The Old School Runescape approach?


You'll get a bunch of people who didn't want or care about classic voting on things that won't affect them.

We did vote: with our wallets and some with private servers.

Classic is the result of that vote.
If there were going to be any voting on changes to classic, it would have to be ported to a second server. Classic is the baseline and should stay classic, anything voted by the fans should be separate.
11/05/2018 03:47 PMPosted by Matcauthon
Blizzard stated an authentic experience.
Barrens Chat is out. They have that nifty reporting feature.

Wall hopping is out. They are building from current WoW and putting that back in would be problematic.

Can guarantee that vanish won't be nearly as buggy as it was back in the day.

Probably going to prevent you from being able to mind control NPCs and make them attack other players.

Yea when they said "authentic experience," they meant "pay $15/mo." Everything else is negotiable.
11/05/2018 06:24 PMPosted by Johnnyderp
11/05/2018 03:47 PMPosted by Matcauthon
Blizzard stated an authentic experience.
Barrens Chat is out. They have that nifty reporting feature.

Wall hopping is out. They are building from current WoW and putting that back in would be problematic.

Can guarantee that vanish won't be nearly as buggy as it was back in the day.

Probably going to prevent you from being able to mind control NPCs and make them attack other players.

Yea when they said "authentic experience," they meant "pay $15/mo." Everything else is negotiable.

After this demo it is clear #nochanges failed as a policy. The very best we can get now is static 1.12 with 1.12 itemization, talents and Shield Slam.

I don't want to play that. I can get that on Kronos. Now an OSRS'd Classic... That sounds much more interesting.

Vanish was broken because of spell batching, that is why that argument is so heated. Rogues would have to accept a broken class feature if spell batching came back.

As much as I don’t trust Blizzard, I trust the player base as a whole even less.

All one has to do is to take one look at these Classic forums to see all of the non vanilla QOL convenience changes that are “requested”.

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Exactly. If such a system was in place it wouldn’t be long before people had a 60 just so they can vote.

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I wouldn’t be against a rolling 5 year reset on the servers, every 5 years you might have to server transfer if you wanted to keep your toon untouched, other than that…

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… and fly 'em to Reykjavik a couple of times a year, get 'em drunk and let them make fools of themselves, then never implement any of their suggestions? :smirk_cat:

I don’t know about all that, I personally feel like Vanish and Stealth have gotten MORE buggy over the years, particularly after ~cata era. That was the first time I ever noticed my rogue getting stealth to randomly drop (as in not hit out of stealth or forced out of stealth, just randomly and spontaneously no longer in stealth). The worst I had to deal with in vanilla was being forced to gouge pets before vanishing a hunter (assuming no hunters mark), or having no dot clearing mechanic, but both of those situations are controllable on my end.

That being said, blind in vanilla being able to be dodge/block/parried/resisted is most definitely going to cause some severe “triggering” when it RNGs against me and I die horribly as a result, so maybe it balances out.

And if batching doesn’t come back, you’ll be able to guarantee a non diminishing return talented gouge into a restealth.