The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Yeah that's pretty terrible lol.

I like to give people the ability to set notes and smaller stuff, or stick certain permissions to certain levels.
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07/17/2018 02:08 PMPosted by Osiris
07/17/2018 02:04 PMPosted by Berzarker
well my dream to run a new guild into this expa has borned dead ;/

Forced personal loot, communities, guild's being cut off at the legs in terms of control. Feels like Blizzard really wants to push warcraft into "world of pug craft" where everyone is out for themselves, and loyalty to a group is a thing of the past.
I've been saying this very thing for at least a year now. There really is no incentive other than friends/family to be in a guild much less a progression raiding guild with the removal of ML. It is quite unfortunate how quickly I am beginning to lose interest in this game that I've played almost daily for the last 8+ years.

07/17/2018 02:26 PMPosted by Mistybrooke
seems its becoming more meaningless to have your own guild put work into it and have choices a guild leader should have.

Agreed. Being the GM of a successful guild is a lot of work and quite stressful at times.
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Terrible, terrible change on so many levels. This just made running a large, social raiding guild a lot harder.

Why attempt to fix something if it's not broken?
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Having not been in a guild in beta, I did not know about these discrete changes. When I was able to log into the game and stay logged in I looked into this.

I am trying to wrap my brain around why one would lock out everyone but officers from changing their public notes? Why now have a "public note" and an "officer note" when both are effectively inaccessible to the player? I have asked for a rationale behind this change.

I wonder if somehow, with the Community "feature", there was some feeling this had to be done? I'm simply guessing.
07/18/2018 07:27 AMPosted by Xakopane
Having not been in a guild in beta, I did not know about these discrete changes. When I was able to log into the game and stay logged in I looked into this.

I am trying to wrap my brain around why one would lock out everyone but officers from changing their public notes? Why now have a "public note" and an "officer note" when both are effectively inaccessible to the player? I have asked for a rationale behind this change.

I wonder if somehow, with the Community "feature", there was some feeling this had to be done? I'm simply guessing.

Because giving someone the access to edit public notes allows them to change literally everyone's public notes. Clearly you've never had to fix an entire roster of profane public notes. Add that to the notion that there's absolutely no audit history for seeing who did it and you have the perfect troll permission.

Public notes can be used for many things that the public might want to know about.
IE: "### DPS", "M+ TANK", "W PvP Defender", "X's alt"

Whereas the Officer note might be used for other tracking items.
IE: "Joined on X date", "Warned for X on X"

Why there isn't just a permission to change ONLY your public note is beyond me.
They can't have asked any of us about this. I don't know a single guild leader that wished for LESS options for their guild management.

Now I either have to give my whole guild access or edit EVERYONE'S Notes myself. With the influx of Pre-bfa players blizzard has made running a guild, something I've been doing since mid 2011 MUCH more difficult. I have to give EVERYONE access to deleting messages... or the guild can't create events regardless of rank.

Thanks to this change, I will have to log on and add events whenever any of my 100ish active guildmates want to run an event. Thanks for screwing me over blizz. Some birthday gift.

I don't MIND the communities feature, it actually sounds great for guilds that work together to say raid or run other events without people resorting to battletag chats, but don't TAKE stuff away to put that in.

I'm pleased that the voice codec actually sounds pretty good now, but not at the cost of my guild's structure.

I hope they answer why they'd do this without asking guild leaders for input.
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07/18/2018 03:24 AMPosted by Illìana
07/17/2018 11:18 AMPosted by Osiris
Whose bright idea was to lump all these permissions under a single check box?

Now to give someone access to officer chat, or give them the ability to set their own public note, I have to give them the ability to delete people's messages, calendar events, notes, gmotd, kick people from voice chat, etc.

Thanks for taking more control away from the favor for watered down solutions.

[Edit] For those not aware - you were previously able to control all these things individually, per rank. Feel free to vote on the question by giving it a like for Thursday's Q&A here:

So this forces guilds to not have multiple ranks of officers that can be given different roles. I see no problem. All officers you promote should be trusted, anyway. If you want to promote someone but not give them all of these tasks, then simply create a higher non-officer rank.

Since all officers will be able to do everything, just delegate duties. There's logs to see what officers have done when the GM hasn't been in game. GM can easily undo anything.

No unnecessary tiered officer ranks. Either those you promote can be trusted to do their jobs and act mature and professionally, or they're not promoted.

