Transmog. Thats literally it. Wrath was already so good. Bring it on, we’re waiting.
I dunno…I enjoyed the days of looking at peoples armor and knowing what they’ve completed. Twas good times
Naxxramas was literally copy-pasted.
Sanctums were a low res room with a vanilla dragon in the middle.
Trial of the Crusader is a single room of reused assets.
The entire Nerubian underground bit was axed.
Ulduar was extremely short.
Troll raid was cut.
I legitimately don’t know what people loved about Wrath aside from Arthas and it being their first expansion.
Favorable opinions of vanilla and TBC disappeared when those versions of the game hit legacy servers, and it’ll happen again with WOTLK.
What made wrath so good was ppl could play alts and grind reputation at their own pace. The story was amazing and it felt as if what we were doing actually mattered. If I hit 80 on a alt, in that same day I could grind badges til my hearts content and get him geared and raid ready and also death knights.
Honestly, there is multiple reasons to why people such as myself would love Wrath.
- The content felt really good
- The class design was, well, I’m gonna say alright, because some classes did feel really bad
- The story was amazing
yeah honestly makes you wonder if the people who say wotlk was the best expansion even played MoP. MoP did everything WoTLK did but better just without Arthas.
I don’t see how you can make this claim.
It’s got a front area that is almost a raid in and of itself.
You then go to the “middle” area, which is again a raid, in and of itself.
Then there is the end, which is FINALLY just a couple of bosses, but they took some time.
Everyone endlessly faps over how much they LOVED Ulduar but I have to be honest and stand in solidarity in that I HATED it. And the reason I HATED Ulduar was that IT TOOK FOR-FREAKING-EVER because it was a MASSIVE raid.
As I just outlined, it was practically THREE raids mushed into one.
And you’re saying it wasn’t just “short”, but “EXTREMELY” short??! Sorry, that’s an absurd claim.
Tier duration.
Like, period of time between Ulduar release and Trial of the Reused Assets.
Not raid size.
Breathe, orcboy.
You mean the raid didn’t last long enough? I agree, thankfully something Blizzard can string out the Ulduar tier and shrink the TOGC tier. The patches are already done and Blizzard can manipulate the length of each patch to what makes sense for the content it has rather than trying to mirror WOTLK exactly.
I don’t know. I remember afking in Dalaran a lot because there wasn’t a whole lot to do outside of dungeons/raids/pvp. At least not till the ToC patch.
Wrath was a solid expansion overall and did a lot of things, but I’d still say it has its good points and its bad points like every other expansion. None of them are perfect. Wrath was not flawless.
Sitting in dungeon finder queues since you couldn’t raid because your gearscore wasn’t ICC level so no one would take you for Naxx, let alone anything else.
At least it’ll be nice to be able to do the raids this go around since they can’t demand ICC gear on day 1.
Naxxramus was copied, but it was just to let people see the content that so few got to see at the time.
Everything was low res back then so I dont see that as a fault.
Trial of the Crusader was to be a tournament to get the adventurers ready to storm ICC so not having a large raid setting was fine.
Ulduar was short in terms of access time.
People liked the freedom and accessibility of the game and a good story. SL is just a complete mess and I dont know how anyone can have any real interest in it and the decline of speculated sub numbers, and the decline of just overall participation, it seems like people dont have any interest of it.
Gosh that is one thing about WoW that has never changed, even to this day it still happens.
“LFM Vault of Archavon. Need heroic ICC 5500 gearscore, link achievement, birth certificate, and 3rd Grade Spelling Bee trophy or no invite!” Such leet, much wow
WotLK with updated models and transmog would be, like…
But so few people saw the original naxxramas that it is pretty much a moot point.
So is Mage Tower. They bought it (The raid) back for people to experience it because so few get to see it back when it first debut.
Welcome to WoW where Low Res rein supreme at a time where 32 bit computers with their bulky 800x600 CRT monitors about quadrupling the size and weight of the computer itself, still ruled the world and kicking the crap out of Vista even, and the GPU on the system requirement isn’t just “ATI Radeon 7200 or NVIDIA GeForce 2” but “3D graphics processor with Hardware Transform and Lighting with 32 MB VRAM Such as an ATI Radeon 7200 or NVIDIA GeForce 2 class card or better”.
It’s there to help us train for ICC.
As shame those things were left on the cutting room floor, cut content does happen from time to time. Hello aerial combat.
…You named like the raids here as the negatives of the expansion…
To be fair though, they were always well received in Private Servers. I think it just speaks more of Blizzard execution of them rather then the expansions themselves. Though, in a way, you are correct that sometimes, these games don’t hold up in a few places when viewed in a more modern lens.
A raid with 14 bosses is extremely short? I know some of them are optional (5 bosses. Ignis, Razorscale, Iron Council, Algalon and Crazy Cat Lady) but wat?
Then why not say that instead of saying that the raid itself was extremely short?
How hard would it be to say Ulduar’s tier duration was extremely short? two words was all you needed. We can’t read your mind.
Yea X mog is Good.
Dont Put old 3d model character at WOTLK
its 2020 not 2008
Private Servers did do a few changes. Such as increasing the difficulty of content because they didn’t have the actual numbers. Which is why a lot of people complained that WoW: Classic was “too easy” even though it was exactly the way it was back in 2004. People wanted #nochanges and making extremely old content relevant to the skill level of todays players was something that would go against that.
It’s the gogogo mentality. Rush every dungeon rush every raid, print your bis lists, don’t read your talents just run what wowhead tells you. The thing that made classic tbc and wotlk good was the social aspect which is all gone now and can never be replicated.