The Night Elves are not abandoning Kalimdor

I don’t make the decisions here. Bel’Ameth is neutral right now, just like Silvermoon will probably be in Midnight.

Yea… about Dalaran…


And as long as they don’t make it a sanctuary, I’ll be driving everyone out with my pitchfork and torch.


Yes. there would be viable reasons for either depending on the character. The Sentinels are very monastic in the way they approach their discipline.

When a city shows preferential treatment to one side it is not neutral. Bel’ameth is Friendly to Alliance players there are NPCs there that will try to kill Horde characters, no vendor will serve you, you can’t bind to the Inn, you also receive a cosmetic debuff that lets you know that you’re being watched.

That’s not Switzerland by any measure.


I lot of argument over what it a “capital”. As far as I can tell…

  1. Only players from that faction can go there.
  2. In Lore, it is where the leaders hang out.
  3. It has services.

Now #1 seems to be something that Blizzard is doing away with.

For #3, it has vendors and trainers and stuff. Not a lot, but then neither do a bunch of the others. Esp. for the Allied races.

Now for #2, that is a bit more complicated. Alleria doesn’t seem to hang out anywhere, but she does spend time there and her Void Elf lieutenants are there. And it’s not like Jaina hangs out in Boralus.

When you’re a walking Stormbringer, you really can’t just “hang”.

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Speaking of where your leaders hang out. Do the Vulpera even have a leader?

I demand this be address right now!

I guess it’s Kiro. He does hang out at that little camp. But talk about not much. I makes the Void Elf place look good!

We’ve been over this so many times. Also, who in Bel’Ameth tries to kill Horde players? It’s neutral. The Horde is welcome there, and there’s even a neutral questline there since 10.2.7. There’s also a neutral boat to Gilneas.

Belameth isn’t neutral because the guards are on orders to kill horde the very second they’re out of line.

This won’t be the case in High ElfThalas for the alliance, though.

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I don’t rememberwhere but there are a couple of NPCs in an out of the way area, I haven’t been there in awhile

I would say from an in universe perspective the Vulpera probably don’t have any one leader. It depends on which caravan you’re apart of. Kiro is, correct if I’m wrong here, the one who reps the Vulpera on the horde council and speaks for his people and their interest, but isn’t exactly leader of all vulpera.

From a gameplay perspective I mean yeah…It’s Kiro.

Today I learned the Zandalari and Kul Tirans don’t have a capital city.


I do know it gets destroyed again in The War Within. Hopefully it gets rebuilt, again.

I think that Vulpera have leaders the same way Skittermanders do.

Near-ubiquitous inhabitants of the planet Vesk-3, skittermanders led a simple, mostly agrarian lifestyle before the Veskarium annexed their planet. They have a unique outlook: individualistic without being anarchic, and somehow unable (or perhaps unwilling) to grasp the concept of permanent governance. They understand and enjoy teamwork, and naturally follow a qualified leader to undertake large projects such as the building of domiciles, but once that task has been completed, the leader doesn’t continue to hold sway over the others. Coupled with their unusual life cycle, it would seem as if skittermanders would be very difficult to rule. But such is not exactly the case.

When vesk warships appeared in the sky, skittermanders across Vesk-3 were more than happy to get out of the invaders’ way—not out of fear, but more because of their innate desire to help. Skittermanders instinctively recognized the Veskarium’s superior strength and felt they could best aid the empire by simply not being in the same location as its soldiers. In this way, skittermanders believed the vesk could quickly achieve their goals and move on. They didn’t understand the vesk’s aim was to subdue their world. Since vesk’s code of honor forbade them from shooting the cheerfully acquiescent skittermanders in the back, the invaders were confused and infuriated by the situation.

Eventually, in a meeting that the empire notes as the official date that Vesk-3 was conquered, a vesk general plainly told a group of skittermanders that the Veskarium ruled their planet. The skittermanders nodded and got back to their lives. Since then, the empire has ruled Vesk-3, though it hasn’t truly been in control of it. Skittermanders cheerfully accept jobs given to them by vesk, but never truly acknowledge the vesk as being in charge. Some outside the Veskarium believe skittermanders are being deliberately obtuse, reaping all the technological and social benefits the empire offers while still partially maintaining their freedom as a society, but no skittermander has ever confirmed this theory.

Today, skittermanders can be found throughout the Veskarium, often serving in clerical positions that allow them to aid as many people as possible. They have fully embraced technology and enjoy the many sights the galaxy has to offer, traveling to the Pact Worlds and beyond. Those who employ skittermanders quickly learn to give them missions that have open-ended parameters, as a skittermander who feels she has completed a task won’t necessarily report back to a superior for further instructions if she finds someone else who needs her help first. Outsiders often find them cheerfully manic, noting a goblin-like flair for the ridiculous but none of that race’s innate malice.


Nufriend reference gets you all of my hugs.
