The #nochanges slippery slope argument is a logical fallacy

reported as trolling

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I struck a nerve, didn’t I?

I’m sorry, my most humble apologies.

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Glenda I’m pro changes but I think it’s sort of reductive to attribute the very real effects TBC had on vanilla guilds to poor planning. No one wants to play on the B team. Believe it or not there are a lot of politics when you ask 40 friends to split into two groups instead of playing with each other. It doesn’t help that guilds are inherently cliquey organizations either.

Also even saying 40 is reductive. Most guilds don’t have the same group every night. They have 60-80 players.


Even in a 40 man running guild there are built in clicks… try breaking that up to 2 teams… doesn’t go over well… tried it and it failed miserably.

I am honestly not sure how I would approach that. If we are just earning flight again at the end, I have no interest in getting Hand of A’dal a second time.

People can’t navigate guild politics so I can’t have a 20 stack of murloc eyes. Gotcha.

That’s not at all what I said. If you read above you can see that I am generally for these kinds of changes.

But there’s a reason people are sensitive to them. You’d probably reach more people if you tried to be understanding.

That looks like the way they are going to roll, I personally would rather they “go a +classic” open up the places they once were going to do, emerald dream all the other forgotten raids/zones.

But I know i’m out numbered from the No changes and i’m part of that to an extent… for me no changes means , no QOL changes (like LFR/LFG or any such nonsense that makes you develop friendships/partners).

Ignore Glinda, it is just trolling. IF you can just hit that trolling flag so we can get a break from it.

Trolling or not he makes several valid points. Not all changes are created equal and #nochanges is just as reductive and fallacious as claiming that guilds that fell apart In TBC just “couldn’t organize”


Oh, I’m very understanding.

That doesn’t mean I have to be a doormat.

Can with popcorn in hand.

Did not disappoint.

Troll Post 10/10

Would recommend.

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So, you’re opposed to developing a sense of community? Things make much more sense now.

He’s not trolling, you just don’t like the topic.


Before all the no changes people jump down my throat i agree with you, the classic should remain unchanged, atleast throughout the lifespan of the game. The slippery sloap argument is indeed valid, we have lost all faith in blizzard and they would most likely mess it up.
On the other side, the changes people dont want to play a 15 year old game, and they arnt having fun at retail. Retail isnt bad because its full of QoL changes it sucks because all pre end game content is a braindead chore, and the end game rewards system sucks. (atleast these are my reasons) Simply stating that all QoL changes are bad and classic is good is the wrong wat to look at it. We should discuss what makes classic good, and how to improve upon it, so that blizzard can take the info and apply it to retail.

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No he/she is trolling… look at everyone of its repsonses to anyone.

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I like Classic the way it is. I can certainly understand why some people would want some QoL things added. Though from my perspective, being as close to the original as possible was kind of the point. Much of what you are bringing to the table sounds very much like:

“You think you do, but you don’t.” - also sounds a bit like trolling /shrug

If I had to put money on it, I would guess your point of view is in the minority. An excellent compromise would be to establish some baseline QoL features that would not impact others directly (such as Guild Banks and whatever - no thought given here) and allow them to be turned on / off with client settings?

Though to be honest - for all the success Classic has enjoyed and the way in which it even came about. I think you are urinating into the wing here.

If the added such things. Meh. If they don’t. Meh.

Enjoying myself at the moment without them. Wouldn’t flip out if they added stuff. Though, most certainly at some point it would be just a easy to go back to Retail.

Out of curiosity though and in the spirit of discussion.

What would be the list of QoL changes?

At what point and what functionalities is that line drawn?

brb - getting more popcorn

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As I said earlier I think it’s important to set the guidelines for what is being discussed, if possible.

If you have followed the MMO genre and people that worked at Blizzard at the time, they feel that certain mistakes were made. This isn’t all inclusive either…only some of these people have said this.

However, when given the chance to make an MMO with their vision of things, they have failed miserably. So take that for what it’s worth.

I don’t trust the current dev team implement changes in WoW that would make it better. The best thing they have is history. History that showed that what the old devs did was indeed right.

As Classic continues you have to realize that it’s a point in time. At some point people will get bored with it. Then what?

It is indeed a slippery slope, on either side. Both from nochanges to make some changes.

Proceed with caution.

Those that get bored with classic can do what is expected go back to retail or move on to TBC. I see that happening in about a 1.5 years the announcement of TBC servers. Personally i’ll probably play on both classic and TBC and maybe even Wrath (haven’t decided upon that, as a Paladin Main, there was a LOT i liked about wrath, but as a MMO person a lot i didn’t like).

Are you assuming that we will have TBC without flight? Or WotLK without flight or some variation of LFG?

I’m not at all trying to put words in your mouth, but I think a good number of people have a vision of their own that isn’t shared with others, of what the future is.

We know very little of what will really happen.