The Official Playable Haranir Thread

OFC it is. We gonna get all races all classes eventually, like it or not.

Updated OP with their possible mount.

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I wonder if it is their Druid form if they become playable and able to be Druids.

Tbh I want a playable non Dwarven short race that lives underground. Like those adorable Sniffens.


The fact some hitherto unknown and unseen quill trolls has a chance to become a playable race before vrykul, ogres and many other actually asked for playable races makes me want to go on a taint-punching spree.

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I think it’s important to remember that this would be an allied race, and none of our current races share a rig with Ogres, Naga, or Tuskar. I’m not sure about Vrykul they seem different, but I’m not 100% sure.

So if we got them, it’d be a weird initial Nightborne situation, and now a nightborne as we have now situation.

I wouldn’t mind a short race that lives underground.

My PERSONAL pick would be Mousefolk or Rabbitfolk, and to reuse either the gnome or vulpera skeletons for them.

As I’ve let on earlier in this thread, I’m most excited about the Harronir because of how thier men look, and that they are very clearly fairy inspired.

I was kinda sadge in WoD when we didn’t get Botanai. I would’ve loved Arrokoa or Sabberon too…but the Botanai aesthetic is my personal favorite.

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Everyone’s saying these guys are the missing link between Night Elves and Trolls… but neither race has quills.

This implies to me that Quillboars got… uh… “mixed” into the genetic soup at some point in these guy’s evolution.

That was probably an awkward meeting of the in-laws.

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What draws you to these things?

First artwork of a Harronir :dracthyr_yay_animated:

(Harronir - by Inktooth)


I wish Harronir are thicc like that.

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I like them. I’ll probably make one if they become playable. If that was Blizzard’s intention though, then why didn’t they announce them with the other allied race at Blizzcon?

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Did Blizz announce Kul Tiran, Mechagnomes, Vulpera and Mag’har Orcs to be playable in the BfA game features trailer?

I believe the Kul’tiran and Mag’har were included in some early previews but weren’t ready so they said we’d be waiting. Not sure it was in the features trailer or not.

Here’s what I’m thinking the intention is with the Harronir.

They’re making Earthen to be neutral and that will bring some Alliance aesthetics to Horde (As if the Horde isn’t half Alliance aesthetics with Blood elves already). Harronir use the Nelf skeleton (imo the males should use the Ztroll skeleton) but are clearly savage, tribal people that will be neutral and bring some ostensibly Horde themes to Alliance.

Thus, we have begun mixing the two faction identities.


Hey if they want to add some more generally Horde feeling type races…

They could add the Furbolg to the Alliance only. (I mean there are already three furbolg tribes in the Alliance canonically.)

Harrornir are neat though. Curious to see what will happen there.


I’ve updated the thread with a ‘possible leader’ of Harronir and also a possible playable class for them due to the likely leader’s ability.

TBH, I would have preferred if they had chosen the second Allied Race to use the skeletons of either Darkspear Troll or Bilgewater Goblin models. I feel that Harrornir’s aesthetics fit with both of those models and would clearly indicate that the line of factions is further blurred if they are neutral playable races.

Having said, I might roll a Druid/Hunter Harrornir on the Alliance side because I’ve always wanted to rp as a more primal and savage Alliance character from a more different type of civilisation that the Alliance are not used to.


Void Elves, Dark Iron, Lightforged, Nightborne, Zandalari, and High Mountain were the only ones initially announced.

With the others being more surprise=y as the patches went on.

Vulpera were KINDA announced at Blizzcon though. Because after talking about Allied Races, and how they’re people we help and interact with…they went into detail about how the Horde was gonna have a special bond with the Vulpera and help them in Vuldun.

Kul’tiran and Mag’har were announced later, and depending on the sources you look into, it seemed like they were debating giving the Horde San’layn at first, but changed thier minds because of how many ppl complained about “too many elves” when we got 2 of them at once.

Blizz hasn’t said ANYTHING about MOST of TWW.

Most of what we know of, is thanks to Datamining. Like Faerin Lothar being a thing, Blizz only shared a day or two ago. But we knew since Alpha dropped. Same with the Harronir.

All Blizz has shown about them, is one of thier settlements and Talanji being there.

Datamining gave us thier name, their looks, their leader, their leader’s Druid form, etc.

But the most important thing to note, is that Blizz LOVES the speculation and the hype the community builds for things.

Harronir will likley be the 11.1.5 or 11.2.5 AR as a bonus to get people back into TWW during a down period.

So for now they’re only focusing on the Earthen.


I would’ve only been ok with Darkspear if the Men stood upstraight, lmao.

The fact that their men look like they do currently, it screams what Nelf men should’ve been from the get go to me, silhouette wise, and now I need them, lmao.

You got my Support for Harronir.