The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Suggestion: Reduce Anchor Weed Spawn frequency by 80%.

How we'd use it: We'd hog all the danged Anchor Weed until Bliz fixes the guild controls, creating a monopoly on the resource and forcing other people to do our bidding.
Suggestion: Give us an idea of where you are on this issue.

How we'd use it: To know you are actually aware of something other than unsub threads/dreadwake floating/pancakes/azerite gear/pathfinder debates/xp from dungeons/account bans from bug reports/and whatever other flavor of the day issue gets brought up.
Grab these hashtags, take it to Twitter. Every time we hit a new page count here, let them know on Twitter--since they clearly are avoiding the issue, let's keep it in their LOS.

We can keep regurgitating the same suggestions and feedback until our fingers fall off, or we can find other ways for our voices to be heard and not forgotten.

@BlizzardCS @Warcraft @WarcraftDevs Guild controls still broken. Last Blue forum post on the issue 51 days ago. Ion asked for feedback in September Q&A. 78 pages of feedback & counting. ā€¦
#MakeWarcraftGuildAgain #DontCookieCutterMyGuild
So, I don't get mad often. It's not a part of my tauren nature. But when I found out about these guild permissions changes for the first time, I got truly angry. I've been upset about game changes before. I've disagreed with the direction of the story, or a class, or an expansion, but I've never gotten angry.

Until this. For months, I've been sitting on my anger waiting for Blizzard to do something and win my trust back.

They haven't.

As far as I can tell, they haven't even tried.

Some people I've talked to have said, "If you're that mad, just drop your sub." But there's a slight problem with that. To drop my sub, I have to abandon my guild. Which would hurt me (and my guildies) rather more than it would hurt Blizzard. It's not worth it to shortchange myself and the people I care about just to spite Blizzard.

I've been patiently waiting for the right solution to this problem, and I've found one that will work for me.

Ever since the token system came out, I've used it to pay for my sub. This means that Blizzard's actual income is $20/mo from me playing. Since I have no intention of dropping my sub anyway, I've switched to the 6 month plan instead. This way, they only get $12/mo from my sub. And they are throwing in a free submarine mount too, so whatever.

Blizzard, enjoy your paycut. I'm still waiting for guild issues to be addressed. If this continues to go unaddressed, there will come a point where leaving IS worth it to me.
Hmmmmm....any updated news on this? I don't mean to "bump" this but in the same sense, creating a new thread isn't exactly a good idea regarding this either. lol.
Dear Blizzard:

As promised I am still here

As promised I have not forgotten.

In addition to a broken guild, I am still the owner of four active accounts and a paying customer (Yup, real money, not in-game gold)

I am still infuriated over this issue.

It's now many weeks into BfA (Close-ish to two months)

Almost no response from you Blizzard to the many many Guild Leaders who are upset about how you Blizzard ROBBED them of their guild control and how you as a company are subsequently treating them after said robbery.

Still NOT ONE POSITIVE REACTION from any guild leader or player in the nearly two months and nearly 80 pages of posts, about the new guild control you've very rudely thrust upon us.

If any other business in the "real world" ignored my concerns (as well as the concerns of oh so many others) so constantly and so blatantly, I would remove myself as a customer from that business. (As I am sure most people would do in similar circumstances)

Question to Blizzard: "Do you honestly have such low regard, respect, concern, etc...for your customers as to give them absolutely no satisfactory answers (in fact barely an acknowledgement) at all in all this time?

I am not the only one who wants to know.

Like many of us, I've been playing Wow a very long time. Almost since the start. I have not done the math, but I am guessing that I (we) have paid many many thousands of dollars to Blizzard in those many years.

You'd think that might warrant some reply to the first big concern I personally have expressed in all those years.

So much for customer service.

By the way:

Checking in to see if any new information was posted.

Disappointed again.

Will resort to using buzzwords to see if an admin notices the thread. Bill Cosby.

Suggestion: Implement Guild Rep mechanics for actual in-game factions that offer bonus rep gains with said factions after established requirements are met.

How we'd use it: To mitigate the dang rep grinds and give people a reason to stay in guilds.

Under no circumstance should you ignore this thread.

Meaningful communication would be appreciated.

Please, respond.
being ignored is exhausting.
I just want to be able to make Administrators for my guild that aren't officers. For example, giving someone elevation above regular members but below officers (no officer chat) for guild bank management. Or to assist in recruitment... etc. Some access that isn't all lumped into one button....
On top of all the guild management problems, I'm now starting to crash every time I open the new Communities panel to see guild chat. Would be helpful to get someone in here to address ACTUAL problems rather than silly things.
09/26/2018 10:44 AMPosted by Venjin

Under no circumstance should you ignore this thread.

Meaningful communication would be appreciated.

Please, respond.

You just have to come to the conclusion that Blizz doesn't care about our feedback or what we like/dislike/want and to not expect responses from them. It's not their way of doing things. They like to be secretive and tell us how we want to play their game instead of letting us choose how we want to play. They could very simply have left the more advanced guild management options available for those who like that, and have a default dumbed down set of options that might work for your basic guilds. Same with the whole ML/PL thing, they could have left the more advanced options available for the more advanced guilds and left the default to the basic guilds (like Heroic+ allow ML) Normal and below only PL.

It's so simple if they would just listen, or atleast give us their true reasoning behind remove those options. All they give you is basic PR spin on everything, never true feedback. I will never understand why they go that route, they get more hate via silence than if they just came out and truly spoke on why they do the things they do.
09/26/2018 07:57 AMPosted by Takoda

Some people I've talked to have said, "If you're that mad, just drop your sub." But there's a slight problem with that. To drop my sub, I have to abandon my guild. Which would hurt me (and my guildies) rather more than it would hurt Blizzard. It's not worth it to shortchange myself and the people I care about just to spite Blizzard.

Didn't stop me, I transferred my guild to a friend, /gquit, and uninstalled WoW.

Pathfinder was the main reason since I'm sick of waiting forever for flying, but the guild UI sure didn't help.
Restore rank-by-rank customization, the "Is Officer = All Permissions" is not what people want. This is my main gripe with it.
It is like they are going out of their way to demonstrate how little they care.
Bring back granular rank controls.

Utilizing the new interface is unacceptable to many GM's.

Many people have voiced their concerns.

Players are not happy.
Has anyone else's guild roster been extremely slow in updating who is online and/or doesn't update at all? Been like this for me since BFA launch but I just assumed it's my connection.
09/26/2018 12:26 PMPosted by Eitm
Has anyone else's guild roster been extremely slow in updating who is online and/or doesn't update at all? Been like this for me since BFA launch but I just assumed it's my connection.

It's not just you.

Half the time I'm talking to people who aren't even on.
In case peeps don't know you can still type /groster to access the old guild page, i maco it and stick it on my bar kinda where it used to be before. Still no response AT ALL is insulting to all of us! Keep this going...BUMP!
Yo, this is a story all about how our guilds got flipped, turned upside down.
So I'd like to take a minute just sit right back, I'll tell you about guild controls gone whack.

Back. When. Legion was the live xpac o' the day, with my guild is where I spent most of my play.
Chillin' out, maxing, leveling all cool; deciding which raider to take from our pool.
When a couple of devs, they got out of control: started deciding how the guilds should roll.
We tried to fight back and started this thread; but Blizz just chose to ignore us instead.

I pulled, up to this post at page 7 or 8 and I yelled to the devs "Yo Bliz, change this now!"
Looked at the responses and it was then I saw, that the Devs in power don't give a jack about WoW.