Revered isn’t it?
59 days after launch
Original Rag took 69 days after the game opened, im going to give optimizations a run and skim off 10 days just because mechanics knowledge and gameplay.
you don’t need a full raid of preraid bis to do MC. you don’t even need a full raid of 60s
It largely depends on the server and guild(s). I think the player base will be flexible, but at the end of the day, they will probably leave because of pirate servers being free.
You can do the first four skipping Garr with 15 if you are extremely geared from outside the raid. You will need 30+ otherwise.
Just remember that those raids with level 58s or 30 players or people in greens also had a bunch of people in epics along for the ride – some of them from BWL and beyond.
No one was clearing MC with 30 players in the first months of Vanilla.
No one was doing it with people largely in greens.
First Rag kill is listed as 4/25/2005. And servers opened 11/23/2004. The first Oxynia kill was only a few days before February.
So Rag took 153 days if my mental math is right, give or take a few days finals ruined my math skills.
Oh ok, yea i looked it up on google and it said 69, looked it up again and you’re right, its about 5 months.
I really cant wait to see how much difference there is from Pservers and real blizzard vanilla.
How long from the opening of a p-server does it take for Rag to die?
No idea. Im assuming its stupidly fast though judging by these peoples comments though
they kill rag the instant theyre able to get into MC. Same with BWL.
For example, Rag doesnt work right. Apparently only the main tank needs fire resist, pservers dont know how to script it. Pserver Rags dont even use their mechanics. I appreciate the dedication they put in but some people need to wake up from pserver la la land
9 days, 10 days
Sticking with my 14 day prediction then. I don’t follow the idea that p-server tuning is so off that they’re not comparable at all to Classic.
Launch will play a huge factor. My bet tho: 18 days after launch.
There was a bug on razorgore where you could get onto a ledge above the gate to vale’s room and pull the adds causing them to evade.
Basically trivializing the fight
Pservers are ridiculously off
Maybe, but this won’t matter for week one as much. If you are trying to clear week one, you dont have time to go farm the chest in BRD for all your warriors, or the belt for your casters. Your gonna go do it in greens, which is perfectly doable.
7 months, 3 days, 2 hours, 45 minutes and 16 seconds.
Are we doing price is right rules?
1 day, bob
You don’t understand consumable usage then.
I would guess less than 10 days for the very first clear. Some crazy guild is going to play 24/7 to 60, spend a day farming dungeons, and go in with half greens and consumables.