The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Blizzard 2018

- We believe players are not smart enough to make their own decisions so we take away their options and make their decisions for them.
I've been complaining for a while about how guild tools haven't been extended or improved for so many years, and how I wish Blizzard would do more to encourage and support guilds - but now they've actually made it even worse?
Oh, God.

Oh, no.

Oh, jeez.

Please change this back, Blizzard. Why would you even make such an arbitrary change?
Ridiculous concept, Blizzard. Like... why put in the effort to change it? You just wasted your time by ruining a good system.
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This is pretty horrible, especially since you can't actually see who took any actions and bliz refuses to tell you, so rather than being able to give officers limited permissions (which is Blizzard CS's ever so helpful answer to someone abusing the permissions), they now give you even less control...

Fortunately I can mostly work around it by not giving out the permissions to most of my officers and instead setting up a community just for my officers, but seriously, this was not well thought out...

Between this and removing master loot (without removing the ilvl "upgrade" locking especially), it's like they are trying to kill off guilds and don't realize guilds are what keep people engaged when the content is around for a year longer than it should be...
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Please give us back our guild rank functionality.

This change was yet another "solution in search of a problem". If it ain't broke...please, please, please don't "fix" it for us. I know you're excited about the new "Communities" feature, Blizzard, but taking away and messing up guild management functions in the process is unacceptable. You keep taking things away. Can you just...stop doing that? Please? You guys keep cutting, and pruning and taking away QoL and functional things from this game. If you prune a tree too much, you will eventually kill it.
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07/18/2018 04:40 PMPosted by Niral
Ridiculous concept, Blizzard. Like... why put in the effort to change it? You just wasted your time by ruining a good system.

Not only time, but money also.
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07/18/2018 02:13 PMPosted by Mathrenas
To add my own comment, as Blizzard has stated that they read every thread to completion, I will try to keep a level head while I state this.

I am disappointed.

In an effort to give players more interactivity between their friends, their guilds, their actual communities, we have jumped back to the Stone Age of communications. In an effort to compete with interactive mediums such as Discord, they have removed so much that makes a community a community.

Not every situation warrants a blanket of interactivity.

Off the top of my head I can think of:
  • Guild Leader
  • Co-Founder
  • Officer
  • Community Officer
  • Class Officer
  • Veteran Member
  • Member
  • Guest
  • Trial
  • Out of Character rank
  • Temporary Silenced
  • A Class Officer, who's sole role inside a guild is to provide incite to those of the same class as them and help them strive to be better at their role, does not deserve nor need the same privileges as an actual Officer. A Guest isn't the same as a Trial, nor the same as an Out of Character rank. A Guild Leader and a Co-Founder should have roughly the same privileges, without being on the same level as another officer.

    This change is terrible. There is no sugar-coating, tip-toeing, no amount of light-weight treading that will let you know that this is a bad change to a feature that keeps guilds being guilds.

    Not every guild is for every person. Not every guild should conform to every person and not every person should conform to every guild.

    People don't need their hands held where this is concerned. People want to be able to form a family online, to interact with, to play with, and if someone disrupts that... They don't need to be there.

    Please revert this change. Please.

    Quoting for more visibility - agree with pretty much everything you’ve said. I admittedly was not very calm when I made this thread, appreciate your level headed response!
    07/18/2018 05:27 PMPosted by Osiris
    Quoting for more visibility - agree with pretty much everything you’ve said. I admittedly was not very calm when I made this thread, appreciate your level headed response!

    Thank you. In the midst of so much anger, I think it is important to show that we're not just acting out of frustration.
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    Still No Blue Post?

    Keep it like that

    We dont need 300 officers in 1 guild like we used to have, now Guild Masters will choose wisely
    07/19/2018 04:55 AMPosted by Niteborn
    Keep it like that

    We dont need 300 officers in 1 guild like we used to have, now Guild Masters will choose wisely

    You're completely missing the point, but believe what you wish.

    Also, your character looks horrific.
    07/19/2018 04:49 AMPosted by CĂŽhĂȘĂȘd
    Still No Blue Post?


    Dev Q&A in a few hours - still holding out hope they might address it.
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    The question about guild permissions was not asked during the QnA, despite getting over 150 upvotes in the question thread (See OP's first post). I will not let this thread die until we get answers.
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    It was pretty disappointing to not see anything guild related mentioned/asked/pulled in.

    I'm told we should be tweeting the wow devs twitter for clarification, but a post here would be nice for those who don't have a twitter or don't want to have a twitter account. One less thing to log into.
    07/19/2018 12:05 PMPosted by Calathiel
    It was pretty disappointing to not see anything guild related mentioned/asked/pulled in.

    With each expansion it feels like they care about guilds less, I know it sounds whiney, but I honestly feel like they want us to just mess around with strangers in the Group Finder and occasional battlenet/realID friends. Like guild communities are a concession to oldschool players, instead of a really cool thing that makes this game special.
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    Adding my voice to this thread. Blizzard, change it -back-.
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    Change it back, please.
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    Putting my 2 copper's worth in here too, I want it changed back.
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    change it back, change it back! I'm on a RP server, and with my guild, goblins mainly, /o is used as our In-character 'radio chatter' (/g is for out-of-character) but with this... not sure what to do short of starting up another chat channel, which means letting all the new people know "hey, join this chat channel" or something which is just clunky and bothersome.

    And I know my guild isn't the only one. This seems like a needless change that just A: robs my guild of some of it's interaction
    and B: just causes confusion and means giving even the newest members who are untested and haven't yet earned the trust (pretty much starter ranks) positiions of power that they don't need.

    This is a prime example of "if it isn't broken, don't fix it". The changes to the UI seem to be about the same but at least those I can get used to in time and don't seem to negatively effect anything in my gameplay experience.