Sure. I wonder what you’re comparing this to though. I hear or read a lot of negative experience comments that seem to be coming from the point of view of Wrath/Retail, and not from Classic.
How does this compare to the Warrior tanking experience, for example?
There was another thread not too long ago about threat mechanics and how much of a thing they “should” be, which I think is an interesting thing to contemplate, at least, and I have some opinions, though I don’t think there’s an objectively correct answer here.
The OP of that other thread started out with an idea that maybe there shouldn’t be a fight for threat:
And later considered that maybe
Some of the new tank mechanics introduced in SoD might be a little too Retail-y for some preferences, and that raises the question of whether maybe they should be toned down, or the other more traditional tanks have their threat toned up.
Personally, I lean towards threat being a thing, closer to Classic Era, but I also think it’s kind of nice to have classes that maybe play more like Retail with regards to threat for those who prefer it. That way, there are choices. Of course, that’s just my opinion.