The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes

I suppose I should be checking to see if I’ve gotten any more bites on my ad in the guild finder, but I’m sort of hoping not. I don’t really want to grow my guild without granular permissions that I can use to reward loyal members.

Still hoping for good news from Blizz. I know, I’m silly to be so optimistic, but it makes me feel better than being a pessimist.


I heard from the grapevine that a certain somebody did not actually cause their own death while incarcerated. Fascinating.

Fix guild permissions please.


In Shadowlands, will dead guild permissions lurk around the corner to exact their revenge on the company that killed them?


I admit this made me chuckle.

I would love it if the permissions could haunt Blizzard’s HQ. How would they manifest? Like gremlins, screwing up the hardware? Like a bot or a virus, playing havoc with software? Like a pointy-haired-boss, driving employees insane? Inquiring minds want to know!


Suggestion: Guild Covenants.

  • The steadfast Brahminians of Aychesseff, whose ever present optimism provides hope and warmth for the hardiest denizens of the guild who refuse to die

  • The mysterious Fumeliars. Archivists and seekers of legend, this faction delves deep into the annals of lore to find only the best of ways to improve the world. Their questline is reported as “something unique”.

  • The cunning Venjicytes, who constantly find ways to twist words and ideas into songs of chaos in hopes of bringing about an eternally rising sun.

  • The warlike Druunahrs, who forge the guild armies that serve as the first line of defense against those who would impose unfair laws and honor those who seek power and glory in battle with an oath of blood.

Or you could just fix the permissions


Q&A up. If possible, like this post asking about guild permissions:

Not my post, just the first one I found scrolling through.

Edit: Here’s another:

Here’s one asking about guild halls:


I guess we don’t have to feel too bad about not getting any of our guild questions answered. From what I understand, almost none of the questions from the site were answered, and only a handful from the folks that were there in person. Not an informative Q&A at all (based on what I heard).

So, we’ll ask again:

Blizz, will there be any improvements for guilds–especially regarding permissions–or is this topic deader than a deceased undead DK? Truly, my decision to play Shadowlands hinges on the answer to this.


I thought the guild leader permissions were supposed to be rolled back at some point? And still no word? If they would have announced some love for guilds, I’d be pre ordering right now.

Maybe we need to protest.


I haven’t been posting because I’m not the GM, my sister who doesn’t play is, but I did suggest she check out whether the permissions are a problem. Of the two guildies who do still play, I’m likely to be the only one she has to worry about.


This is where I’m sitting as well. There are a number of things about Shadowlands that I really don’t want or care for (level squish being the number one). I am more than halfway over the fence and out the door regarding continuing with WoW at this point.

If there had been anything at all mentioned about guilds, they would have caught my interest. The permissions fix is definitely my priority, but any hint that the devs actually care about guilds and understand the role of guilds in WoW would be better than the deafening silence we’ve incurred thus far.

Even if the permissions hadn’t been borked, it’s past time for guilds to get much needed improvements. This thread is chock full of great ideas for guilds. The feedback is done. Now tell us what you’re going to do with it, Blizz!


Just a quick mention that my guild has another new member! Well, it’s an alt of our newest member, but still, another name on the roster. :grin:

This really makes me wish guilds were in a better state. I’d love to grow my guild and make it into a group where members can actually pursue higher goals in the game. I can’t do that without help though, and without granular permissions, I can’t let complete strangers take over some of my duties for me. Without some love from Blizz, I’m at an impasse. /sigh


An homage to guilds that are still hanging in there:

May Blizzard soon reveal the fixes Ion said they were working on.

That would be nice.

When I told my guild about the guild finder buttons being removed, they didn’t quite know how to respond because I was laughing hysterically. It was either that, or burst into tears. So.



Right. Now that’s out of the way.

I have to admit this new expansion announcement has me feeling pretty meh. I’ve definitely crossed over into I’ll-believe-it-when-I-see-it territory. Until then, I’ll assume Blizzard is working on the new garrisons and the worst iteration of classes and social systems we’ve seen so far.

My raid leader told me he’s out if Blizzard doesn’t fix classes. And he’s a game designer, so the bar for “fixed” is pretty high. He said that he just can’t do another expansion with broken classes. I don’t really blame him. But without him, my guild will die, or at least fade significantly.

Also on our priority list is fixing flex raids to actually scale properly instead of being somewhere between “significantly more difficult” to “completely impossible” with 10-12 players. It’s really really stupid to have a game mode for 10-30 players if it can’t be completed with that full range of players. (I’m looking at you Zaq, and your insistence on fearing three players at a time. That’s 30% of a 10 man raid. It may be mathematically possible on 10 man, but its all down to RNG luck, not skill. Not my idea of a good time.)

We typically have enough players to avoid the 10 man problem. But lately, we’ve been having attendance issues, and it’s become painfully clear just how much more difficult the raids are as a 10-12 group.

Maybe I should recruit. Where’s the UI? Oh. Right.



And really. Do I need to say it again? Fix the darn permissions already. And I REALLY want an explanation for the guild finder. I would say that I’m unimpressed. But that is fantastically understating things.


what sort of further explanation do you need?

Did you read the patch notes?
The following 8.2.5 features are not yet active, and will become available soon:

  • Recruit A Friend
  • Guild & Community Finder
  • WoW 15th Anniversary Event
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That is not an explanation. That is a list of things that aren’t active yet.


it explains that the guild finder is being reworked, and will be active soon.

the only thing from that list which hasn’t become active at this point, is the guild finder… so it’s not exactly a list of “things which aren’t active yet”.
It’s a list of things which weren’t active when the patch went live.

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i guess there’s no pleasing some people.

“fix the thing!”

(blizz fixes the thing)


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Wait…I just got my own mini-Deathwing to ride around, so obviously the Anniversary event is live. (Those raids were a hoot–people couldn’t remember the mechanics, Ragnaros is bugged, and it was a blast anyway.)


as is RAF.

not sure why people are demanding information, then refusing to read it. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Right. So it’s now out of date as well. Hence, explanation needed. It would be nice to know WHY it wasn’t in the patch. Were there unexpected technical issues? Was it a time constraint thing? Was it something else entirely? Also, why did they remove the old UI buttons before adding in the new guild finder? We don’t know because they didn’t offer an explanation.

All they offered was a list of things that they intended to add to the game soon. Of that list, the guild finder is the only one missing. Hence, we need an explanation.