The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes

So, I just read this article about another Blizzard game:

I’m starting to think we’re not ever going to be told anything from anyone.


I have been occasionally sending them tweets with details and a link to this thread every few weeks since the very first day…no reply so far.

It’s disheartening that the rp community got an immediate response, while we’re sitting here waiting for months and not getting anything.

I’m unsure why we can’t get an answer either way as to whether it was:
a) “We broke it accidentally, we want to fix it, but it’s gonna take awhile, sorry” (like the druid issue last expansion)
b) “We did it on purpose, deal with it”

Nor why only 2 of the many bugs related to the new guild UI have been fixed since implementation.

Guilds are an important aspect of this game and many people are only still playing this game BECAUSE OF their guild.
You know how many times I’ve heard “if this guild fell apart I’d quit playing” or “you guys are the only things keeping me playing” ?


Oh look they made time to make a new forum. Is Officer is still borked. Twitter still ignores us. Ion and company deserve a kick down south at this point.


Run by lizard people and bots at this point.


I’m not surprised. Q&As aren’t actually about getting questions from the community anymore, and haven’t been for some time. They’re political theater, a propaganda circus designed so Blizzard can try to placate the big issues, which this just isn’t to them.

Because guilds aren’t important to them. If they could somehow make this game purely single player with no need for anyone to communicate, they’d do it without a moment’s hesitation. So why care that guilds have been borked? Better that they die anyway.

At least according to Blizzard.


I seriously can’t believe this, even if that’s how it seems right now. They could have phased guilds out a long time ago if that’s how they really felt.

^Blizzard HAS to know this is the truth. There’s no way they can be that disconnected with one of their major IP’s. Though I will admit, if feels more and more like whoever is really calling the shots doesn’t play any video games and never has.


That Q&A was just…yikes. To say that I’m disappointed is an understatement. And not just because guilds weren’t discussed. I’m actually more upset about the elephant in the room that is the failure to deliver promised class reworks in 8.1.

Now that I’ve calmed down a bit, I keep coming back to the same thought over and over again. Bear with me for a seemingly unrelated anecdote, and I promise it will connect.

I used to do customer service for a website that sold clothing and home items. The company used a few different shipping methods, and one of them was called “quickship.” It was anything but quick. We would collect a bunch of orders, go to a supplier, and request a giant list of all these items that we already sold. They would send it to us in a giant shipment, and then we would re-package it and re-ship it out to the individual customers. Customers hated it because it took forever and would lead to situations like waiting for a month for an item to ship only to have it cancelled just before it was due to arrive. This was very poorly communicated by the website and automated confirmation emails.

Customers repeatedly told us that they hated the shipping method. I heard it literally daily. I knew it was horrible for customer experience; my supervisors knew it was horrible too. All of my co-workers knew how much customers hated it. But we were all powerless to do anything about it. This shipping method was corporate’s favorite because it meant that they didn’t have to warehouse the items. From a warehouse/business perspective, it made logical sense.

For years, this was a daily part of my job until it changed one day very abruptly, and all because of one lady. She was a VIP customer and had spent thousands and thousands of dollars on the website. But she decided to close her account with us because of a situation that this shipping method created. She had ordered a birthday gift, waited, trusted that it would be sent, and then at the last minute, the gift was cancelled. She was angry, embarrassed, unable to deliver on the gift that she had promised to the recipient. (The gift was not a surprise - the recipient knew exactly what was supposed to be coming.) Of course, the call center handled complaints like this daily. But for whatever reason, someone at corporate got the recording of that particular call and listened to it.

Somehow, even though everyone in customer service knew how hated this shipping method was, and had been telling corporate so for years, corporate had no clue. They were totally blown away by how upset she was and suddenly they realized the human cost of this shipping method, and that it was tied directly to a loss of thousands of dollars in future sales.

The impact was almost immediate. They didn’t get rid of the shipping method completely, but they did scale way back on it. They also updated the website to be much more transparent about which items would have an extended delivery due to this shipping method, and gently suggest that maybe another item would be a better choice for a gift.

So the point is that, eventually, someone will be the lady who didn’t get her gift, and this will land in front of someone who realizes the potential costs and can do something about it.

A simple experiment: Assuming 50 accounts per guild * $15/month = $750/month * 12 months = $9000/year per guild * 1000 guilds = $9 million per year.

We matter.


