OP wants duel spec what an absolute imbecile
Troll thread
OP wants duel spec what an absolute imbecile
Troll thread
Dude, you have no idea what that means.
We were told no flight in the old game
We were told they never would sell boosts
We were told dailies were the future, right before they were scrapped
I get really tired of you folks and your purity tests for things you don’t know about it. Nobody does. The minute that anything in the game is different than it was…is a change. How’s that for a freaking purity test? The game is already different than it was.
There is an article on blizzardwatch about changes form the base game in 1.12 that are already different. 1.12 was a starting point, not a purity point.
Lmao this isn’t a court of law or a college debate class lol.
Yes I did make the claim, you also made a claim, yet you seem to think the burden of proof is only on me.
As I already said, you’re welcome not to believe me I really don’t give a rip lol
Slippery slope arguments are almost invariably logical fallacies.
What claim did I make? All I asked was for you to provide evidence… which you failed to do so… convincing me that your argument is pointless and baseless
huh? Poor choice of words but it’s clear what I meant, they stopped us from farming that mob.
Obviously they felt it was being exploited in some way so they changed it.
Does this really have to be spelled out for you?
What mob???
You said there hasn’t been a single change, which we all know is wrong.
Care to back it up with some evidence sir?
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
dual spec was another rung on the spiral downward.
So when you can’t win an argument you fall back to name calling. How childish. I am neither young or being obtuse.
You guys wanted no changes and that means no changes. In case you don’t know or can’t remember I will give you the definition. "Change: (verb) make or become different, (noun) the act or instance of making or becoming different.
You just want your cake and eat it too. Not going happen.
Please quote my post that said this
What are you talking about???
You are also trolling I guess
Read the chain, not doing all your homework.
If reading comprehension is a problem sorry I can’t fix that.
I mean, I’m not the one claiming to be the expert, but, cool.
No that would be you sir.
You already said you don’t believe me.
Why are you still bothering me then?
Was there something else you needed sir.
I’m not trying to win an argument. However, if you take the #nochanges in strict literal sense, that is being obtuse. That is twisting the definition of #nochanges to suit your narrative.
I’m not sure what cake you’re referring to?
But those things can be argued as being detrimental to the classic WoW experience. It’s really hard to agrue that guild banks for example, would ruin classic WoW.
To which I responded “what mob??”
Not sure where I made the claim that nothing had changed, but I did say this.