The Official Playable Haranir Thread

The title says Haranir. It’s spelled Harronir.

what do you mean?

…never mind you must be drunk, high or something. I pointed out the misspelling of the title of your thread.

Harronir are now Haranir, wowhead put it here. In the dressing room, we don’t have Harronir but Haranir now.


So did they change the spelling somewhere along the line? Did they give a reason why?

I am perplexed. I thought it was “Harronir” at some point but now it’s “haranir”? Or is this like some example of the Mandela Effect

Sorry, I don’t drink. I just don’t understand which word I had misspelt. Can you kindly explain it to me. English is not my first language.

One thing you should know about Beta, typos are pretty common. I doubt they changed the race name, because “Harronir” has been like that for a while, long before beta.

So far, I haven’t heard anything from devs/blue post regarding the name. So, I believed it’s a typo, just like I said in my earlier post. For now, you can wait to see if it changes.

Edit: oh right, I forgot about Wowhead, our “favorite” source. Wowhead is an amazing website for information, however they tend to make a lot of mistakes regarding spelling, info, and other things I won’t list. Basically, take it with a grain of salt.

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Is this yet another mammalian race? Our only option for non-mammal is Dracthyr

What Eonar said to Freya before she left, it kinda sounds in my head they came from the roots. Otherwise, where do they came from? I’m not sure about trolls/night elves. The place is pretty far from the well. Why did they stopped in the middle of evolution (to night elves)? Or thats not the case?

Hard to say…

These are just weird Night Elves. Players are getting sick of the re-use of other skeletons. I am atleast. Make something new or give us something unique, like the Klaxxi / Mantid to play as.

so things set in stone in beta?

No, far from it. Just wait and see if anything changes before prepatch.

but you said it’s a typo and it was like that way before beta. Can you explain how wowhead made a typo from datamined sources they just copy from?

Ma’am, do you understand your reply? Set in stone? It means fixed, unchangeable. My reply is still correct. Beta always changes and typos is common…

And darling, wowhead always made typos. From what they datamined doesn’t means they’re true. There’s a lot of evidence support that, but it seems you’re firmly trust everything from wowhead and there’s nothing I can do about it.

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Sorry, english is my 3rd language. Can you explain?

You’ve claimed or at least implied wowhead has made a typo with a data they datamined and then just put it in their database. Can you explain how datamining causes typo?

choose one because they are contradictory from each other.

And you said that the name is a typo because it was different way before beta so it will be forever that way, and what wowhead posted would be changed because it’s a typo because as you said, it is different before beta so it must stay the way before beta but you also denied that it is not set in stone even though you believe the name has set in stone even before beta.

Hi, you still have yet to explain why are you claiming I am drunk.

No, far from it. Just wait and see if anything changes before prepatch.

What…? Look, wowhead always datamine everything, every single thing. However, not all of datamined info made it to retail.

As for the name, it’s still in beta, for nature’s sake. Also, believe and set in stone isn’t the same thing. That’s all I want to say.

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OK that’s so cool. can you explain how datamined info becomes a typo when wowhead posted it into their database even though they are just copying them? You said wowhead made the typos, pls explain how those typose that wowhead made during datamining.

You also said that the previous spelling existed waaay before beta and would stay but then you said nothing sets in stones in beta. Can you explain your contradictive statements

Please explain, you are very interestingly weird. So quirky and so taleneted!

I mean, you’re a Troll, they’re a dragon… if anything they would be dragging.

Wowhead has the spelling both ways. I don’t know if it has been changed or if there was just a typo that caused confusion.

If you look at the wowhead link at the very start of this thread it was called Harronir.

I’m guessing we’ll find out when the expansion launches, what the official name is going to be.


That link is the original spelling and the spelling stays because it was an article written before the new data mined changes. That is the nature of previous writen articles; they tend to be static.

If you click on any of the wowhead links within the first aforementioned article, the name has changed due the dynamic nature of the database based on the most recent datamining.