The Official Playable Haranir Thread

Which is fine if it does change. The game is currently in development and anything new is subject to change in one way or the other.

All I’m saying is we’ll have the official race name and all when it launches.

I pointed out that it was originally harronir, and not just something he misremembered aka “the mandela effect”


They are certainly descendant from trolls/pre-night elves.
The voice lines that are in even have several “jamaican”/troll inflections in their dialect, although far from as heavy as the trolls.
Then they also have the heel toe that trolls got as well.

Most likely they moved away from the well before the full transformation, thus “freezing” in their evolution/branching off onto a new evolution branch.

I’ve updated the thread with the untextured ‘pangolin’ model.


Sign me up for Harronir!

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Give me Haranir as playable race please :dracthyr_love_animated:

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Not gonna lie, I’d maybe switch over.

I don’t see why they wouldn’t.

They’re just hairy Night Elves with some troll features. They can wear anything a Night Elf can wear.

But they look like Dark Trolls through but unique.

So it seems in the collector edition, we still have Harronir as name for this race and not Haranir. We will see if the name is keeping the next month.


More pictures about Orweyna here :dracthyr_yay_animated:


More than anything that cinematic makes me think the Haranir are going to be a playable race before the end…


Maybe it’s my latent OCD, but this really bugs me.

I don’t even feel right talking about these people because I feel like I am typing their name wrong no matter which way I choose.


I know what you mean.


Gotta say, they look good, also ear options can be more human like so they don’t stick out, a great +million on that alone from me… definitely make one if we get it…

Just hoping I don’t need to wait a million years on making any additional races as a dk as that’s basically all I play.

However why can’t we get nerubian or Saurok? I really don’t understand… since nerubian use the elf model don’t they…

This race looks like the missing link between troll and nightelf. Actually, it may be that they are exactly that.


{Looks at Midnight, then at Blood Elves}

“… I think you’re next.”

We might be getting Humanoid Nerubians as a playable race. Blizzard can deny all they want, because they made similar denials about the Vulpera and we saw how that turned out.

I for one could easily see the Horde getting the Humanoid Nerubian, while the Alliance either gets the Harronir or the Arathi Half-Elves.


Harronir please. Arathi should be just a customization for Humans and Kul Tiran at best.


I think they are fine, the aesthetic is clearly something I’d enjoy but at the same time we already have trolls. Rather just expand on their lore but nope. It has to be elf :slightly_smiling_face:‍↔

About the same with arathi when we already have lightforged races and a sunwell sitting right there. Nope! Has to be human.

Let’s alliancefy everything.

Just add more dwarves wth

Whatever though.

If they aren’t at minimum a neutral race I’m unsubbing. Clearly Blizzard doesn’t care enough for the Alliance to give them anything interesting. The last one we got are diaper gnomes that could’ve been customization options

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