The official disgruntled consumer thread

They also said it themselves that 9.0 was mostly finished before the whole working from home. 9.1 on the other hand was entirely done from home so I do get the delay and everything, but I’m pretty sure 9.0 was mostly set in stone before the pandemic started to have real consequences for this like requiring everyone to work from home.

The thing with this is… It creates that atmosphere where it feels like it’s the company vs. the players when ideally we should all want the same thing: For the game to be engaging and fun for different types of players so they want to play it - not feel like they have to but want to.

I’m sure most people working on the game want that exact thing as well, be it for financial/job safety reasons or out of passion/love for the game. There’s just this weird disconnect.

I can’t create a product I like and just expect everyone to like it and get mad and passive aggressive if they don’t. I guess with WoW, at the moment, this still works because the player base is big and many like SL, others stay for the emotional connection to the game, their friends, and nostalgia, but I doubt that’s gonna work forever. I sometimes wonder how this game would be perceived now if it was entirely new. If SL was the first content a studio releases. The start of a series.

Well, to be fair, you CAN do that if you’re Morrissey :wink:

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You are so insanely incredibly dense, dude. Like, I dont get it, I really don’t. There is no explanation other than youre a troll, period. My two year old niece has better reading comprehension than you, honestly. OP never said they want to quit, I never said I want to quit. You have zero arguments, zero points, you just have a macro telling everyone to quit the game. You’re disgustingly toxic, and I’m kinda over it.

Honestly not sure why I expected more from someone who named their warrior “Wariya.” But, thats on me I guess.


I disagree. I think their ideas are good. Covenants are not a bad IDEA. Torghast wasn’t a bad idea. Mythic+ is not a bad idea. Even the Maw was, in theory, not a bad idea.

Very little that they’re doing right now are bad in theory. They just… didn’t implement them in ways that promote people engaging with the game in fun ways.


I just want to be able to grind legendries without Torghast. All would be right in the world of warcraft then.

I waver between gruntled and disgruntled regularly…

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I think I actually agree with this.

If the below happened maybe I’d be okay with all their ideas:

  1. Covenants if the abilities were a talent row and your covenant choice was all visual/theme. This would allow anyone to pick any covenant of their choice and you wouldn’t have 100% of top end raiders/m+ running Night Fae as boomkins. They could have done a lot more story stuff with the soulbinds.
  2. Torghast if they made it way more whacky and fun. They took the ultra careful route refusing to let anyone be very strong like in alpha. They need to go the other direction, have a competitive time mode sure. But the core of it should be fun, I should want to run it as optional content, not be forced into doing it.
  3. Maw if it was less maw, more Timeless island could have been great.
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It’s not that your opinion differs, it’s that the majority of panda pfp users tend to be insufferable windbags…

Oh, well… I guess I’m old enough to not care what a video game avatar looks like on a video game forum. I see the value of the input a poster has to say, not what a forum avatar looks like. lol

This entire thread is you discounting input from others lmao

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I might not share the same opinion as someone else but I don’t try to cancel them out because of that, and especially not because of their forum avatar. :rofl:

Ah first time dealing with this Pandaren eh?

I remember my first time.

I’m surprised she’s not a green or at least not a green in the same way a certain orc dk is a green. I think both have the I :heart: Ion shirts

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And those are just some examples. Take the concept to an even broader level:

  1. The idea of having four distinct zones each with their own faction that you align with and get to experience a distinct story alongside is a great concept.
  2. The idea of a rogue-like experience that can be experienced either solo or in a group to get challenging content is a fantastic idea for longevity.
  3. The idea of an end-game zone that is built around suspense and care has some definite potential.

These are all good IDEAS. But… the implementation soured each and every one of them, in various ways.