The new Guild UI and Permissions...yikes (Part 1)

Someone here posted that us Gm's / Guild Leaders make up a very small part of the Wow "community"

I disagree.

However, even if we are a small part of the Wow community / player base, we make up the lifeblood of said player base.

Previously here, I wrote a list of things Blizzard needs to understand.

Here's a few more things:

I am the GM of my little guild and have been since the position was thrust upon me by the original parting Gm back in late Vanilla.

From that moment I dedicated myself to my guild and it's members. I decided to make it the best little guild on Wow.

Year after year and xpac to xpac we maintain a small but consistent number of dedicated players

I said "dedicated players"

Dedicated to Wow?

Sort of.

Several {paraphrased} quotes from guildies over the years:

"If it wasn't for this guild and the people in it, Ida quite Wow a long time ago"


"It isn't about the game so much as the company we keep while we're here"

I can keep posting similar quotes all day, the point is, is that many of these folks return to the game xpac after xpac not because of (or not only because of) the content, but because of the guild itself ie; the "community" that myself and others have created in the form of our guild.

Many of these folks are not happy with how our guild is now. They've been robbed (by Blizzard) of their "community"

Their workaround?

They are leaving the game.

No players = no subscriptions = no money for you Blizz.

Who's fault is that?


Workaround: FIX THIS MESS!

Please keep chiming in people!

Repeat yourself if necessary! It lets them know you are still mad and you still don't like the new system! Don't let this topic die!

They (Blizz) want us to go away so they can forget this and move on to mess up more things for us or someone else for all of our "greater good"

Take a stand here and don't let this go.

I wont let this go Blizz.

Maybe they will announce a fix to this at blizcon

09/12/2018 03:19 AMPosted by Sorrowind
This thread is gradually losing traction. And then all is lost and forgotten.
How many years have y'all dealt with Blizzard? Look at their track record. I've only been playing since the summer of Pre-Legion and the response to feedback from this Developer that gamers and Blizzard fans proclaim as being great is a absolute joke in comparison to other games. There's literally F2P companies that are producing better PR, QA, Q&A, and consumer experience than a company we pay $60 for the expansion and then a monthly fee to the game. This is abysmal on its self and starting to confirm for me that Blizzard doesn't even listen to a key core of their community: the GMs, Guild Members, and potential guild members / GMs. This, to me, is the defining point that proves Blizzard doesn't listen, or attempt, to communicate or have a open dialog with the player base.

The only thing we have available now is on a limb. The only response available recently, at a community standpoint, is Ythisens saying they're putting something together.

09/11/2018 01:08 PMPosted by Ythisens
09/11/2018 12:34 PMPosted by Warpdrive
Can we get an ETA on someone higher up able to provide a clearer statement of the state of Warfronts right now?

We're discussing it internally to try and hopefully get some answers for you guys on a broad variety of questions I've seen you guys ask. No ETA on it though.

Give us GMs and Guild Members back our control to our beloved guilds. Nobody wants to have less control over their guild. They want more control and more features. The Permissions change must be reverted, as this is not the Guild UI 2.0 anyone wanted. If they had came out and asked us what we wanted to see done, they probably would've had this done right day 1.

This here is where the flames get worse and confirms all the problems against Blizzard and their lack of communication or where they will start repairing a severely singed bridge over time. The ball is in their court now and time will tell what they will respond to or dismiss because "we think we want it but don't".
So, in my daily read-through of this thread, I've mostly been looking for interesting ideas from players that go beyond just fixing the guild management problem Blizzard created.

However, as I began today's reading, this post on page 19 struck me as pointing out the problem clearly and succinctly. I felt it just had to get an extra mention.
07/22/2018 11:28 PMPosted by Hathlo
Guild leadership is not an easy task, especially in large and active guilds. RP Guilds and raid guilds in particular require numerous and many guild events to be posted on the calendar, and this now needs to go though an officer rank. It makes no sense that those rights can't be individually delegated out to member ranks without also making that rank an officer with the ability to censor guild chat logs and boot members from voice chat.

The issue here is that this change has happened to guilds that have been around and structured since the beginning, and it's forcing leadership to make decisions against how their groups have been structured. This is causing divides, because players that aren't trusted with the whole array of what is now "is officer" permission, now get all permissions or no permissions.

The change to guild structure was undocumented, and unannounced. We should be getting empowered to make more choice, not less, and Blizzard should be telling us in advance when major guild structure changes are occurring.
"Guild leadership is not an easy task" ought to be inscribed on a plaque in front of every Blizzard employee tasked with creating anything involved with guilds. Limiting GMs' options does NOT make the task easier.

Yes, not so many folks are posting in this thread. I sincerely hope Blizzard realizes that doesn't mean they're okay with what's been done to guilds. It simply means they've given up on Blizzard fixing this disaster. They've either turned to add-ons, Discord, other workarounds, or given up on WoW altogether. I doubt very much that was the result Blizzard intended with this change.
I will keep bumping till i see a proper response!
2 days ago I gasped along with thousands of others in Jets nation as we watched Sam Darnold throw a Pick-6 on the first effing play of his career.