I really, really hope this is true.

Unfortunately (because of what happened with HotS and Diablo), I can’t kill the nagging thought that the people high up in corporate are dead set on moving away from PC games and into mobile, and they don’t care how many customers they lose in the process.

While my particular peeve is the guild controls, there are a lot of issues with BfA that make me wonder what exactly is going on at corporate. It’s like they’ve completely lost sight of their product and their customers. They not only don’t know which side of their bread is buttered, they think it’s crackers, not bread.

I think the team members who actually work on WoW (from the CS folks, to the artists, writers, developers, etc.) really do care about the game and want to make it the best it can be. But someone, somewhere up the line, has shackled them and made their jobs next to impossible.

At least, that’s the only thing that makes any sense to me to explain the polar opposite words and actions we keep witnessing.


So are we going to get a response or not about guild rank customization? This was a horrible oversight among many that have yet to be addressed. 8.1 is here and still… nothing.


I really hate that I have to do /guildroster to see the guild LOGS and be able to see where people in the guild are.

You can see people’s location and rank by hovering on them in the new UI, but not the full list.

And seeing who joined/left the guild is kind of a basic feature.


Wow, thanks for the /guildroster tip.

Also, why haven’t guild controls been fixed so they behave like the old “granular” controls?

Fix, plox :frowning:



Warcraft is broken.

A short scan of these very forums (not to mention other forums ie: Reddit, Icyveins, etc…even many Wow Facebook groups) all show a growing discontent with Wow in it’s current state.

As Fumel stated, my main concern personally is the guild permissions. I have ridden out questionable xpacs in the past, but I need tools to keep my guild functional and thereby keeping many guildies subscribed.

As of this writing, I personally am finding that a difficult if not quite impossible task.

I myself have stated the following several times previously on this very thread:

^This is so true!^

Why can’t you seem to understand this simple fact Blizzard?

At the very least, step up and give us all an answer one way or the other:

Fix forthcoming


Working as intended.

I for one need to know if I am wasting my time (and money) waiting for a solution (fix) that may never come.

I’ve played Wow since nearly the beginning. I have until now generally enjoyed my time on Wow and have created four (active) accounts over those years.

Now however, Wow is broken. The suits at Blizzard seem to care less.

I honestly never ever thought I’d ever say this.

However as much as it pains me:

There are other MMOs.


While this is true, I’m pretty sure that once I leave WoW, I’m leaving gaming. Even if Blizzard turns things around and makes some new super-cool amazing (well supported) game–OR completely revamps WoW (and their support) to be what it USED to be–once I’m gone, I’m not coming back.


Hear hear. Much of what keeps me playing WoW is my history with the game. I don’t have the time these days to start over with something new. I dabble here and there, but I’m not as established elsewhere as I am with WoW.

And to bring it back on topic, because of this personal connection, it’s a shame that the guild interface and other social features are so wanting.


It’s been about half a year since they last responded, and that was just them telling us they were expanding the thread cap. I wouldn’t hold your breath for a response…


I haven’t been bringing up any old posts for a while because it all seems kind of pointless to me. No matter what we ask for, no matter how we word it, we’re still ignored. But I’ve been reading through the thread still. The vast majority of the posts are just asking for the guild permissions to be broken up and taken out from under the “is officer” heading.

On August 11 we got guild chat speak separated out, and players were given the ability to set their own notes again. No word was given about this change, it just happened. I keep hoping the rest will “just happen” too.

Meanwhile, here’s a post with another idea for improvements such as auto listing alts and account-wide guild bans:


Fumel I have said this before but thank you for all the work you do, and to all of you keeping this thread alive. Yes we have been ignored so far but as long as WoW is in our lives and what we do we need to keep up the fight! What Zuluhed says it the best for me as well “Much of what keeps me playing WoW is my history with the game”, 14 years of history with my guild, and in all those 14 years we have been able to run our guilds and set our ranks as we see fit , in ways that work best for our styles and players. All that is gone! Gone and never told why, heck they never even mentioned a word of it before the release , and now months later still nothing. Well…they won’t see nothing from me cuz i’ll be right here posting away till the cows come home till i see some movement from Blizz! Guilds need to be supported not ignored!


I can’t imagine they will be keeping /guildroster menu for much longer.

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They still haven’t blocked me. I’ll step it up to two tweets per day now.


Well…maybe next year they’ll respond…