The Official Playable Haranir Thread

It’s kind of true.

When I want to make a Character, the Horde Races themselves are more interesting.

Blood Elves. Forsaken. Vulpera.

But if I want to play Alliance, I look at the Races, and think:

“Void Elves appear similar to Blood Elves. Dwarf and Mechagnome racials are decent.”

The Alliance does need something interesting. Blizzards answer so far is to give the Alliance OP Racials, instead of making the Alliance interesting.

While giving the Horde lackluster Racials because people will play those Races, anyway. Playing a Vulpera is a labor of love. They need to buff the bag of tricks.


Nerubians need to happen.
I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed them.

How? They serve Xal’atath. They have been transformed by black blood which means that Xal’atath can control them. She can control them like puppets like when Ytechi became ascended and became evil by Xal in a max level campaign.

and…after 20 years…shouldn’t we
see the beginnings of a third faction!

I don’t see any good reason for that.

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No more repeated character models, please! Also we need a character model bigger than the current biggest races.

We sever the connection and prevent Xal’atath from controlling them.

Even if we sever the connection, do you think they would willingly join us?

There is a possibility. We do have Man’ari among the Draenei now. Plus there gets to a point in the War Within campaign, where the Queen just outright decides to have the Nerubians ascended. Showing that it could be a group that had the choice forced upon them.

Can we at least spell Harronir correctly?

Harder to do than it sounds.

Blizzard keeps changing the spelling.


Well they should pick one and stop


Honestly my biggest gripe/complaint.

New races, remember when they were actually unique? Like when we got Worgen or Goblins for the first time?

Amazing, at least they used to be.

I honestly DON’T want any new races unless they have unique, non-reused, skeletons.

New, from the ground up, like how they used to be.

Nothing less, otherwise they just shouldn’t bother.

Earthen is probably the least excited I’ve seen the WoW playerbase over a “new” race, even the allied races had more fanfare.

If I’m being honest, if it weren’t for Earthen getting a bunch of lore, they’ll probably be less popular, or on-par with, Mechagnomes and Kul’Tirans. That is to say, not very popular lol.

We already have two different dwarves, and they already feel more “dwarf-y” because Earthen are just dwarf-shaped, stone robots.

Actual Dwarf fans would play those older dwarf races instead.

Earthen culture is very different, they likely don’t even drink booze because they aren’t organic beings. Closer to Titans than to other Dwarves themselves, in terms of how they act.

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TBH I feel that Blizz should have play on the ‘earth genasi’ aspects to the Earthen with making more earth elemental customization and even foliage growth to make it more earth elemental+titan construct.

Do you guys got a official Haranir Discord Server yet?

I’m pretty sure one of the videos will be on Orweyna. Not about the Harronir/Haranir but I’m pretty sure we will get more information about her and how she sees the events before and after the fall of the Queen Neferess.


stares harder at Elves

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I would very much like to have this race be playable… though could you maybe increase the size of their heads by like 25% or 30%, Blizzard? They look seriously disproportionate.

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You come off so passive aggressive when someone is genuinely trying to explains something to you, and you’re absolutely refusing to understand what they’re saying. You’re literally reading the explanation and then saying, “you gave no explanation,” while also saying, “you’re so interesting and quirky and talented!” like sheesh, what a jerk. A loud, wrong, and proud jerk lmao.


Check out Kul Tirans.

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