The new talent tree is too confusion

Laughs in Path of Exile

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Says the Classic alt? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Starter build until 70. Pog.

He is on classic. he is just trolling

Wowhead .com

Never have to think about talent trees.

Copy paste, roll out.

Do think a little though. I have a bit somewhee else but the short version is one wowhead MM tree setup doen’t turn on traquilizer shot.

I have that a must have skill for pve and pvp. Rest of the tree looks decent. I just moved points around to get stuff like tranq shot back.

Use guides as a base…and then read to get back things.

why I like my classic trees more. we keep solid baselines not in tree. we jsut buy them at level unlocks.

some are there, but not what I call core stuff. Some skills even today I miss are not missed. I never went sin or sub spec to turn them, or requirements on.

New Talent Tree = AWESOME!!

Tren go play Candyland and be like a million other binky lovin zoomers!

This is my take too.

I will make some minor adjustments maybe, but for now I am just using that template.

Yeah the new tree is awful to look at. It is just pure vomit spewed out on the screen.

Thinking the tree is “awesome” doesn’t make you suddenly a mature individual. In fact I would say your comment proves that.

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Which is PRECISELY why the classic trees were retired. This modern dev team seems insistent on not learning the lessons of the past, and it’s making me seriously reconsider whether or not I want a refund for this expansion. This is a VERY concerning start.

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I have bad feeling Blizzard is gonna listen to you all and cut the tree in half :rofl:

They should do that plus nerf warriors to the ground

The talent tree give you a default starter build, there holding your hand there nothing to think nk about

Agreed I Hate it too, instead of delivering a good and engaging xpac, they spent time redoing systems that needed nothing doing to them, at this point i am regretting having prepurchased the xpac. If i’d had the fortune to be in the Beta you can bet i would not have pre-purchased based on what i am seeing currently.

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Imagine a talent tree for yourself in real life.

I just want to do 1 million dps again

Thing with classic trees it got smaller towards the end the new trees want you to pick multiple options even at the end of the tree. The trees are bloated to simply say. However I appreciate the complexity but with a game thats never been very good with balance eventually cookie cutter will win.

Least its slightly different from aoe build, sustainor burst dps build. Like honestly what the hell even is the shaman tree. I lack knowledge to know what’s even good. You can potentially have an 8 button dmg rotation depending on the build. You got lasso and thunderstorm for all specs. It’s pretty crazy and im interested to see how it pans out.

Square=active abilities. Circle = passive abilities. Octagon= multiple choice abilities…

Then go to wow head and copy a build lol