The Official Playable Haranir Thread

I miss when Warcraft races had the Warcraft Aesthetic. The new art team relies too heavily on AI and it shows.


stares at them, harder, lol.

We need more flavours of Dwarves. We need Skardyns to be playable, too!



Yeah, so Goblins are Mini Orc shamans? Should be deleted.

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Agreed. We need a third Gnome race.


This is the weirdest take on Kul Tiran ever. Kul Tiran are humans. They only use different models and the ones we play are from Kul Tiras as opposed to be from Stormwind.

Goblins are natives of Azeroth while Orcs are the descendants of Gronns from Outland.


11.0 please. Earthen are fine and all, but give me creepy spiky elves with clawing feet. I will name it Warthin.


I don’t care about lore. Kultiran model isn’t Human model.


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It’d actually be like the 4th or 5th time. Zandalari Trolls are Night Elf models too, and honestly I think Darkspear might be as well, just edited to hunch down for the men. But Darkspear is harder to tell.

Ztrolls are 1-1 Night Elf skeleton though.

Night Elf Skeleton, with body parts stolen from other races.

Like the Human Chest for the men, the Draenei back curve the women, etc.

I will note that they’re not muscular. Night Elves are muscular, Harronir are more stocky.


Not only do they give off STRONG fairy vibes, I mean thier underwear is Fairy themed. Their racial Leader is in Fairy Garb from like Sims 3.

But like the Men look like how Night Elves should’ve ALWAYS look as far as thier body proportions. I need 15, at LEAST.

If we don’t get them, I’m marching down to Blizzard HQ to demand a WoW refund, lmao.

ALSO, I will add that their ears SCREAM the Goblinoid Bugbear from DnD is an inspiration for them

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It’s Levi-o-sa.


I really hope they say Harronir are evolved Goblins. Since their ears and eyes resemble Bugbears.

How so? WoW has always maintained a Cartoon like look to it, in it’s art style since Vanilla. The more Warcraft Art only comes into play in concept art and CGI trailers.


I read a theory that they evolved from Quillboars.

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I’d take that too.

Really I’m hoping for anything that isn’t an Elf. Like I love Elves, but I know how ppl on these forums are, and since I want them playable. I need them to not be an Elf, lmao.

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I am hoping they are descendants of Dark Trolls; not really Trolls but instead of becoming Elves, they became Harronir due to living in a Subterannean zone.

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And it would kinda help fit thier whole Guardians of the First World Tree bit. That they currently have going on for them. It also would make sense for Talanji to work with them in that case.


I can think of at least 15 other races that I would rather have and that most other people would rather have than Porcupine Trellves which means there’s a 100% chance blizzard will add these abominations instead


How many of those 15 other races, followed the Allied Race Setup?

IE: They use a frame that a Playable Race already uses?

Because ARs are a way to cut down on dev time for Transmogs, since they have to make mog fit the bodies of every race, and Dracthyr are a showcase of how much they don’t want to continue doing that for new models.


Isn’t it similar to Thorignir? Harronir? Har-roh-neir? I’m assuming this is the Titanic name for the race, considering the Titanic influence in Khaz Algar.