The Old School Runescape approach?

Basically title, let players vote on things.

OSRS has more players than RS3
To keep people from trolling the voting, they make you be a member. With WoW since everyone pays a sub, they could say you need to be level 15 or higher to vote.
This has been asked for in the past.

But generally speaking my answer is no. First of all -
Blizzard stated an authentic experience.
Secondly a lot of people want classic to get back to the community and the lack of quality of life.

And level 15 or higher? Nah. Too easy. Especially when it's rolled into a retail sub.
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Nah, people would vote for some really dumb stuff in my opinion.
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Only question that matters. Was it in vanilla?

I'll let you in on a secret, democracy is influenced by corruption and the average voter is uninformed and has no idea what they are voting for. They can be influenced by shiny pictures, celebs saying things, and catchy phrases.
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OSRS doesn't have "more" players than Runescape. It has several times its population. On peak hours there are around 140k online in OSRS, while RS3 only breaks 25k once per day.

And yes, if they were to take this approach and continue Classic WoW's story it would blow BFA's numbers out of the water.

"People don't want it", "People would vote for dumb stuff", "it wasn't in Runescape back then", "No one will pay to play a 2004 game", "The demographics have changed, that is why the population decreased, not because the game became worse".

All that crap was said, and the end result was amazing. Learn from Jagex, Blizzard. Save your own game.
id argue that some QoL would be acceptable. like for pvping queing, the ability to que for them all at once (random bg) instead of running all the way to one and hoping theres enough people there
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Maybe down the line if they open a second set of servers as Classic+. But these servers will remain the same.
11/05/2018 03:54 PMPosted by Eliise
id argue that some QoL would be acceptable. like for pvping queing, the ability to que for them all at once (random bg) instead of running all the way to one and hoping theres enough people there

Here's the thing. Some of them MAU be fine. But most of them have absolutely no place in vanilla.
I hope some QoL UI stuff is added like simply having a grey ? when a quest in incomplete, and showing an ! on the minimap. That is really the only UI complaints I have.
11/05/2018 03:59 PMPosted by Matcauthon
11/05/2018 03:54 PMPosted by Eliise
id argue that some QoL would be acceptable. like for pvping queing, the ability to que for them all at once (random bg) instead of running all the way to one and hoping theres enough people there

Here's the thing. Some of them MAU be fine. But most of them have absolutely no place in vanilla.

exactly, so we vote no on those.
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One could say that the "old school Runescape" approach would be to start at BC, and pretend that Vanilla never happened
11/05/2018 04:03 PMPosted by Eliise
11/05/2018 03:59 PMPosted by Matcauthon

Here's the thing. Some of them MAU be fine. But most of them have absolutely no place in vanilla.

exactly, so we vote no on those.
problem is you say 15+ to vote when it's also tied to a retail sub. You know how easy it would be for some retail person to come troll us?
All of you who are afraid of people voting "yes" on dumb stuff, don't be. Every single controversial change failed the vote in Runescape. Jagex even had to shelve a new skill on which they had worked for months because many thought it was a dumb idea.

All you need to do is enable people to vote only if they have a level 60 character, and requiring 75% of the votes for changes. Jagex did something similar to stop trolls.
11/05/2018 04:05 PMPosted by Matcauthon
11/05/2018 04:03 PMPosted by Eliise

exactly, so we vote no on those.
problem is you say 15+ to vote when it's also tied to a retail sub. You know how easy it would be for some retail person to come troll us?

i know its tied to the sub, which is why youd have to have some sort of proof or limiting factor so that wont happen. is a retail boi really gonna grind out level X so he can troll with his 1 vote?
Leave Classic classic.
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I also believe blizz could take a page from Eve Online and have a CSM, aka the players elect other players to be representatives for them
11/05/2018 04:07 PMPosted by Osirus
Leave Classic classic.

OSRS fans said the same, and now its triple RS3s numbers and is way more fun
11/05/2018 04:06 PMPosted by Eliise
11/05/2018 04:05 PMPosted by Matcauthon
...problem is you say 15+ to vote when it's also tied to a retail sub. You know how easy it would be for some retail person to come troll us?

i know its tied to the sub, which is why youd have to have some sort of proof or limiting factor so that wont happen. is a retail boi really gonna grind out level X so he can troll with his 1 vote?

I wouldn't put it past retailers to spend 3 to 4 hours to level to 15 to troll.

That said if something like this was added it should be 60 only.
11/05/2018 04:10 PMPosted by Matcauthon
11/05/2018 04:06 PMPosted by Eliise

i know its tied to the sub, which is why youd have to have some sort of proof or limiting factor so that wont happen. is a retail boi really gonna grind out level X so he can troll with his 1 vote?

I wouldn't put it past retailers to spend 3 to 4 hours to level to 15 to troll.

That said if something like this was added it should be 60 only.

my point is that are enough people actually gonna bother to level to 15, 30, even 60 just to troll a vote
No thanks. Let Classic be as close to vanilla as possible, that is point of this whole project.