The Official Playable Haranir Thread

I to some extent agree. They should had used the Troll models but with the male back straighten, softer Elven like features, varied goblinoid ears and several options for tails just because.


Gosh I hope this is not a new playable race, but the available info seems like it might happen. Another feature that will be a hard pass for me.

Okay I know this is old and I actually think the Harronir look fine. But I take issue with what you said here somewhat.

The idea that everything in DF had more passion then OG race designs? It had some really good art assets and environments. But Dracthyr are the worst thing I ever saw them make. Their animations are literal clown animations, their faces are the dumbest thing I have ever seen. I can’t take them seriously because of how over the top the cartoonishness of them is. Its too much even for wow. And dont get me started on the dog water Dreamtalons… Point is, some of the art was furry wish fulfillment that felt very out of place for WoW. Thats technically passion, but not for the game or setting. The rest was gold though.

(Side note, I don’t think they were inspired by fairies at all. Vines and leaves do not equal fae across the board. They are druidic to be sure, but they don’t feel fae. They feel Bugbear/bat inspired for the underground. )

So it seems the Harronir are now the Haranir.


Of course the males get shafted with goofy proportions. What the hell is an attractive male in the eyes of the concept artists?

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So long as those races are elves.

They couldn’t even resist putting elves into the Dracthyr via the visage. Gross.


I’ve updated the title.


As we get closer to TWW’s release date, I wanted to say that I’ll help keep an eye out for anything relating to the Haranir that I can help report on when the expansion launches.

I’ve got a free character slot, so if they did become playable, I’ll be able to make one. Not sure what I would make in general, as I need to see more about them in-game to get a better character idea.

Anyway, hoping for the best for y’all! :smiley:

-59 days (55 days with early access) until TWW releases!-


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It’s Harronir. Harronir.

And with the dressing room on wowhead


You guys can’t read, or rather never played Beta.

I deserved it, I guess.


10 chars

It looks creepy, someone kill it, fast.


If the Haranir became playable, I wonder what their racial mount would be. They look cool to me. They are more unique than the Earthen.

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h tt p s: / /x.c om/wowpetopia / status/1783748435239 440775

That thing looks uglier than sin. Kill it with fire. At lease the earthen look good

Great job, a thread for something that you couldn’t even spell correctly in the title.

?? what do you mean?