The Official Playable Haranir Thread

I didn’t want to assume their being playable was guaranteed like people have done with other NPC races from the last three expansions, but this cinematic featuring a harronir character front and center makes it seem like they’re more than just a one-off NPC race to be used for one or two zones and then discarded, so I now think their chances are pretty good.


They look very nice!

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I’m still holding my breath because there was a Tuskarr in the Dragonflight Cinematic.

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Yo that Harronir from the Trailer/cinematic doing that ritualistic magic dance was neat tho

I wouldn’t compare the two tbh.

For one, Harronir already have tons of modular customization options, are much easier to rig the different class combat animations for, and the way they are marked internally is the same as Earthen rather than just NPCs

For another, Tuskarr don’t really have…fighters. We don’t see really any Tuskarr priests or mages or hunters or shamans or warriors aside from the occasional fighter here and there. They are mostly peaceful fisherpeople lol.

Meanwhile the leader of the Harronir is already a Druid with unique animal forms and their race’s job is to be protectors of Elun’ahir’s roots.

Also you can kind of just tell when a race isn’t a good fit to become playable on how they look/are modeled. The new humanoid Nerubians are another one I just don’t seeing being playable with how they are modeled currently.

But Harronir are a very clear mish-mash of Nelves and Trolls and are giving very much later-in-the-expac A.R. after we help them in a later patch

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You know I always liked both night elves and trolls. I do think this race looks cool. And I do wonder if they are supposed to be some middle evolution of trolls and elves. The fur throws me off so perhaps just their own race?

I’d play them if they came out. Assuming their animations were okay. (Biggest reason I don’t paly female blood/void elves.)

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I mean Trolls/Night Elves all look the way they do because of different connections to Elune and the Harronir are protectors of Elun’ahir so it’s obviously intentional that they look similar

I like to hope. But then again, look how many of the races from the shadowlands launch trailer ended up playable.

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So I didn’t imagine things, that was one of those troll-elves doing that wild dance. About the only interesting thing in that cinematic or if nothing, more pleasant to look at.

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It makes you wonder what Elune would actually look like.

Btw if they do become playable, I hope they are given a few more hairstyles. I know some of the races have very few options.

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Just going to reiterate the only way id play then is if they are dhs since its the only class any of the trolls cant be that im interested in. No dh no harronir

No more elves!

They look more like trolls to me. The hands and feet look elvish but the overall posture as well as faces look closer to trolls. As well as the fact that in the new cinematic than the movements looked like trolls as well.

Well we have enough trolls too. Two trolls are enough lol.

Like Zandalari you mean cause they look nothing like the original trolls.

It’s a mix of stuff, though I think they used the troll model for these. I really don’t know though, just what I was able to see.

Definitely similar to the Kaldorei

  1. She had a child with Malorne, a stag looking God, and their child is Cenarius, who is half stag and half Night Elf looking, which implies the Night Elf looking part came from Elune
  1. The Dark Trolls were transformed to look like the Night Elves by settling near the Well of Eternity and worshipping Elune, being transformed in her image

I really am excited to see her if we ever get to one day haha


Too bad. Amani Forest Trolls are extremely likely to become an AR in Midnight too alongside High Elves.

We have like 3 Dwarves and 2 orcs and 2 Tauren and 2 Draenei and a bunch of elves and 2 trolls and 3 flavors of human like it really doesn’t matter

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I actually wouldn’t mind Amani trolls. Almost forgot about them. I wish they were playable instead of Zandalari, but they cool too. I just think having too much of a race is mundane, hence elves.

Well yeah, but they have the nelf skeleton like the zandalari.