The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes

Revert the permissions!

And…here comes the boss…


In case anyone was wondering about the “in person at Blizzcon” comment, here is the post by MVP Xakopane talking about his meeting directly with Blizzard employees:

I have never felt it was the “rank and file” employees who are ignoring us, and I fully understand that tasks must be prioritized. However, this many months after launch, I feel it’s time for our particular problem to be moved off the back burner.

Blizzard, fix the guild permissions.


Late night bumpy bump…Blizz please give us some kinda response on the guild UI.


Did one of y’all figure out who I am in RL? Seriously, he NEVER walks by my desk this much! Somebody busted on me!

btw Fix the Permissions!

p.s. WTF is Delirium wearing on her head?!


Petrified Ironbark Crown transmogrified to Greathelm of Rezan’s Bladeguard (though it looks like a Roman Centurion’s helmet to me).

Meanwhile: Blizzard, fix the guild permissions!



plus a few more characters.


People have already asked this to be fixed at Blizzcon. They do not care.

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Quoting this because I still believe these changes are helpful/necessary, especially number two. What’s the point in being able to make additional channels as a guild leader if you have no control over who can actually access those channels except whether or not everyone with access is an officer?

Further, who thought it was a good idea to make officers automatically have every permission? What if we have different tiers of officers with different responsibilities, who don’t need every permission to do what’s expected of them?


Continuing my read-through.
Here is a very relevant post from Irannia where she broke down the one response we got on a Q&A. (This is the one where Ion asked for more feedback.)

I know this is a long post, but it’s worth reading. We get a rundown of Ion’s and Lore’s comments, plus Irannia’s response to those comments.


True enough as far as that statement goes. However, one has to wonder why they did not have a backout plan in place in case UAT (thats us when this code went live) went pearshaped as it most assuredly did. Yet here we are 2829 posts later.


So our core is down to 4. Borderline unsustainable. Recruiting is yielding no hits.

We’re in maintenance mode now.

The least you can do is revert the permissions, so the remaining members in my guild can have rank-appropriate permissions in accordance to their preferred level of responsibility.

We tried so hard to keep people invested in your game, Bliz.
I wish you did as well.

It seems this will literally be the hill my guild dies upon.
Until my sub runs out though, I shall carry on the fight.

revert the permissions


I am so sorry to read this. :frowning_face:

My guild never got off the ground. There’s only a couple of us who are using it for the perks. Any incentive I might have had to make it into a “real” guild vanished with the separate permissions.

I truly don’t understand why Blizzard hasn’t addressed this. I understand why it happened. They were gung ho on their Communities idea and didn’t realize/care what it might do to guilds. But in the past when a blunder like this was made, Blizz would fix it. All they’ve done so far was reverse a couple of the most egregious issues (like setting one’s own public notes) and have studiously ignored the rest. They won’t ever freaking answer us.

It’s almost like they want to destroy their own game.


Anyone got that horn from the Ricola commercials? Maybe if we fwoofmph on that thing for a while…Any you guys near a mountain?


Blizz, seriously, we’re asking you to do something that doesn’t involve class balance, gameplay changes, or loot tweaks.

It’s a functional UI change.

And you’re ignoring us.


It’s over, gang, but I will still pop in to bump the thread.


I don’t know if this means anything, but the forums keep telling me the newest posts to this thread are “old posts” I haven’t read. You know, the number by the thread is grey, not blue. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe it’s just a forum bug and not Blizz categorizing this thread as a necro (even though it’s been going nonstop since it began).

Edit: almost forgot–fix the permissions!


Hmm, that’s odd…I’m seeing a blue counter, though. Maybe your browser is derping or something?


Here’s another good post from August that makes a case for not only fixing the permissions, but for making persistent chat optional:

I think making more options is always a good thing. Multiple channels with the ability to opt in or out of persistent chat seems like an excellent idea. But, of course, separating the permissions is still the priority.


Weekends are always slow here, but I guess it doesn’t matter since there’s zero chance of anyone at Blizz looking at this thread outside of work hours. And during work hours it seems like there’s a better chance of Invincible dropping than of Blizzard looking in on this.

Oh, sure, I suppose they could be reading this diligently every day and just not replying. I mean how would be know one way or the other? This is the Twilight Zone of threads. Or maybe it’s a black hole. We drop our posts in, and they’re swallowed whole, sucked into a gravitational field from which they’ll never escape–and certainly where they’ll never be acted upon.

Separate the permissions, Blizz. It’s the only way to save the universe from this ever growing thread.


The Wife and I have a few last-ditch plans for keeping things going, so I’m hoping we may be able to get something consistent going in-game. I refuse to die without a fight.

That being said,
Revert the permissions!

If they try to say it’s impossible, then well…