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When’s Dance Studio?


If I wanted to find out exactly what inclusivity and diversity training was part of your annual and new hire curriculum, where would I find such riveting info?

Since we are dealing with the Lich King again, what are the chances we can get a legitimate Frostmourne transmog, or at the very least the legendary version of Shadowmourne?

We haven’t gone 2 expansions without a new class before. Is there more to announce in the future? Tinkers, Shaman tank spec, Legion style class reworks, any of that?

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Since Chronicle came out, Hakkar’s current location has been the Shadowlands. With Bwonsamdi still around, will we see the return of Hakkar, the true Blood God, especially since his odd absence from Zandalar?


We’d really like to know if there are some plans for Guild Halls. There’s been talk of it for years and this has been something that has piqued our interest for quite a while.

Thank you!


-With the Horde and Alliance war behind us, will we ever see cross-faction guilds/raiding?

-Will hybrid gameplay ever make a return? (Examples: Stances and/or talents/abilities to support some limited ability to switch between tanking/dps/healing)

-Will bonus rolls in raids still be a thing, and if so, has any consideration been given to increasing the chance of actually getting loot?

-How do you intend to make World Quests viable gameplay for raiders beyond the first month or so after a patch?

-Worgen Druids are now the only race without unique forms. Any plans to update these?

-Are the returning abilities mentioned today the only ones we will see, or are there more? I’d hardly consider Ursol’s Vortex to be “class defining”. What about Hurricane, Tranquility, Thorns, Faerie Fire, MotW? I also noticed Warriors getting Challenging Shout, but no mention of Druids getting Challenging Roar.


Trial of Style

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Was a game wide level reduction really necessary in order to offer players an improved leveling experience through older content?


Is there any chance of more realms being connected in 9.0? Recruiting for mythic is near impossible on a low population realm

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Firstly I would like to say that I am not against a level squish.
So my questIon is as follows:
Does blizzard have any current/future plans/solutions to address the issues of why level squish is needed now or will be again in the future? Or will you just squish levels again after several expansions?

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Was the class redesign a major focus that took the place of the usual alternate new class per expansion pattern we’ve seen?

I wish they look at ESO, that leveling system is best by far.

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With all new non-DK, non-DH Core Race characters supposedly starting in a new starting zone come 9.0, will it still be possible to do the starter questlines in Kezan, Gilneas, and Wandering Isle if you’re a Goblin, Worgen, or Pandaren respecitvely?

Can we expect further customization such as body types, class skins, housing, guild garrisons (on Azeroth please)? Added specs, etc?

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When the World Soul Azeroth wakes up, what happens to all of us lower life forms hitching a ride on her?

With the addition of a new starting zone for all new players, will we lose the old starting zones such as Gilneas and Eversong? Will a system be put in place for us to return to those zones to play through that content?


Yes please. Like, x9000

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Excellent question! Many of us would love to see the visual choices associated with tier set return! Plus, with tier sets, bonuses/abilities changed specs when a character changed specs–which was huge for allowing us to play alt characters/alt specs (something Ion mentioned as a focus for this expac.)

With the pre-Shadowlands level cap being 50 across all expansions, are past raids going to remain soloable for players at level 60?

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