The Night Elves are not abandoning Kalimdor

That isn’t how nature portals work.

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This portal is not just a means of bringing back Cenarius through the dream. Think about it, . Once a gateway through the Emerald Dream is open, our forces can use them to move freely from Moonglade, Nordrassil, and even Wyrmrest, to this strategic location.

That’s Jarod Shadowsong saying it. Not a Druid. The defenders of Hyjal were not just Druids.

Nature portals are not the same as Arcane portals, and can be used to transport things wherever there is another nature portal.


Dream Portals are long term stable portals. You can technically do the same thing with Telemancy, but that is a nearly lost art.

The catch is Dream portals cannot connect two places in the material plane, they only go to the dream. While you can circumvent this using a portal hub like they did with the Dreamway, the denizens of the dream might not like you marching troops through their domain so much. Particularly now that the Dream has been let off its leash with the death of its titanic Gardener.

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And let players have access to those Night Warrior “corruption” customizations >_>

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The Ashborne…

I’ll see myself out.


I’m still waiting for the opposite Elf type of the Ren’dorei: the Lightborne.

Isn’t that what blood elves are already. They even got gold eyes.


I’m waiting for the next, even edgier form elfkind takes.

We have blood.
We have the darkness.

Now we need…

The My Chemical Romance Elf!!!


Didn’t we already have those in Burning Crusade?


now that you mention it, why did we get Man’ari but no felbood elf skin.


That is a selling feature for Midnight.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizz entirely forgot they existed tbh.

It addresses a minor part of the concern. The concern really never was ‘they’re all moving’ in most threads here.

Even with portals (which cant actually move many people given how many people died on Teldrassil despite all the reservoirs of titan blood on it, and makes the NEs dependent on magic), the CAPITAL not being in Kalimdor is an insane idea and ignores the fundamentals of their culture. This is a bandaid fix. From a company that clearly understood, in prior writing, why a people tied to their land even just by countless years of history wouldn’t give it up (big part of Protoss stuff in Starcraft), but just didn’t care about it here.

It’s a quick handwave.

It’s fairly inconsistent. The Dream / your perception or displacement in it is supposed to be influenced heavily by your own mind if you’re not attuned or well trained to handle it in other instances of the lore. In a active war you just ask spirits or a green dragon to help you out… being dependent on them just to go back to Kalimdor though, your actual homeland, would be a little silly.


I would pre-order for Felblood Elf customization.

Though then I’d have to start a new Blood Elf, since I race changed my only Blood Elf (Death Knight before blue eyes were an option to role play as a High Elf) into a Void Elf after doing the quest to get the Elusive Emerald Hawkstrider.

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Imagine them saying: " we don’t take sides in the wars of mortals"


Easy fix. Nozdormu, give Night Elves back their immortality already.

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Why do beings with lifespans upwards of a thousand years even need that. I’ve never understood how that would be a dire priority for such long lived beings. Humans, sure, they are mayflies in comparison, but Elves live to see multiple human civilizations rise and fall in their lifetime.

Just to rub it in the Draenei’s faces.

“I’m ten-thousand years old” “Well I’m twenty-five-thousand years old!”

Shakes not-as-old man fist.


Is just so nice that azeroth, draenor and argus all have a similar rotation period and similar orbit so those 3 planets have a similar way to count years and the passage of time.


Same gravity and atmosphere, too. Very convenient.


The progenitors liked consistency I guess.