The number of 50k-hp players has jumped significantly in the past 2 weeks!

On this toon I average 800k to maybe 1.2 million damage a BG and he has better gear. Hard to believe you get 2 million damage on a regular basis in reg. bgs.


Would have thought OP would have stopped posting after the entire forum roasted him for wanting to boycott gearing players from queuing EBGs, but here we are with him making a bunch of baseless and silly claims all over again. lol


800k is low?

The only point I am trying to make is “a player is responsible of gearing up to a fit level before PvP”.

Now everyone is moving to 50k to 70k land, this is a good sign.

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It’s a video game, and EBGs are like training wheel content for people who don’t really want to PVP. Chill out. This is the 2nd post you’ve made about the same topic, when you could literally control your entire environment by just doing rated PVP. But instead you would rather harass and shame gearing players by trying to be competitive in something that’s wholly not treated as such.

For that matter, if you care about winning EBGs so much why don’t you just join one of those communities that run them all the time?

Everyone? I wish. The content would be better if ilvl were more even. But seeing as how you’re still complaining about people’s gear, I can only assume that’s not true.


Why is that? I did great on my DK and warrior in pve gear. Even pushed 1800 with majority pve gear. Pve get is fine for pvp. Don’t really need vers as much as people think you do.

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Your DK is in all PvP gear with a rating of 1827 and a 251 pvp ilevel ( And your Warrior in all PvE gear hasn’t even done any rated content (


hehe… 2 million as a rogue would be rather surprising tbh. Unless it was an epic bg that lasted a long time.

Which spec are you playing to get such sustained damage?


Says the rogue that only has rating in rbg


to be fair i said almost and i was exaggerating a bit. i get up to 1.5 million dmg with low ilvl, so imagine if i was was raging 259 ilvl rogue :laughing:. assassination is the spec i play

Gear big bad bad. I go in with my 60k hp. I go smash smash on all lowbies. To flex my amazing gear. Nothing they do as my thick purple Lazer beam melts them all as I camp them at the graveyard

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Nothing pleases me more than defeating lowbies in EBG.

As a fact, I just defeated a few lowbies in SW bc their gear is too low.

You don’t sound like a very sporting PVP player.

Yup pushed him to 1800 with vast majority pve gear.

Warrior waiting on few pieces then going to push rating. Have 2000 conquest saved on him right now. I do perfectly fine with him on pvp.

Doesn’t change what I said

But how am I going to rp being a Light Infused eradicator of greenskins, foxpeople or ambiguous elves? The Light lets me wipe 3, 4 and sometimes up to 7 infidels by myself.

Big gear gud.


I was messing with a 65k ret in a bg for ages and we ended up having a back and forth rivalry lol. This is a fresh 60 but i was trapping and annoyingly ccing this duelist geared guy so much that it actually got to him so much he would follow me around the entire bg.

You can still have fun even without gear.

What was not fun was if he connected and i literally was one shot without cds tho

Didn’t jump dude, the others just aren’t playing as much which leads to an illusion

Being cannon fodder has a short shelf life for tons of players

“My time is being wasted” is the feeling of game modes that have colossal participation drops


Bgs are only fun when you’re stat capped, in this expansion its fun for the wrong reason in that most engagements are curbstomped.

I hope the people that clamored for progression in pvp feel some regret. Templates and scaling was better.


Do you expect us to take your comment seriously when you’re posting on a low level alt with a hidden profile?

That fake 35k hp person is lying about their 2 mil damage lmao. Trust me. Nobody is listening to that person and taking them serious. Everyone knows that no character with that low trash korthia auction house HP is going to be dealing even 600k

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