The one feature wow needs to beat FF14

Not to be negative but I tried ff and the traveling, quests, and mounts were not “fun” enough to keep me engaged to level 40. Still paying for wow but ff was pretty boring. No one wants to mention how fluid wow combat feels compared to ff either. And the slow gcd. The best that can be said is the traveling is fast. Not fun, but fast. Which I suppose is something i guess.

I think hunting logs wouldn’t even work in wow because you have to take ten mins to take a FP somewhere instead of just teleporting. That’s not really a plus or minus, just an observation. PS, I thought the hunting log in ff was kind of neat since it gave you a reason to explore and gave you some extra xp.

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I’m not so sure about that.

Something either feels satisfying or it doesn’t. If it doesn’t then you change it until it is.

The crafting system is great, you see players in the city working on their professions, it feels like a real city. Even Bards are standing on corners playing their instruments like in a real city. I think their developers understand what brings a city to life and incorporated these elements into the game.

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There are things that FF does well and things that it doesn’t. I liked: their crafting, world activities, dungeons, gear is visually appealing, story is compelling at later levels. What I didn’t like: slow GCD’s, some jobs feel raw and weird, way too many cut scenes and they sometimes lock you into them while the rest of the group has to wait on you. Those are just a few things off the top of my head, there are many more likes and dislikes for me.

That’s fair. I did like parts of it. I just overall still like wow more. And if we’re being honest, I’ve heard it gets better in both story and gameplay later on. And that they’ve changed that for the better since I last played. Part of me wants to try again but I don’t want to do 2 MMORPGs at once lol


all I know for sure about Final Fantasy, their community is like opportunistic buzzards when it comes to WoW. Everytime without fail, if anything goes wrong with WoW, or Blizzard is hit by a PR nightmare bus. They jump on the WoW forums and spam it with subtle advertising for their game. Sometimes they don’t even try to be subtle.

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In my opinion, if a game doesn’t care enough about its player base to at least give something of a decent start experience. There is no reason for me to care about the game. Why should I invest time in a game that won’t invest time in me? -provided it’s a game I hadn’t got drawn into when such things was a thing-

I did that on their forums today to give them a taste of their own medicine, this one guy was red-hot mad calling me every name in the book and the forum mods were doing nothing about it. I thought that was interesting.


I wouldn’t dare. They ban people so easy on that game. I think if I did that they’d smack me for trolling then smack anyone that responded for personal insults.

I was careful how I worded things, I’m pretty good at that. :laughing:

Would be nice if Australian players were allowed to download the game in the first place without some weird patch errors.

Never had trouble downloading WoW ever.

Also I like that wow has voice acting. I know, I know, “it’s not that hard to read” but when I want to read I read a book. I play a video game because I DON’T want to read.

PS: I read A LOT of books :slight_smile:


Honestly getting the game in the first place and making your first character is one of the biggest nightmares I have ever experienced. I don’t recommend using steam if anyone decides to get the game. Linking the accounts gets muddled, and if there is a issue with the linking the CS staff makes WoW team look like a golden standard. Then the character creation process can be a nightmare if you have friends you want to play with and they happen to be on a higher populated server. You will have to stay up all night checking frequently to see if there is still a queue. So long as there is a queue of 1 person, You won’t be allowed to create a character on that server.

Player housing won’t bring anyone back.

We have a whole world and multiple expansions in which players could hang around and chat. That’s all there is to do with housing, as it is.

That’s coz FF14 doesn’t have Australian servers…yet.

They will in Endwalker though.

But the one feature that wow has that FF14 doesn’t is phasing technology, therefore they can beat FF14 by making real player housing (not garrisons) in wow.

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The “slow gcd” fixes at lvl 50-60+, just like wow’s lack of skills from lvl 1-30+ picks up. You didn’t play late game to fully see how faster FFXIV gets as later you get OGCD skills to do between GCDs.

oceanic servers coming in 3 months!

Sports mini games, imo.


That’s fair. Pretty sure that’s the main reason people think BM is a brainless spec even though there are several easier specs that don’t have to maintain a constant buff/debuff. Some wow specs are soooo boring early on.

player housing posts are doomed to die on the forums if you literally just say “I want player housing it will be the best thing ever.”

there’s too many skeptics as well as too many wishful thinkers. honestly there is no point in making a post like this. You need to elaborate, you need to be specific with your desires and archetype you’re envisioning. this is just a waste of space.

i say this as one who already wrote one of the most popular player housing posts on this forum

I’d return if this was properly introduced. I couldn’t care less about gear strength. I’m more for the aesthetics, mounts etc.

Im a WoW player, and I have houses in ESO and I can tell you I spend very little time in any of them. I spend more time actually looking for the patterns to make things for player housing. The creative side of it as a lot more fun tht sitting on a chair and staring at the wall.

I think you either underestimate players and their boredom limits or overestimate the appeal of sitting in a room with nothing to do.

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