The only ones complaining

It is a known issue on RP servers for people to spam report with their group to silence people and stop them from RPing for extended periods of time. People on old Moon Guard doxxed each other in the streets for in character beef lmao.

The social contract on it’s own isn’t a problem, even if I personally don’t think it solves anything itself because a lot of it was kinda already part of the ToS if I recall? Without in person moderation though it’ll just be abused and won’t actually help, in my personal opinion after seeing how automated moderation affects servers.

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Yeah they sure do enforce them. They ban people that get harassed by people that abuse the report feature by mass reporting someone they simply want to target and or because they don’t like them. It has been becoming a huge problem in the rp community, and if you don’t know about it, look around the forums. I don’t think forcing people to agree to a contract will fix anything, except making report abusing even worse.

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I’ve been on Moon Guard since Cata and I know people with half a brain will RP their edgy dialog in party or raid chat so people walking by can’t report them :roll_eyes:

It’s funny how you two are lecturing me on how things are done on RP servers yet you don’t know this.


Give an inch they think its a mile. It’s exactly the same as multiboxing when they announced no more software or a ban they all went yah no more multiboxing when no we can and still do multibox. Boosting communities is another one where they went no more boosting while we all still get paid to boost people.

Damn should spam report this tbh, the term goodball really insulted me :frowning: I am hurt beyond imagining

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That 3 week suspension your friends got was not automated though - that was a GM looking over the chat logs and the previous account penalties.

They really really need to use a different channel for their RP chat, not the public channel.

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And then you slowly lose the social aspect of the roleplay experience as a result.

I think you should get in touch with the server then lol.

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This has nothing to do with him.

I am not keenly aware of much of what we being said in the one mentioned above. I do not even know who they were, RP servers aren’t giant cliques. But the public channel is also, the main means of RP.

Having an opinion about what one is willing to put up with in a game has nothing to do with toxicity; don’t get it twisted.

The EULA exists and is fine as it is without adding an extra layer of control.

Right… the person that hasn’t been suspended for saying crap in chat needs to get in touch with the server. I’m not the one doing it wrong.

I haven’t either, whats your point?

Slow your roll buddy, wouldn’t wanna get silenced

WHAT A GREAT IDEA! Why didn’t anyone think of that? Lets just force players into EVEN MORE things they shouldn’t even have to do. Have you been living in the broom closet for the last 14-15 years of the game’s lifespan? RPers have been using the general chat as a means to write their character since VANILLA. But yeah guys, lets not fix the problem and punish those abusing the ban feature, instead lets ban the people that aren’t circumventing this issue and just do ALL RP in whispers, party, raid chat, etc. What a spectacular idea, get this man a promotion to community god or something.


Actually the thing says this:

The first part is suggestions. There is no listed punishment for those things.

No one is going to ban me for not making friends with or excluding uncool people from my guild.

The second half is a reminder that the EULA exists.

I don’t know why you people are making a mountain out of a molehill.


I made my point. Tell your friends to take it to party or raid chat and they won’t get suspended.

If “freak” is too much to be said in-universe, then I think blizz should reassess haphazardly including genocide into their lore and practically forcing involvement with it on their playerbase.

I was talking to Valeclaw about their friend’s 3 week suspensions and a reference to auto moderation.

Unless you are an alt of Valeclaw, I am really confused as to why you even replied.

The public channels have to follow the chat rules though - always have. It does not matter if it is said as part of RP or not.

Well, they don’t have to (I suppose?), but they can and will get reported and a GM can and will penalize them.

Again, I don’t know why this is news. We have had the same rules for 17 years now. If someone gets suspended a GM looked at the logs and account history and applied the penalty.

If this is new to people, that would be unusual, but hopefully they sort it out and avoid getting themselves into trouble.

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Where do you find this trash? From /2? Grow up.

And whats even more amusing about the whole ban abusing problem, specifically for the RP community as a whole, is the people that are getting their accounts forever tainted by bans (BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY TO GET IT REMOVED WOOHOO, effectively making every ban after that whether it is legitimate or not even worse than the last one) aren’t even doing anything wrong! RP with your guild in say, some playful banter? Could even be ‘hello’ but if enough people spam report, the bot will just outright suspend and that same bot will keep you banned and give you a generic reason, making the player either accept it and not play the game they pay monthly for, or send 4 tickets until a gm replies, giving them the same exact answer such as ‘you shouldnt do that if it could be found offensive’ OR ‘it must have been offensive enough for x amount of people to report.’ Yes, I am dearly sorry blizzard employee. Saying hello is offensive, I’ll try my best to not use the chat feature next time, but wait! It won’t matter! Standing could be taken as offensive to the bots if enough reports come in. It won’t matter. Lets just add a contract on top of it, not fix the problem, and get even more people to leave our game (some even for good), our dearest fans. Because people that abuse the feature get away with it. All. The. Time. In PvP because its amusing. In RP because they can. It needs to be changed before any insane contract is forced. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.