were there to do two things. Remove gold from the economy, and to prevent people from doing exactly what you guys want by having people swap specs every 15 min.

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Nope as I said respecs are a bandaid on a bigger issue. But respecs at least mitigate the problem without having bigger changes like actual class balance changes.

And as I’ve already said multiple times, keep the requirement of going to the trainer to respec there problem solved.

Weren’t you just talking about WoW not having penalties and now you want the gold penalty to be removed? Or am I reading this post wong

The trainer is the least important part of the equation.


The only thing I wish is that people would stop wishing for changes. As innocuous as each seemingly small request may be it’s a slippery slope that eventually leads to BFA.

I want Classic, warts and all. If they elect to pursue some continuation based on Classic after-the-fact and introduce some things I’d be interested to see where that goes.


Why the trainer is what actually adds the RP element to it, you know it takes travel time and actually going to an NPC.

And he charges you for his services. How do you think this man makes a living? Not by giving things away for free!


I said it was the least important, not that it wasn’t important. However, for the second time, being a gold sink and limiting the amount of respecs were the primary purpose.

And the limiting factor wasn’t traveling to the trainer to do it, it was having the money. 50g, while not being a difficult amount to obtain, becomes very hard to maintain when you do that often. I should know, I respecced at least 5 times a week in TBC.

So what you’re saying is that the fee should be based on the NPC and maybe a rogue retrainer would want to charge because rogues are greedy but say a more righteous NPC like a paladin or druid would offer the service free of charge. Yay role playing!!

At this rate, sure… its better than removing the payment all together

It would actually make sense, payment for the classes that don’t have as much use for respecs and free respecs for classes that would actually use the service. And there’s even an in game logic :stuck_out_tongue:

Damn… I guess I got baited into this one

Free of charge?!? Do you have any idea how expensive the upkeep is for the Cathedral of Light? And orphans don’t just feed themselves my friend. Stop being a cheapskate and donate to the priestly orders today! Do it for the children!


I mean if you really want to compare the actual suggestion of this, lets use the closed beta as an example. Everyone was respeccing, constantly. They spent hours on end just to respec two times for a duel tourneys. And some people didn’t like that, some did. And I’m glad to see this happen because I was glad to see that they experienced something long forgotten. But at the same time, it shouldn’t be that much of a …speed bump when it comes to you and your character progressing. I do think there should be a cap, but the cap is huuuuge. for short term vs long term.

Not every class or spec is supposed to perform optimally. Blizzards class design is intended… balance through imbalance. Not every class is successful at doing everything.

What made vanilla so special is that blizzard DID just throw things at the wall and watched what they did evolve into the greatest MMO of our time. What ruined the game was slowly cleaning that wall and attempting to make everything “fair” and “feels right”.

Classic should make you uncomfortable… you should feel poor and hopeless and that no one is going to swoop in and save your day. That is the magic in this game… it still clings to the ideals that made MMOs community driven.


Except for yourself. I play warrior tank quite casually and I make enough money to respec comfortably for PVP. I barely farm. If I can do it anyone can, people are just lazy.


Yep, I was able to hit 60 in vanilla on a warrior and participate in all forms of content at age 10, I remember respecing often. If I could do it at age 10 in 5th and 6th grade with a parent hovering over me for playing for more than 2 hours anyone can do it.