The Official Playable Haranir Thread

Not once did I mention it looking cartoonish, but if we’re gonna tilt at that windmill, these aberrations look LESS cartoonish than everything else in the game. Again, they very obviously don’t fit the Warcraft Aesthetic. At all. No matter how you try to twist the argument.

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But how is that?

They look like a combination of Night Elves and Trolls in thier body and face. Which is literally the very essence of WoW.

If you’re talking about the Quills…well Quillboar, Tauren, Gnolls, etc are also very basic WoW and the RTS as well.

So you’re gonna have to explain yourself because the math ain’t mathing.


I’m pretty sure you’re just playing coy at this point, but I’ll lay out some easy comparisons.

The Warcraft Aesthetic would be like old Rankin and Bass animation. It’s cartooney but with serious undertones and you can sense the love and passion that went into the work.

These things are more akin to Ralph Bakshi. Rotoscoped and out of place and leaves that uncomfortable feeling that something in your lizard brain can tell isn’t quite right and doesn’t fit.


No, you’re just trying to falsely lay hate to something with no basis, so I’m calling you out to at least explain the basis.

If you think Female Tauren models, Male Night Elf Models, or Female Worgen models, depending on how far back you wanna go. Is a sign of love and passion.

But harrnoir, or literally almost anything DF has art wise. Isn’t, then you’re full of crap. 100%.

What’s uncomfortable to you about it?

It’s literally a current Darkspear Female face, on the a Night Elf body, with a poked out belly.

Or a Male Night Elf, with a human’s chest and a little bit less defined abs.

What is uncomfortable about it? Or how is it lesser in passion, they didn’t just copy/paste something, but edited the models after copying the skeleton.

If you’re angry because they use a Nelf Skeleton. News Flash, ALL Allied Races do that, so that they can be added into the game.

If you need a reason. It’s a Developer one, so that WoW can run without eating as much memory. See the interviews for BfA’s Blizzcon where they mention it.

Also, from an art standpoint, it’s easier to make armor, weapons, and the like when races share similar bodies.

It’s also why FFXIV flat out said Viera/Hrothgar were the last races ever. Because they were very honest about the technical limitations that poses.

BUT SOMEHOW, in your tiny Copy/Pasto Devolved Night Elf brain, you think making edits to the reused skeleton, to give them variation, without tanking PC performances means they are just Rotoscoped…kay


Oh, so you’re trolling. Ok.

The Troll response, is literally to say they lack passion or love. Which makes them not the wow style.

When they literally 1-1 match the models and art direction the game has been since WoD.

And they use facial shapes and bodies that have been around since Vanilla.

We get it, you don’t like that the Girl has a belly poke out. Just don’t play it.


We need more dhs and if blizz refuses to give it to other non elf races i can compromise with this.

Honestly the tusks and the bat ears make it look like it would fit dhs more then night elfs since they already look kinds demon like.

Give them dhs plz and ill be happy otherwise there isnt a class i would really play on these guys.


Here me out, how about instead of blizz adding more playable races, they remove all the current playable races instead?

They match the art style the problem is they’re extremely mid and don’t really seem to have a strong identity. They don’t need to exist.

Like this guy said there aren’t really any classes I would want to play on this race, none of the existing classes really fit. Maybe druid? We haven’t seen much of them yet but their theme doesn’t really lend itself to being playable, it’s all over the place.

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I wouldn’t bother trying to have this discussion with this user, they very clearly have no intention of making their point in good faith and are trying their hardest to make any criticisms people have levied at Harrornir entirely about the women(trying to make it about sexism) while completely ignoring how very bad and out of place the MEN look.


Hot-take: People would be way more receptive of them if we saw Samwise Didier style concept art of the Harronir before we saw their 3D model.



I rather have the humanoid nerubians over these half troll/nelf/gross thing


If these are “evolved” Quilboar then they’ve evolved away from being interesting. Being a horrendous pig monster is 100% of what makes Quilboar even a little appealing.


People don’t play ugly races though. The majority of the playerbase play either a Human or an Elf.

You’ve not made a SINGLE point in “good faith”.

You’ve literally said they don’t Fit the Artstyle and aren’t WoW. When they literally are both of those things.

I’m not trying at all. You’re clearly doing that yourself, since you have no actual argument. You say they’re not WoW art wise, when they are, so what’s your REAL issue with them here?

What’s out of place about the men? They literally are just Night Elves with a human chest, so they don’t have a doritto chip waist to chest thing going on. Honestly they’re more in place then Night Elves.

Which proves my point against the guy who is trying to justify a hatred for a race, with no actual points. The same guy YOU seem to agree with, by liking his comments.

They have more of a visual identity then we’ve seen with things like Mag’har Orcs and Lightforged Draenei.

We don’t know much about thier story and narrative identity yet, because they’re not live yet.

But the identity still doesn’t have anything to do with them fitting the WoW style as the other guy went on about.

id like these lol

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TYSM. I will link you to the OP.

Furry Night Trolls wasn’t something on my wow bingo card.


That isn’t how it works, fam.

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LMAO so true!