I personally think this is a step in the right direction as many guilds I've run into place a lot of importance and grandstand their officer core. Sure, it's the GM's guild and they can do whatever they want. But, I look for guilds where the GM and officers put the members first...which is why I'm guildless.

1) You're guildless, so maybe you don't care, but I do.

2) Having different levels of permissions for different people is important. My guild doesn't want or need 15 officers at the same level of permission, but it's sure nice to have some social officers/people who can invite to guild/craft consumables. With "all or nothing" permissions, that's going to go away so that there are not a million officers with full permissions.

3) It's not about "grandstanding", it's about choice. Think of it like a freakin' bank if you don't get it. What if you had to choose between "everyone can take unlimited items from all tabs" and "nobody but one person can remove anything"? OBVIOUSLY you aren't going to choose option 1, but it's sure going to make things REALLY annoying for everyone and that one guy who spends his life doling !@#$ out.
Just commenting to keep checking back.
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07/18/2018 07:44 AMPosted by Loendor

Because giving someone the access to edit public notes allows them to change literally everyone's public notes. Clearly you've never had to fix an entire roster of profane public notes. Add that to the notion that there's absolutely no audit history for seeing who did it and you have the perfect troll permission.

I have not had any issues with people changing others' public notes so allowing permission to let players alter public notes wasn't a problem.

I do agree having a permission setting allowing players to change their own public note (and only theirs) would be terrific.

My comment about why now have two notes was not articulated fully. Before, one note was for the player, the other for the officers. Now since both can only be changed by an officer, one has lost function.
the be all and end all is they dont actually care about guilds anymore. they've removed all of the individual perks you earned, removed the ability to edit each ranks permissions and allowed us to cross realm the world. its getting harder and harder to maintain a guild.
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Still beyond frustrated by this - hoping to see an answer or it at least addressed in the Q&A tomorrow.
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07/18/2018 07:27 AMPosted by Xakopane
Having not been in a guild in beta, I did not know about these discrete changes. When I was able to log into the game and stay logged in I looked into this.

I am trying to wrap my brain around why one would lock out everyone but officers from changing their public notes? Why now have a "public note" and an "officer note" when both are effectively inaccessible to the player? I have asked for a rationale behind this change.

I wonder if somehow, with the Community "feature", there was some feeling this had to be done? I'm simply guessing.

Before, in the rank options you would provide that option to the whole rank, and not only could they change their own message, they could also change anyone else's within that rank. We had to shut them off when we had a loose screw in the guild that went through our raider rank and put many disparaging comments about our raiders because they were upset. We couldn't nail down who it was because the guild logs don't keep that info, so we removed the ability of anyone being able to do that so it wouldn't happen again.
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07/18/2018 11:49 AMPosted by Mooñeca
07/18/2018 07:27 AMPosted by Xakopane
Having not been in a guild in beta, I did not know about these discrete changes. When I was able to log into the game and stay logged in I looked into this.

I am trying to wrap my brain around why one would lock out everyone but officers from changing their public notes? Why now have a "public note" and an "officer note" when both are effectively inaccessible to the player? I have asked for a rationale behind this change.

I wonder if somehow, with the Community "feature", there was some feeling this had to be done? I'm simply guessing.

Before, in the rank options you would provide that option to the whole rank, and not only could they change their own message, they could also change anyone else's within that rank. We had to shut them off when we had a loose screw in the guild that went through our raider rank and put many disparaging comments about our raiders because they were upset. We couldn't nail down who it was because the guild logs don't keep that info, so we removed the ability of anyone being able to do that so it wouldn't happen again.

The solution to problems like this isn't "take away features" - it is provide more insight. The guild log really should track things like that: A simple line such as the below would solve that issue and let you pin-point the bad-actor.

Mooñeca changed Osiris's Public Note @ <timestamp>.
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we use our officer chat for more then out guild officers, my guild community managers and council members use it to discuss events they plan, we do not want them having ALL that power as well :\
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07/17/2018 01:40 PMPosted by Osiris
<span class="truncated">...</span>I can confirm it looks like this option is gone.

It's crazy. That was useful information. Removing is was not just pointless but makes the game worse.

RIP. This copy and paste job they did between Communities and Guilds, simply slapping a new skin on top of Guild's is making me sick.

Wait wut????

