The only ones complaining

I guarantee that DPS will still call me the “R” word when I tank.

ROFL dude it’s not the end of the world if you can’t use curse words. I mean, you’re acting like your rights are being trampled on :rofl:

Just pretend you’re around your grandmother and use your inside voice.


Your reply is absolutely meaningless. Have you read anything that some people are saying? You don’t even have to say a bad boy word and you’ll get banned or suspended or silenced regardless because report abuse is real and its a problem.

Of course you can, if it was incorrectly applied. That is what appeal is for, to have a GM review the logs attached to the report.

The only automated portion is the Squelch which can be triggered by enough spam reports. A suspension is an actual GM making the call.

Like this one from yesterday where a poster was upset they got a 3 week suspension.

And got a full Blue post explaining what was actually going on.

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LOL no you won’t. Multiple reports can lead to a squelch but account actions come from a GM reading what you typed then deciding “yeah you deserved it.”

I cant say if thats how it is in game ( i never had any issue there) but I CAN say it happens on the forums all the time. I got a few week ban / silence for saying “(NFL team) is the worst : Go (My Team)”

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So to clarify: No idea who these people are you’re talking about lmao. I have had friends get auto silenced for like 1-3 days often by different groups on the server. I legitimately don’t know who you’re talking about- I assume you’re referencing the forum post that he linked, which I contributed to because… I play on moon guard and it was on my realms forum? But the post and the friends mentioned are theirs specifically.

I got a ping because he linked a thread that I am in. Do not accuse myself or him of using alts simply because I jumped in because of a ping.

Then blizz shouldn’t be putting in classes like Demon Hunters, acknowledging their fantasy is that of OUTCASTS and extremists heretics, into the game as it encourages interactions that use things they don’t find acceptable to be said. They shouldn’t put r*pe into their lore for characters they have actively involved in plots, or mass genocides, or anything to that effect if they wanted to say “you cannot RP anything like that.” No tents made out of humanoid skins, no Undead, nothing, if they think something as minor as calling people freaks is too far.

When I was a kid in elementary school, there were 3 bullies that used to get together and tell the teacher I had did something or said something I had not. This resulted in me often getting in trouble for things I didn’t do and being labeled a “trouble child” which resulted in later physical abuse. This went on for all of elementary school and I still have some CPTSD from it.

These report systems and social contracts are created with good intentions, but they are abused by the worst people and used against innocent people just for amusement.

And as I said, many GMs have terrible takes as I’ve mentioned above. So no, you cannot realistically get rid of them because 90% of the time, it will be denied by another gm, if you’re even lucky to get that far.

Good to know. You have one example. And that’s great, but a bot shouldn’t be alarming the gm, it should be a real person that overlooks the issue real time, and considers evidence from both sides before someone is screwed over and can’t play a game they still have to pay for even after being suspended or banned. I mean, you don’t have to, but who is just going to cancel a sub and resub when they can actually play the game? If they are going to start attacking the rp community with bans, then there needs to be a list of guidelines to what they consider ‘offensive’ in character. You can say they do, but the current guidelines and the upcoming and -delightful- social contract that we will all be forced to agree to is very vague, which is why I argue for a separate specific list of guidelines for rp. It has never been this bad before, in terms of them banning/silencing/suspending rpers until now. And it’s quite amusing how you completely avoid mentioning anything I said about ban abuse. Quite peculiar actually. But suit yourself.

You are right. I mixed you and Shawowx up. I am sorry for that.

I thought you were confusing him for me, I guess we both had our pals suspended.

Edit: NVM

Sure. Keep preaching to the choir. I’m aware of that, but almost all the time, spam reporting will get the abusers what they want. GMs must truly think, ‘hmm, x amount of reports? must have been bad.’ I’ve literally had friends and guildmates show me what they got suspended for, and it was quite literally normal conversation such as ‘hi’. So if a gm looks that over and thinks its offensive, I guess I’ll roleplay in another language.

I don’t believe you :woman_shrugging:

Sauce me another way to contact you and I’ll gladly provide you proof.

If GMs are reading it and allowing people to get banned then that’s even worse tbh. That shows me that blizzard hasn’t trained them to identify what is and isn’t rp.

Zan looks at the above post.



Tovi#7217 is my Discord.

I’ll be adding you shortly then.

Let’s take this debate to DISCORD

So… stop being bad then? :man_shrugging:

Might want to get some more gear as well, just took a peek in the armory and notice you’re still 246 this late into the patch… maybe that’s related to the negative comments you claim to recieve ingame

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