The Night Elves are not abandoning Kalimdor

Ah yes, just like when the Franks migrated into Roman controlled Gaul and would go on to found what would become France. But clearly that didn’t actually happen because that was Roman land and they can’t do that.

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I’m not letting the trolls win.

They never said they were. They just admired the tree.

All you’re doing is keeping threads like this up at the top of the forums and getting the first posts like mine more likes.


I dunno, do they have a flag?


I was busy trying to cap it at the alliance base. Sorry for that :heart:


I don’t comment for likes. I hate getting attacked by trolls and I refuse to let those trolls win.

There’s NO flag, and there NEVER will be until it moves to Kalimdor.

No flag, no country, those’re the rules.

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I know for a fact that there’s at least flags because I keep capping them in Warsong Gulch.

Oh… Good. The extra night elf heritage armor isn’t on the forums yet, I see.

Read Peter David’s run on Supergirl for an answer to that question. That’s the whole genesis of the Earth Angel Supergirl.

EK = Eastern Kalimdor


Mercy and grace.

You defines that what’s unforgivable CAN NEVER be forgiven.

Some themes c ontain their own self contradiction.

Linda Danvers is a wicked young women who never sought forgiveness and has committed unspeakable acts. Yet Matrix in giving her grace, creates the Earth Angel Supergirl from their fusion.

The closing last scene of Lucifer includes a selection of the most horrible people in history… undergoing counseling.

The comon thread is that even the unforgivable can be redeemed…over the very long perspective.

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That means they can be forgiven, which they cannot be.

Because you insist on looking at the finite, flanderizing people into their single acts.

The worst people are products of what produced them. Your flaw is insisting that the game, the formula, the premises are eternal and without variance.

Some of the most important allies the Champion gathers in Revendreth were the worse people ever on the worlds they came from. Revendreth is ultimately about that hard love redemptive process. By the end of Shadowands, so is the Maw.


Show me where I’m wrong. The Harbinger who is one of your allies actually MURDERED her own world. By the decree of the new Arbiter, and by the imposed penalty of Tyrande, Sylvanna’s’ mission is to redeem EVERY SINGLE SOUL IN THE MAW. No exceptions are given. There is no longer such a thing as a valid decision that any soul can just be thrown away for eternity.

It’s very much like the closing scene of Lucifer where is new role is to counsel and rehabilitate every soul in Hell.

And don’t hold back on my account. I can take it

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No, go away. Don’t make us go through this hell again.


There’s literally NO rehabilitation for any of the ultra sinners in the WoW universe. Why should you consider Sylvanas to be an exception to this rule?