The obsession with docks in IOC

whats wrong with people and the obsession with docks, despite how good hangar is, you still have a lot of people who go to docks, time after time after time and fail to win the bg, like whats the deal with docks and alliance players

Docks+Workshop can burn down a gate in minutes. The key is having your whole raid protect the glaives.

Alliance pugs forgot how to play the bg, that’s only explanation I can think of since the map itself hasn’t really changed :man_shrugging:

Rewind the clock a few months and Alliance did just fine, that’s because it’s the players and not the map. Not that I’m complaining, I hope they keep going docks :yum:

That is not true, siege does a lot more damage now which is why the whole “meta” changed.

Glaives are also much weaker and easier to kill.

Has anyone else also noticed how it’s much easier for Horde to defend glaives since it’s surrounded by many more choke points whereas the alliance’s spot for glaives is beyond accessible and the horde has many more open access points to sneak up on the glaives.

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Are you returning from a break or something? The siege engine barely plays a role in the typical pug match, also on a long respawn timer. And the glaives actually received a health buff during 9.0 pre-patch… so Alliance is losing with buffed glaives :joy:

The point is, docks is a very unreliable/outdated strat that seldom works with pug teammates.

Glaives are still best in IoC. But you cant just have docks without workshop. Demos move to counter glaives, glaives get destroyed, then ally ADHDs out while glaives respawn and end up fighting on roads until the L.

And if the other team has enough ppl attacking the Glavies , it does not matter if your full raid is there. They will be destroyed . Don’t go to docks . It’s a horrible strategy and depends on the other team playing bad to succeed .


^ famous last words at the start of every Alliance match :smiley:

You don’t need demos to kill Glavies … climb on to top of tower . Use whatever defensive you have Necro shield it whatever , saltwater potion , ramp up your main damage spell and glide down from there and suicide yourself on top of Glavies . Glavies can’t survive if the defense aims to take them out .

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I’ve seen this done many times. I was just referring to to ally gets caught up not grouping up and attacking objectives after the initial push and gets scattered. Demos make it easier, the raid moves to counter and the stealthys/anyone who has a brain pushes and wipes glaives, ally waits and alt tabs at docks to wait for respawn or road fights “protecting” docks like 9v1 all the while demos and airship are ripping up the gates. Horde seem more objective oriented and with more then the single minded focus of taking out glaives, it splits their focus.

Easy answer is why not go hanger …, Ally reach it first and are in an advantageous position there. Why do you choose to do the more difficult strategy and hope Horde plays bad when you can control your own destiny from the start ?

Of course you still need to kill Glavies and not jump into the horde base to run bombs :man_facepalming:t4:like bunch of simple minded peons.

glaives are easily the fastest way to get gates down.

But for glaives to work, Its not so much that your team has be good at defending them, its that the other team has to be braindead.


Alliance goes Glaives and loses like 65% of the time.

Also horde usually hits East gate while alliance hits west gate so that might have something to do with it

I’ve seen druids melt horde glaives by standing under the cliffs.

There’s two, maybe three ways for Horde to get to the alliance glaives and one of those paths takes us practically damn near the docks.

I like catapulting onto the walls and being annoying to anyone that walks by.

Docks = win

Everyone docks

Why are you guys mid WE NEED DOCKS

Protect Glaives!

<30 seconds later 2 rogues and some boomkins space jam the glaives while the whole alliance raid sits on top of them>

We lost because no one procted glaives u guys suck


This is true but also 1 demo and one turrent to protect the demo can stop glaives the entire match without players suicide gliding.

Docks is a losing strat for the Alliance. They’ll never learn either.

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Alliance get to docks hangar and workshop faster and they dont take any fall damage when walking through the middle of alterac valley… and they get to water works faster too… wtf is this game

Getting the docks is a strategy contingent on almost the entire Horde team consisting of clueless morons that will allow the glaives to tear down the wall in three minutes if the glaives are left untouched.

And more often than not that is the correct strategy, despite the healer raging in BG chat to his team that they need to take out the glaives, while he helplessly throws himself at them as a healer trying to solo them himself, dying over and over, and raging the entire time in BG chat…“relax Cowpow…it’s just a random…”.

So yes Alliance players, keep getting the docks and using the glaives. Much more often than not you will win. Very often you won’t even need to leave players there to defend them.