Overweight Night Elves with Quillboar features… no, thanks.
if you think they are overweight i really worry what your perceptions are of women irl, they barely have a tummy
Anyone else wondering if the Harrornir, instead of being the Half-Way points between Trolls and Elves, is one for Quillboars and Elves?
Gimme the cave trolls
My zugga
After seeing that trailer, yes I would like to play a cave troll
They look like an offspring of night elves and Quilboars, yepp… and there are actually people, who are into that… To each their own I guess…
Heck yeah big dog, called having good taste
Get the benefit of the tall of night elf, but with a touch of the thicc
I’m just not sure which body types I would use. I don’t really like the Male Night Elf model/skeleton except when they are fully reskinned like in the case of Zandalari. I hope there are more savage customization to make them look feral and bestial.
Player Zandalari are not based on the Night Elf rig at all. They’re using the Darkspear troll rigs and have been modified. Blizzard said so in an interview awhile back.
The old models for the Zandalari did use the Night Elf rig though.
They seem to have quite a lot of options to go both less and more feral from what I saw on WoW head.
I tell you, this race has way more interesting potential than rock dwarves.
I’m would love to make a shaman one. I like the idea of them being for alliance or both. I’d probably stick with my darkspear if they went horde.
They should absolutely be Horde, but because I am a generous god I shall allow them to also be Alliance as well.
Well, that dance reminded me of something the blood trolls might do.
Though this race seems to worship Elune.
I would choose that clawed foot customization as long as it can be covered with shoes. I like the idea of it showing on some mogs, but some just look better with the boots.
I could see some pretty wicked mogs where the clawed foot would look sick though.
When I first saw the Harronir I was like, “They are super ugly” but now I am, “I would make one”. And if they get that crazy dance and glow like in the trailer chefs kiss
It reminded me of the blood trolls. I thought it was a cool dance, and they should definitely get it. In the last one it looked like there might even be some blue skin options, which I hope they do as well.
I looked him up, and though I didn’t find what I was looking for I did find the ‘Don’t feed the pandas’
and that has made me terrified of pandas
Stop with the allied races requests !
Then they should use what ever that is for the Male Harronir.
I definitely would mog them using the Blood Troll mog while levelling before getting their heritage armor.
This would seal the deal for me.
Don’t tell me what to do. You are not my mother.
That would be interesting honestly.