The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

09/23/2018 09:10 PMPosted by Fumel
Personally, in most of my guilds it seems people aren't talking in guild chat at all. They're either doing private whisper or using a third party app (such as Discord). I seriously don't think this was an intended result of the changes, but that's what's happening.

I have yet to run into anyone using any of the new features. I created a community, and joined another. I've looked at them once. One time, since.
I have seen zero players using the in-game voice chat--why would they? We've had TeamSpeak, Mumble, Ventrilo--and now Discord to more than adequately fill that role. There's no reason to use any of the in-game communication tools. Zero, zip, nada, nunca, none.

And now, there's no reason to use guilds. Blizzard, if I treated my customers the way you're treating yours, I'd be out of business. You are not too big for this to happen to you.

I have already noticed this thread dying:

I've given my opinions there too:

09/19/2018 01:53 PMPosted by Roguewit
Subs must be in decline already. The AH and GB are now slightly faster than the communications from Blizzard on this issue.

Even rats know when to bail on a sinking ship.
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One day Blizzard is going to come in here with some of that improved communication they have talked about for years.

@BlizzardCS @Warcraft @WarcraftDevs 77 pages of feedback, & counting. No response on this issue: … #MakeWarcraftGuildAgain
This makes me sad. If they're not going to respond to this, will they ever respond to Void Elf Twirl Jumping being removed?
Blizzard, we're still waiting for a response. If you want show that you've changed in improved communication, this is one of the threads to do it. I'm not going away from this one issue and neither are many other Guild Master's and member's are either.

Remember, almost 4 months into this issue without a response.
09/24/2018 07:46 AMPosted by Volley
This makes me sad. If they're not going to respond to this, will they ever respond to Void Elf Twirl Jumping being removed?

I wouldn't be surprised.. in an older Q and A with Ion before bfa was released, they said that the lack of customization options in the current 4 allied races was noted, and that they will add more to them once BFA released.
Just a reminder blizzard, many people still can not see their own toons in the guild roster, cant see their ranks/notes their characters. Not only that but they cant see other guildmates who are on but dont show up. Is this going to be fixed anytime soon? I keep missing people on because they dont show up.
Still going through and finding posts to highlight because Blizzard said they needed more feedback. Here's another nice post about how one guild used to use the permissions and how the change is negatively affecting them. (This is from page 26--I really don't have to read far before I find a great post to bring forward.)
07/25/2018 12:01 AMPosted by Narumata
I'm also going to echo asking to bring the cherry picking of guild permissions back. Sorry for the short novel ahead, but I want to maybe help provide more points if any others missed, or reinforce ones that have already been said.

We had several roles aside from GM such as Officer, Recruiter, Members, and Casuals as the main used ranks.

Only the GM and Officers are able to read "officer" chat as they are the people who are leading the raid, finalizing how we are puling the encounter, and making rotations. It allowed us to let our raiders privately alert all of us of any issues, comments, or concerns instead of worrying about whispering everyone and praying someone catches it (some of our players are notorious for not reading at times). We also take volunteers to rotate out for our bench all go to officer chat so whispers aren't spammed everywhere.

-With the new system installed, non GM/Officer can no longer type in officer chat. When we were looking for volunteers to sit and to see who needed to be in for loot from the bosses we were pulling, we were confused when our members were not able to type in officer chat, and it was super unexpected and a real shame. It also hurts the ability for people to ask questions and not feel shamed that they were unsure or our people with anxiety issues to voice themselves privately to our officer core during a guild activity.

Recruiter rank entails going out and getting new blood for any spots we need. The reason this role was set up, is because our Officer core was simply too busy to dedicate the time needed for this very important raiding guild function. Recruiters set up verbal interviews and go over the applications to see if they are a good fit. They are typically on more often then are officer core and have the permission to invite players. Upon inviting a player we typically make sure whoever invites them sets a note to let us know when they joined the guild and that they are a trial.

-Recruiters can no longer invite our trials, guild alts, or edit notes. Recruiters have no need to be reading officer chat, because it is an extra stress that they did not want to sign up for. With this being a now officer only rank, this has destroyed their ability to send out invites/set notes so they are unable to complete their jobs. Players such as our applicants/member alts can potentially be "punished" to wait for an officer to be online (Waiting for 1 of 3 people to log on vs 1 of 6).

Members/Casuals had free reign to edit their guild notes for fun. A favorite "game" that was done would have to be an quote that a player has said during raid, voice, guild chat, ect. is quickly put in their note for all to see and remember. Sometimes we forget about them until a new quote or moment comes up to change the note and all re-laugh at the notes. This has been going on in my guild for 10 years now (Yes! 10 year anniversary of an end game raiding community! We are doing something right here!). Member/casual alts were also put into the notes so we knew who their mains were.

-Felt like our fun was detected and removed. The thrill of randomly checking your note and seeing something amusing has been stripped of us. Having to wait for an officer to be online now not only to invite, but remember to change the note with main/alt info so we can remember who it is, just annoying.


There was nothing wrong with the original design! Please bring it back!
Now, some of these changes (like setting one's own note) have been reverted since this post was made, but that only makes me wonder why all the changes weren't reverted. I mean, if they could revert one, why not all?

Blizzard what's the frigging reason for this change, and why won't you change it back??????

Yeah, I'm getting just a tad frustrated by the silence.
Anyone had a chance to see if Blizzard has fixed anything in 8.1? Or is this going to be another case of Blizzard ignoring feedback, and deciding they know best how to run our guilds?
09/25/2018 07:51 AMPosted by Holliday
Anyone had a chance to see if Blizzard has fixed anything in 8.1? Or is this going to be another case of Blizzard ignoring feedback, and deciding they know best how to run our guilds?

I have a solid guess as to what will happen in 8.1. Either nothing or (please NO!) more "improvements".

Please pardon the snark. It is just frustrating that a change has lasted this long where NOBODY has come in with an argument in favor of the change. Where else can you find a forum thread like that? Especially one that has gone on for this long.

Blizzard: Your attempt at a replacement for Discord was not successful. Please revert.
I had hopes that the bump on this thread was going to be a blue response. lol
78 pages and no changes. oof
This is a problem, and it seems nobody else can help.

If we can find them, maybe we can hire them, because I think there's only one answer to this issue.

The A-team.
Somebody needs to report Rextroy for posting explicit videos on how Nagas reproduce.

Because those topics are clearly more important than this issue.
For all the little explanations coming out this topic seems like one of the more suitable to actually address now. Especially since most people at at least adapted to it, even if they don't like it.

It would be nice to actually know what they were thinking because it doesn't make any damn sense from over here.
Can we at least get a Green to come in here and tell us everything is fine and that we need to just get used to it?!

We aren't even being shilled at this point, we're just being flat out ignored.
Guilds have needed so much work for so long but these changes just seem ill thought out. Doesnt address all concerns and didnt really listen to feedback by the community.
1. Return rank permissions to how they were pre-prepatch.
2. Allow additional channels to be created based on rank rather than officer/non-officer. We already have the ability to create more guild channels, but it's either a public channel or officer channel. There's no way for us to create say a raider channel to help keep raid-team specific conversations filtered from regular guild discussions if we have a bunch of casual players without making everyone officers, which would then open the regular officer chat to them.
3. Increase the number of guild ranks available. Ten is very restrictive once you start including alt ranks.

It almost feels like the new guild UI was designed to give us more control, but instead it actually took that control away.
Suggestion: Revert the Guild Rank Permission controls.

How I'd use it: To make a bunch of paying customers happy with a change that has ZERO effect on gameplay balance and requires no class tuning. Also, it would prove my company actually listens to feedback.