The N'Zoth Death Cinematic was better

N’zoth had expansions worth of buildup, just for them to realize BfA needed a final boss and just decided, ‘Well N’zoth is there, here’ and plopped it into the role. Just to get Spirit Bomb’d by the player character.

While patched later, initially other players weren’t visible in the cutscene. You were literally soloing something that even the Titans couldn’t kill.

Sarkareth shows up…like…three times in the campaign? I still don’t really know what the Sundered Flame’s motivations are, outside of being Deathwing’s biggest fan club. If I knew more about him maybe I’d care more.

(Granted I never leveled a Drakthyr so maybe that’s why he just seems so irrelevant…)

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I’ve yet to find a single one in this franchise tbh

maybe the hook is him/her looking off into space and reaching?

there was already datamined netherdrake for a new mount. Space = twisting nether? idk .

Oh, thanx for the upload!

Hmmm, this scene is so underwhelming (no offence to the devs, its just an observation), literally even his Void transformation its just a blue pain and blue eyeliner?

How Disappointing.

I was expecting maybe some Void space looking textures or some ShadowFlamy stuff… huh, Ill still play it but now I’m curious how they will pick up the story after such a weak ending to a full raid…?


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well he gazes into the endless space, you might interpret some void stuff :man_shrugging:t2:

other than that it’s okayish.

We were channeling a titan weapon through a magical artifact we spent an entire expansion powering up. People are so disingenuous sometimes.

As for the cinematic in question, I don’t know why people are acting like a mid tier villain in the second raid should have a LK ending. I would say the only thing missing is they left out any hints of what’s next.

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VA did a gj.


Garrosh wasn’t fully hulked-out in the cinematics after he was defeated in SoO, either.


Would the Titans also not use this weapon? They had no way to safely annihilate an Old God without destroying Azeroth in the process.

I don’t see how a McGuffin from the Titans would make any level of difference.

Even ignoring the titan weapon for beating Nzoth. We just came from an expansion where we literally killed Satan an resurrected God in a new body.
We’ve faced Aspects before an won. Killed or wounded/maimed the Legions strongest fighters. An we killed several old gods.

I dont think anything is gona feel threatening to our character really.
Like a simple comparison is us fighting an we killed Thanos 1v1 then they want us to fight freaking Ant man an be scared.

That isn’t really relevant, but for starters they didn’t have access to azerite which was an important component in the process. The point is when people say things like we soloed an old god when that isn’t even close to being true, it’s because they are intentionally leaving out details or being hyperbolic to make it look or sound worse than it is just comes across as dishonest.

Being given an item doesnt just make us gg win tho. We still had to fight them their armies an do much of the heavy lifting the entire time we fight these big bads.
Typically doing the majority of the work our characters are just too strong especially with our ability to have a dues x machina out of thin air.

Oh thank god, I was worried that we fought him with his blue pain only, thanks for sharing… I haven’t done the normal raid so I would not know.

OK, now I’m jelly why can I get my Dracthyr to look that buff!?

Yes, we fight and have powerful lore characters help us along the way and is some instances, outright save us. We don’t solo them.

I don’t even care because Sarkareth is just some random loser deviantart reject dracthyr. The fact he was the final boss already set the tone of this being terrible.

N’zoth was an old god at full power.

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Well, yeah. He’s stuck in the old ways. So of course he died.

This bulky build should have been a customization option for Dracthyr. Why, Blizzard, why.


We’ve always knew that Deathwing was corrupted by void? Ofc there will be void. We’ve been dancing around cosmic void since Legion.

A hook should show us something we didn’t know or expect. Like maybe some whisper that sounds like an old god, but it’s something from outer space and not from our friendly at home old gods.

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old gods are not “home” in the sense they came else where to corrupt azeroth. probably hinting at next expac which i seen was theorized to be void related or something but obviously it is just a theory rn from i think 2 well known lore related streamers/youtubers.

also it’s just the 2nd raid you shouldn’t expect a hook from that. it’s like blowing your load in the first 2 minutes. hooks should be at the beginning of the expact ( 1st raid ) to string on the story and usually at the last raid of the expact to promote hype for the continuation of the story. given yea if the writting was good which i mean lets be real it hasn’t for a LONG… time that is no secrete then it would be a hook throughout the expact. Again another issue lots of youtubers/streamers have discussed and proven they can make up better hooks for random content compared to the writers today.

hell you even got RPers that put out better story then them. Not saying your wrong just kinda expecting too much from what we already knew wouldn’t be amazing work from the team.