The official bet: how many weeks upon launch until molten core is cleared

Most of the info on private servers with regards to raiding is Math’d out using blurry videos. It’s 99%+ accurate.

Black lotus is likely going to be more common for raiders, as the competition for those spawns is only going to be limited severely compared to the megaservers hosting 6k+ players from all time zones.

Actually its not 99% accurate, even Nano who helped write the nost code states they are off quite a bit since its all guess work. Along with the fact they have it set up for sunder armor to stack with expose armor then faerie fire on top of that making it so bosses have 0 armor causing them to get nuked. Or when they go in without FR and kill rag because they don’t know what the proper numbers are for that either.

Nostalrius was horribly written and barely a step above stock mangos and not the server I’m referencing when I say 99% accurate.

Nost was still way above most servers, issue being it is still guess work and far from accurate, look at the videos of guilds killing nax bosses in seconds and tanking with DW weapons on those supposedly accurate servers.

Trust me when I say this–it wasn’t. I was part of the server first kill on Ragnaros on Nost. It was barely on par with Feenix’s Emerald Dream, but at least on that server Ragnaros dropped loot :upside_down_face:

I never once forgot the “gobelins” taking my boots into their “dongeons”. What a joke. Nano as well.

This part you are way off on, look up videos of servers AFTER nost and they still have scripting way off, rag not submerging, bosses not scripted accurately at all. Or like I said before warriors tanking without shields and killing bosses, that is far from 99% accurate.

Way above most servers and leagues behind true Vanilla. I think it will really be interesting for everyone to see what they have been doing wrong. Like the FR thing. I think it will catch so many Pvt Server people off guard

“Wait?, I need FR? this is so not what vanilla was like! on my pvt server its more authentic!”

I will love the tears

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There’s gonna be one, maybe 2 guilds worldwide that try and actually maybe even have some shot at getting it done week 1, before the first reset.

That said, there’s gonna be like 50 guilds worth of people who think they’re gonna do it in one week, and try to get it done, but end up with half their raid members still in the 30s-40s and can’t even make a real attempt.

I think by the end of week 2, there’s gonna be 10-20 guilds clearing it… the biggest hurdle is going to be having at least one power nerd to get rep for essences to douse runes, and then a balanced group of 30+ warm bodies to actually clear it all.

By the end of week 3, I fully expect 75% of the people trying to speed level, that actually successfully do so without burning out, to also be clearing MC. The content itself is going to be a total joke vs the logistics of getting enough people of enough classes to actually atttempt it. I think the vast majority of servers are gonna have that one tryhard guild on each faction clearing it at this point.

3 Days


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I can’t wait to see skarms from YouTube who ‘tanks’ naxx bosses on private servers dw get destroyed in Classic when he tries it. When bosses scripting is off, missing out on abilities, not doing proper damage that is no where near 99% accurate.
Rag submerges here
Rag submerges here.

Warriors can tank without shields, healers just cant afford to downrank like they would with a shield.

Take a look at for instance.

For all intents and purposes, bis tank. 9910 armor // 57.63% DR (versus a raid boss, I understand it says 62.75% DR there, but raid bosses are counted as 63 and the 62.75 is versus a level 60)
Without the shield? 6410 armor. I’m pretty sure that’s about 47% damage taking a boss as level 63. Formula below
Attacker Levels 60 - 79
DR% = Armor / (Armor + 400 + 85 * (AttackerLevel + 4.5 * (AttackerLevel - 59)))

So by not having a shield you’re taking about 10% more damage and possibly getting crit/crushed. I haven’t seen the video you’re talking about where bosses are being DW tanked so I can’t comment on why their setup is possible or not, but from what I’ve seen most guilds have inspiration/ancestral healing stacked with stoneshield potions to push their armor up even higher than usual allowing tanks to shrug off crits with their massive health pools.

All that’s needed is a few healers to stop downranking as much.

Skarm tanks patchwerk while DW by overly stacking buffs and armor consumables. Not only that but even when he is crit he takes nearly no damage.

He never gets hard chunked once in the video i watched

What I found interesting from this video was that the paladins will actually pre Lay on Hands the warrior to buff their armor in lieu of the missing shield. Good watch.

10 days. 9 to get everyone levelled with some dungeon gear and cleared on the 10th.

Depending on what tier of gear you have, full T2 about 51% damage reduction from a level 63. Full T3 and the Face of Death shield its closer to 55% damage reduction, drop that shield and it goes down 43.58%. Besides the damage reduction loss its also the loss of becoming uncrushable from not being able to do Shield Block. Just further shows how off they really are.

It is also the fact he is dw tanking patchwerk without defense cap, a fully geared BWL/AQ40 tank using a shield get hit was hit on average for 8k by patchies with hateful strike when it is being blocked. Hm, quick search has shown hateful strike does not crit shrug never have been a tank player and never wanted to be one. So dull. Still even without defense cap taking only into account a maximum armor allowance he still is not being hit near as hard as he should be.

Ya I agree though, its all off by a nice bit.

This is the video everyone’s speaking of right?
Patchwerks base hits are around 2500-3k, with hatefuls reaching around 8k. Myosin appears to be the main tank in this video with Skarm and Fext as hateful tanks. Both of their HPs get smashed down super low several times in the fight.

i changed it before you replied :stuck_out_tongue:

Shouldn’t take long…maybe a week. It’s disgusting because I remember all the people that no lifed the crap outta vanilla wow lol

The only thing stopping it from being cleared in under 2 weeks is gear. Guilds seeking world firsts will be bashing heads for 40 hours straight of week 2 to kill Rag and Rag will die on week 2.

Tanks getting 1 shot by Rag is something that needs to be mitigated at that gear level as much as possible.