The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

09/14/2018 02:47 PMPosted by Andalya
I have posted on the reddit AMA. I'm not sure we'll get an answer, but I figured we should ask there as well as here.
If you have a reddit account (it took me 1 minute to make one), please post over there or upvote my post.

Hopefully we get some communication either here or there about this issue.

I upvoted the one I saw. I'll look for yours too.
Almost 2000 posts. Looks like we have another Nerfed dungeon exp thread on our hands. My guess is Blizz is hoping we forget about it and it will be swept under the rug.
Reading the AMA and just shaking my head.

Not because our issues aren't being addressed, but because the issues that are being addressed are just as valid, and given the investment of time in answering and clarifying further on those issues it points to me of a greater problem:

All these issues are symptomatic of a flawed and inadequately tested expansion pack.

I don't want to give up, but man this is disconcerting. mention of the effed up state of guild controls.
Are there really no updates? Are the people that work on the UI too tied up with other things to look into this for a comment?

Please. I just want to know if we’re going to see permissions unbundled and optional persistent chat.
What will it take to get a response? Continuously spamming a thread that’s been going on for 2 months now? Tweeting? In game tickets?

What’s the procedure here?
09/12/2018 06:45 AMPosted by Druunah
Year after year and xpac to xpac we maintain a small but consistent number of dedicated players

I said "dedicated players"

Dedicated to Wow?

Sort of.

Several {paraphrased} quotes from guildies over the years:

"If it wasn't for this guild and the people in it, Ida quite Wow a long time ago"


"It isn't about the game so much as the company we keep while we're here"

I can keep posting similar quotes all day, the point is, is that many of these folks return to the game xpac after xpac not because of (or not only because of) the content, but because of the guild itself ie; the "community" that myself and others have created in the form of our guild.


i CANNOT EXPLAIN, just how accurate this post is. For years I have watched the WoW community complain about the weakening of a community with the introduction of certain features (Ie. Looking For Group, way back in the day). As the game evolves, usually for the better, the community rightfully complains about missing the STRONG community they once had. I never fully agreed with these players, but the new guild permissions has caused me to believe otherwise.

My guild members have told me, on countless occasions, about how the guild I run makes the game exciting for them, and keeps them coming back. Because of the community I maintain. For this reason, I was excited for the new "communities" feature, but if I knew that it would destroy my guild and it's permissions, I would have preferred it never release. I rarely use the community function, but as I slowly watch my guild fall apart because the community feels robbed of their identity, and "powers" I cannot find the passion I held for this game and it's creators in expansions past. I play for the content, but I stay subscribed, and logged in because of my guild. If this doesn't get fixed, I know for a fact, my 70 or so individual and active guildies, will have something to say.

THAT, and they most likely will not be "active" anymore.
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I've been traveling, so going through forum threads is on the bottom of my to-do list. Again, the majority of posts are simply asking for the return of separate permissions. Still, I found these nice suggestions from a Guild Manager on page 22.
07/24/2018 11:50 AMPosted by Moirasha
An increase in guild members allowed.
An increase in the roster availability i.e. more than the current 10 ranks.
A calendar that would integrate with ical or another calendar format to be useful OFF game.
An ability for individual ranks to have individual channels/communities (call them what you want) where they join open getting that rank. This would really help the raid teams not spam guild chat etc.

Given some time I suspect this community would have come up with some very DECENT ideas about how to manage guilds and even communities.

This suggestion was made on July 24. That was 7 1/2 weeks ago. The thread itself was started two months ago--not really a surprise since the problems came with the 8.0 patch.

We've done our part and given tons of feedback. Not all the posts in this thread are simply bumps or complaints with no substance (which is what my daily read-and-quote is intended to show). I ask that you, Blizzard, show us the same courtesy and give us YOUR feedback. Specifically: Why were these changes made? Have you actually looked at the feedback in this thread? What are you going to do about it?

Thank you.
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They don't have enough feedback yet.
It's been a little while since I posted, but I'm still waiting for this to change... after so many requests for changes, ideas, suggestions and so on... I just don't have much else to say. I'm super disappointed, but I am NOT going away. This needs to be fixed.

In fact the entire game needs to be fixed... this is not the blizzard that I've known over the years. Such a shame.
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If we had forced persistent chat in WoW since the beginning I can comfortably say I never would have met the friends that I have now, which would have translated to me not staying subbed or playing nearly as much as I have.

Hell I may not have even played at all beyond those first couple of months.

Turning guild chat into a public chat room that anyone who joins can retroactively see everything that was posted is a terrible change imo. Make it optional. My social experience in the game has been destroyed by this change.
I can’t believe this is STILL going on. NO ONE WANTS THIS CHANGE, Blizzard please take it back!! You don’t have to make something new, it already existed! Just give us guilds back. I want a guild, not a discord chat room :( Totally not fabulous. I know Blizzard can be bad at listening to players but this is getting stupid.
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09/16/2018 10:32 AMPosted by Razazzle
I can’t believe this is STILL going on. NO ONE WANTS THIS CHANGE, Blizzard please take it back!! You don’t have to make something new, it already existed! Just give us guilds back. I want a guild, not a discord chat room :( Totally not fabulous. I know Blizzard can be bad at listening to players but this is getting stupid.

Sadly I think a big part of what motivated them to make these changes was the popularity of discord. Unfortunately, what we have now in game is a neutered version of a single discord channel.
09/14/2018 06:24 PMPosted by Venjin mention of the effed up state of guild controls.

Prolly one of Ion's ideas, make all the controls a one button disaster, they can then redesign the system in a future update (3-4 years)
09/16/2018 10:49 AMPosted by Dathab
09/14/2018 06:24 PMPosted by Venjin mention of the effed up state of guild controls.

Prolly one of Ion's ideas, make all the controls a one button disaster, they can then redesign the system in a future update (3-4 years)

I sincerely hope it doesn't take that long.

At this point if I decide to expand guild activity to be more than just people I am friends with IRL ALL organization is going to be in Discord. It has superior moderation and flexibility. It just sucks because I'd LOVE to have an active in game guild system. But at this point I'm not sure I'll ever see that again.

EDIT: Well, got tired of it. Joined an already established guild. Might want to come back and make my own again someday but not this time around.. Who knows, maybe this next chapter will be the best yet :).
08/06/2018 10:15 AMPosted by Ythisens
Extended the cap once more on this one!

As you can imagine we're aware of this thread but don't have anything to share at this time but just wanted to say thanks for the continued feedback on this one. As soon as we have something to share we will post that for you guys.

Any update now? I know it wasn't covered in the reddit AMA and it'd be nice to get some answers finally tomorrow?
Twitter campaign? What's it gonna take to get some kind of response?

@BlizzardCS, @Blizzard_Ent , 75 pages and counting... How much feedback is enough? 

#Warcraft #IsOfficerIsNoWayToRunAGuild
07/27/2018 04:39 AMPosted by Sven
Nobody was asking for the Communities feature, and while it is certainly a good addition to the game and something nice to have, it shouldn't come at the cost of a system that was already in place and had been working perfectly fine for the last 14 years.

Are communities a good addition after all? My guild certainly doesn't use it and I rarely see anyone in trade chat advertising their community on my High Pop server. It seems like it has mostly been forgotten about to be honest.

I'd also like to state that I agree wholeheartedly that there was no solid reason to change guild permissions to begin with.