Later, we reveled in jubilation as the JETS chant roared through Ford Field!
I stood, I jumped, I pumped my fists as a team I have painfully followed for over 20 years finally showed some signs of hope!

Then came the question.

"Hun, wouldn't that be a good fix for this?"

My response? *stunned silence*

I missed the question and what should have been a moment of triumph for me was robbed by the still-broken state of guild controls. Because I was accused of not listening to her!

I must reiterate, Blizzard. You don't live with my wife. I do.

Please revert the GM control changes, then take a serious look at all the suggestions on this thread and work towards implementation.
So. It's almost two months since this thread was started and almost no response at all from Blizz.

I said I would not go away and I won't.

I will continue to post here thereby bumping this topic.

If I can't do that, I'll start over with a new thread.

Attention all Guild Leaders who HATE that control of YOUR guild was stolen from you without even the courtesy of warning you before hand please do not cave in and let this die.

Blizz WANTS you to go away!!

Ion will be on Reddit tomorrow apparently answering questions.

Should ask him if he's seen this thread yet.
I'll be at work tomorrow during the AMA and unable to participate. I am looking forward to some of my fellow leaders asking about how Blizzard intends to help us do a difficult thing that we don't get paid for, yet benefits the game.

We need control of our guilds back. Period.
Continuing my read-through and picking out posts I feel are of note.

This one from page 21 again doesn't offer any new ideas, but it clearly explains how these changes are negatively affecting the poster's guild.
07/24/2018 12:25 AMPosted by Ðirt
I've been watching this and all the other threads about this change, quietly waiting and hoping it would be addressed. Suppose I'll speak up and add my voice in with the rest of you. I'm absolutely livid. I'm fortunate to only have a couple officers in my small guild whom I've known for years and trust not to mess with anything they weren't previously allowed to... but even they agree that this is absurd.

Public notes - I allowed this for everyone in my guild and have my members keep their notes up to date with their main spec and item levels, so we can keep track of who needs extra help gearing. There's no way to do this now, it's unreasonable to expect officers to keep every member's note up to date.
Calendar events - Like most people here have expressed, I'd allowed anyone in my guild to schedule events. We have people who used to schedule mount/xmog/achievement runs, fun events, alt raids, etc. We all have different schedules, expecting officers to schedule every event someone wants to create is just not feasible.
Officer chat - I had a rank between my raiders and my officers that was allowed officer chat, because they were people who had frequent valuable input especially about and during raids. We could discuss strategy and ideas without spamming up the /guild or /raid channels. Can't have that now.
Guild Information - There is just no excuse at all why I should have to choose between having no officers, or giving people the power to mess with this feature that they have no real reason to mess with.
Deleting members' chat in the new guild/community interface - No. Just no, how did anyone think this was a good idea to lump into officer privileges? If this stays, then GM's should have the ability to see what was deleted.

As I said, I'm lucky to have officers I [think] I can trust as we've been in this game and guild together 5+ years now. While I don't foresee myself running into any actual "problems", it's still ridiculous, incredibly limiting, and unacceptable that I'm forced to allow my officers way too much power and hope they don't abuse it, or just not have officers. It's more unacceptable that I cannot give my non-officer members the ability to do things for themselves without an officer or myself to hold their hand.

Please... please revert.

I have to mention the posts I've been dredging up thus far are from before some of the hotfixes were put in, so not all the complaints apply. Still, the big issue of all-in-one permissions continues, and thus the posts are still relevant.

As I work my way through the thread, I'll be reposting more of the great ideas folks have been suggesting to improve overall guild management. There's a part of me that feels I shouldn't feel a need to do this--that Blizzard should have already taken note of these ideas. But since we were told on the Q&A that they need feedback, well... okay. It's been here all along, but I guess it does need to be highlighted.
Alrighty, big day today! Time to ask Ion directly if they are aware of this thread and what if anything is being done to address the issue!
09/14/2018 09:13 AMPosted by Venjin
Alrighty, big day today! Time to ask Ion directly if they are aware of this thread and what if anything is being done to address the issue!

I will be at the AMA and plan to upvote any constructive guild related posts. Looking forward to it! Hopefully, we can get some info.
09/12/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Delirium
I will keep bumping till i see a proper response!

So this still hasn't been fixed?
09/14/2018 11:53 AMPosted by Tsavis
09/12/2018 02:39 PMPosted by Delirium
I will keep bumping till i see a proper response!

So this still hasn't been fixed?

Some issues (like editing public notes) have received a hot fix. But the main problem of lumping so many permissions into a single "Officer" checkbox has not been addressed.
Guild calendar invites have been broken since 8.0 too
This still needs to be fixed
Holy crap, I think I spotted ONE "state of the guild controls" question among the endless rabbit holes there...

I have posted on the reddit AMA. I'm not sure we'll get an answer, but I figured we should ask there as well as here.
If you have a reddit account (it took me 1 minute to make one), please post over there or upvote my post.

Hopefully we get some communication either here or there about this issue.

edit: here is the link to my post there
I'm still looking to see if anyone else posted on there about it so I can upvote