Now you can't remove inactive players cause you can't tell who's been inactive long term????
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If it hasn't been linked, here is an easy fix to the lack of ability to see who was last online:

/run for i=1,GetNumGuildMembers() do local y,m,d=GetGuildRosterLastOnline(i) print((GetGuildRosterInfo(i)),y,m,d) end

Name-Realm Year Month Day

Is how it reads.
Hi. I'm a guild leader too and would very much like my old permission options back please. Just here to +1 the issue. Not much else I can say that hasn't been already.

First master loot, now this....
being allowed to toggle permissions on and off and limit guild withdrawls and guild repairs is essential to running a smooth guild.

There seems to be confusions with those that are not a functioning GM.

you join RedDolphin, you can access guild tab 1 and 2 with a daily withdrawl limit of 1 item and no guild repairs thats about it.

rank 2 you can withdrawl 4 items, you can ginvite users and can see the food/flask raider tabs but you cannot withdrawl from them.

rank 3 hidden officer rank for non raiding friends that can gkick if no one is online

rank 4 alt raider rank can withdrawl from raider tab as well as all previous privledges minor daily gold guild repair

rank 5 main raider can withdrawl more from raider tabs, larger guild repair

rank 6 officer, can see and withdrawl from officer and gm tab and has higher withdrawl privileges can edit motd and all that jazz and can kick users

rank 7 CoGm rank - all access

rank 8 GM

it isnt always about who you trust its about what said group of ppl actually need.
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To add my own comment, as Blizzard has stated that they read every thread to completion, I will try to keep a level head while I state this.

I am disappointed.

In an effort to give players more interactivity between their friends, their guilds, their actual communities, we have jumped back to the Stone Age of communications. In an effort to compete with interactive mediums such as Discord, they have removed so much that makes a community a community.

Not every situation warrants a blanket of interactivity.

Off the top of my head I can think of:
  • Guild Leader
  • Co-Founder
  • Officer
  • Community Officer
  • Class Officer
  • Veteran Member
  • Member
  • Guest
  • Trial
  • Out of Character rank
  • Temporary Silenced
  • A Class Officer, who's sole role inside a guild is to provide incite to those of the same class as them and help them strive to be better at their role, does not deserve nor need the same privileges as an actual Officer. A Guest isn't the same as a Trial, nor the same as an Out of Character rank. A Guild Leader and a Co-Founder should have roughly the same privileges, without being on the same level as another officer.

    This change is terrible. There is no sugar-coating, tip-toeing, no amount of light-weight treading that will let you know that this is a bad change to a feature that keeps guilds being guilds.

    Not every guild is for every person. Not every guild should conform to every person and not every person should conform to every guild.

    People don't need their hands held where this is concerned. People want to be able to form a family online, to interact with, to play with, and if someone disrupts that... They don't need to be there.

    Please revert this change. Please.
    07/18/2018 02:13 PMPosted by Mathrenas
    To add my own comment, as Blizzard has stated that they read every thread to completion, I will try to keep a level head while I state this.

    I am disappointed.

    In an effort to give players more interactivity between their friends, their guilds, their actual communities, we have jumped back to the Stone Age of communications. In an effort to compete with interactive mediums such as Discord, they have removed so much that makes a community a community.

    Not every situation warrants a blanket of interactivity.

    Off the top of my head I can think of:
  • Guild Leader
  • Co-Founder
  • Officer
  • Community Officer
  • Class Officer
  • Veteran Member
  • Member
  • Guest
  • Trial
  • Out of Character rank
  • Temporary Silenced
  • A Class Officer, who's sole role inside a guild is to provide incite to those of the same class as them and help them strive to be better at their role, does not deserve nor need the same privileges as an actual Officer. A Guest isn't the same as a Trial, nor the same as an Out of Character rank. A Guild Leader and a Co-Founder should have roughly the same privileges, without being on the same level as another officer.

    This change is terrible. There is no sugar-coating, tip-toeing, no amount of light-weight treading that will let you know that this is a bad change to a feature that keeps guilds being guilds.

    Not every guild is for every person. Not every guild should conform to every person and not every person should conform to every guild.

    People don't need their hands held where this is concerned. People want to be able to form a family online, to interact with, to play with, and if someone disrupts that... They don't need to be there.

    Please revert this change. Please.

    Yep. It's crazy to think in a game focused on military and war fails to allow different ranks of officers. It's a concept so solidly based in culture that only a Conehead could believe it isn't needed.

    It's only generals and soldiers now. No sergeants, lieutenants, etc... Makes 0 sense.