The only change WOTLK needs to make it the perfect expansion

Honestly perfectly fine with troll raids being cut, Never liked the Aesthetic.

Those were the days - I mainly raided in naxx, but I remember totally nerding out over other mages in full valourous frost fire gear with the turning tide spellblade

Man I ran naxx so many times for that damn blade, I never got it either rip

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I think a lot of people are remembering an era in their life more than the game.

If we could erase the gaming sophistication that we have learned in the last 12 years, we might once again think of WoTLK in grandiose terms. I sure did. I still fondly remember it.

But we’ve all learned so much and even helped create the digital communities we frequent.

That’s my take when a person expresses WoTLK love. I feel the same thing. It’s comfy. It was simpler. It entertained without making you feel bad.

That’s worth looking back on. We may not be able to recreate such a feeling with that old tech, but we can appreciate why we felt why we did.

Every gamer has more sophisticated tastes than they used to.

I can’t tell you the number of hours I dumped into Dragon Warrior as a kid, and then again as a young adult when emulation kicked off =)

I can’t stand the simplicity of it now. It’s mind-torturingly stupid. But I still enjoy the memories of playing. I had a lot of fun in those times with that game.


I think that’d be a cool toy idea for retail. A grenade that removes peoples transmogs for a short period of time. I think that’d be really fun actually.

Lob it into a group of party or raid members and see their transmogs vanish. Oh, it’d be brilliant.

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Ulduar was short? lol. what.

I don’t get it either. It is funny because before this new leveling system that was introduced this expansion, I would see many posts of people saying how fast they try and rush through BC/Wrath content when leveling alts. And most of those even saying having to do the wrath leveling draggggged forever. I felt the same way.

When you ask people, “So what exactly about Wrath was so amazing” and no one seems to reply. The story? Sure. IMO Arthas turning into the Lich King is the best story. But the expansion was meh.

Like Kaylee said, the first 3 raids were 1 was a copy paste Naxx but dumbed down hard to where it was a joke and then the other 2 were 1 boss dragon fights that were meh.

Ulduar was awesome imo though. But then you had ToC which was a joke and guilds cleared it with ease. Although wasn’t it gated? Funny how people forget gating has been around for a long time. But then ToGC was a joke as well except for Anub. He was a pain.

ICC was okay. Some fun fights for sure but I dunno, the way ICC was built to me was kind of meh.

Then we had the longest end of expansion drought to where then they threw in RS which was another 1 dragon boss raid which the gear was pointless and the fight was dumb.

But leveling in Wrath in general was meh. Nothing special just like BC. The zones were okay. Although I will say Grizzly Hills was awesome. But yeah, I agree with Kaylee 100% on this.

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Ummm you can do that now. It is no different.

It is funny because when MoP launched, people were calling it the worst expansion. WoW is dying. MoP will kill WoW. You know? Basically what everyone says for every expansion. Yet today, those same people all of a sudden praise MoP.

I always liked MoP from the start so that is why it makes me laugh remembering how people were when it was new and now.

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To be honest I loved Wrath leveling. I’m leveling a second hunter and definitely doing it through wrath

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Keep in mind that less than 1% of the Vanilla playerbase got to see Naxx in its OG form. For the vast-vast majority of the playerbase Naxx was practically a brand new raid.

From what I am seen/read/heart, Wrath was a bit of experimental. Shorter & longer raids. Shorter dungeons. And Ulduar is massive. SoD feels like a baby comparing to the grand scheme of Ulduar.

IMHO Wrath was really good when it came to balance in PvE. Never been a big fan of PvP, but A+H was top 2’s comp so…there is that.

To this day I have very many fond memories playing different classes. I will never forget pumping top meters as feral - arguably the hardest spec in Wrath.

There was a perfect amount of class synergies, like DK’s bosting shadow priest/lock damage. Reducing armor on bosses so melee comps pushed harder. I also really liked the fact that we didn’t have stats simplified down to 2nd grade math like we do today.

To each their own of course. But I really loved Wrath and I played it on pservers afterwards for many many years.

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Hint: The gear in Wrath only looks “good” because we were coming from the complete and utter clown show that was TBC gear. Most of it’s too low res to use today.

Anyone else remember Mario All Stars for Super NES? Was the same marios from 8 bit, only with upgraded graphics and a save feature. Let’s just say I’d love it if future classics were given similar treatment only save = mog for purposes.

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The wotlk class design was its absolute peak. Mop comes close to it, though.

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meh unpopular opinion i didnt like wotlk very much. icc was cool but thats it

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people literally said that solely because of the introductions of pandas. people did not like pandas at all and the small group of people (yes, it was small) made a lot of noise.

Who is that man with a cross earring?

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Idk. I just needed a “What?” gif and that fitted perfectly what i needed.

‘Episode 5 Reaction GIF by The Office’ is it’s title.

they will change many things, they did with classic and BC already. probably too many things will get changed.

WotLK worlds were quite irrelevant and empty once reaching the level cap, I mostly remember the expansion for killing quest and flightpath NPCs as well as lower-level players in their starting zone due to having far too much free time on my hands.

Outside of Battle Grounds and Arena, there was not much for the casual player base to do.

What I love Bout WOLTK is the content and game play.
Interest bout play classic WOTLK ? May be Not.

I feel not interested doin the leveling and dungeon grind at Wotlk but the class gameplay dungeon and raid yes I really miss.

There are so many private server Wotlk who give more fun game content than Blizzlike Classic WOTLK.

Come on Blizz Dev be more creative lot of player miss just old content with old gameplay dont put the hard grind in it coz i will never touch it :smiley:

That only really happened during ICC times so if we are lucky this time around no one will remember this abomination of an addon, if so we will see it even from the get go :smiley: